After Miqin got home, she was busy preparing lunch.

Although they didn't talk much when Fuyue was at home before, but now without him at home, Miqin felt a lot more deserted.

She knew before that no matter what, someone in the family would come back.

Now only their mother and son are left.

Thinking of Ayari's attitude towards herself in Hokage House today, she felt even more miserable in her heart.

I lost the love of my husband, and I lost my friends.

"Mom, Uncle Eight Generations is here."

Suddenly, Itachi's shout sounded in the living room.

Upon hearing this, Meiqin turned off the stove, got her mind together, took off her apron and went out.

She greeted with a smile: "Yadao."

Yatsushiro nodded and said, "I'm a little disturbed, Mikoto."

"Is there a problem?"

"It's a family matter, I'm here to discuss it with you."

Meiqin smiled and said: "You can decide everything in the clan, Fuyue trusts you so much, so don't ask me again."

Uchiha Yatsushiro can be regarded as the number two figure in the Uchiha clan, and he has no objection to being temporarily in charge of the family affairs clan. He is also very close to the Fuyue family.

Eight generations said: "You should take a look first."

He said, put a document he brought on the low table in front of him, and handed it to Mikoto.

Miqin looked at it carefully in doubt, halfway through, she hesitated: " it a good thing?"

If the relocation is really carried out as stated in the document, Uchiha will undoubtedly be closer to the power center of Konoha, and this location is also in a prime location, which is very suitable for some clansmen who want to do some business.

Yatsushiro nodded and said: "It's a good thing... It's also some compensation from Hokage-sama to us Uchiha."

Mikoto: "..."

What this compensation means is self-evident.

Yatsushiro said again: "What's more, your family is on the relocation list..."

Meiqin was stunned for a moment, then hurriedly continued to read, and found that the place her family was going to move to was next to Hokage Mansion.

This made her heart skip a beat, how could she not understand what Hokage meant.

Can I refuse... Besides, Lingli's attitude towards her is really so against the wind, what should I do if it causes them to conflict again?


"Ah?" Mikoto suddenly came back to her senses, and looked at Yashiro.

"What's wrong with you?" Yatsushiro asked, and then thought about it: "Do you think it's not appropriate?"

"No... no, I..." Mikoto faltered there, unable to speak a complete sentence.

Knowing that she lost her composure, Meiqin was silent for a moment before saying, "Are you in a hurry about this?"

Yatsushiro smiled and said: "Of course I'm not in a hurry. I came to you just to discuss it with you. You can think about it slowly. If you think it's not enough, I'll go to Hokage-sama to discuss it."

Meiqin nodded lightly: "Okay, I know, I will give you an answer as soon as possible."

After discussing the matter, Yashiro was about to leave, Meiqin politely kept him for dinner, and then sent him away.

"Mom, are we moving?" Itachi asked, who had been listening just now.

"Uh... not sure yet." Miqin could only say.

She was unwilling to move, but she was afraid that she would not be able to disobey Hokage's wishes.

Fu Yue was transferred away from the village by him. If he didn't agree to it at that time, what would he do if he threatened him with Itachi again...

Itachi asked again: "Then where will we move?"

Mikoto hesitated for a while: "It's very close to Hokage-sama."

Itachi was refreshed when he heard the words: "Really?"

Meiqin asked, "You seem very happy."

Itachi said happily: "In this way, I will be able to visit Ning Ci often."

"...Itachi, do you want a younger brother so much?"

Itachi scratched his head: "Of course it's the best if you have some, but Dad is not at home now, so it's okay if Neji can play with me..."

Meiqin just sighed softly, staring at the document on the desktop for a long time without saying a word. # Hokage house.

In the master bedroom, Kushina gradually calmed down after hearing what Lingli said.

Ayari seemed to regard her as a meddler, and also showed a very generous attitude.

This made Jiu Xinna feel very conflicted, but her identity at the moment is indeed acting as a real underground lover, no... the lover is not counted as a lover, at most it is just a tool for him to vent his desire.

If he continues to refuse, then in Lingli's eyes, is he very ignorant of good and bad...

Kushina lowered her head and said slowly: "Yanli... the relationship between me and Zhen is not what you think."

"I think you should think about it again. It's not suitable for me to live in, and... I don't want to live in either."

She felt that she must not compromise in a muddle-headed manner in this regard, and if she really lived in, she would have confirmed her identity.

Lingli looked at Kushina for a while, and said, "It's up to you, you can come to me again if you change your mind."

Kushina walked out of the bedroom and saw Ayano who was busy with housework, and Natsu coaxing the children.

She thought to herself, this Hokage's life is really nourishing now, there are so many beautiful women in the family who are not satisfied, and they still want to go out to steal.

What Jiu Xinnai didn't expect was that not long after she got home, her back foot really came to the door.

He asked straight to the point: "Yanli asked you to live with us, why not?"

Jiu Xinnai was inevitably a little timid when facing the truth, she said: "How can this go, I... I am not someone like you."

Zhen said, "Who do you think I am?"

Jiu Xinnai quickly said: "I don't want to, I don't want to think about anything, I live well alone, please let me go."

She is really afraid of Zhen, this guy has too many tricks, and has made her put down her dignity in front of him countless times and be obedient.

And Makoto holds Minato's life and death in his hands.

Up to now, Kushina no longer knows whether she can save Minato, but she has nothing else to ask for in life except this hope, which is the only belief that has supported her until now.

Zhen said calmly: "Yanli treats you so well, why do you have the heart to obey her wishes?"

Jiuxinna was speechless: "I..."

This was an absurd request, but the other party still said it in such a high-sounding way, how should she answer it.

Call him crazy? Said that their family's thinking has problems.

But Jiu Xinnai could fully foresee what would happen if he dared to say that.

The reality is always so aggressive, so she has no way out, everything about her is in Zhen's hands, and she is also a lover that others cherish very much, but now she is a plaything in Hinata Ma's palm, and she has become the one she loves again Hinata who cannot be touched is really forbidden.

She is not a bird in a cage. A bird in a cage will fly out when the cage is opened.

She is the bird embroidered on the screen, a white bird in the golden clouds on the screen of the melancholy purple script.

As the years passed, the feathers became dark, moldy, and worm-eaten, and died on the screen.

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