Rated Hokage

Chapter 218 Chapter 217

Outside Yuyin Village, a special team ushered in.

"It's Konoha's guest."

When the guard ninja at the gate of Yuyin saw the visitor, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

The man at the head of the team took out a letter and handed it over.

"Hi, I'm Konoha Shangren Baiyun Zaozao, and I'm in charge of leading the zhongnin exams for the lower ninjas of our village."

After reading the letter, Yu Ren said with a smile: "It's hard work for you all to come from afar, please come in quickly, we have prepared a guest house for you."

Baiyun followed dozens of young children in the early morning, most of these people were in their teens, and all of them came from Konoha's Shinobi.

In addition to them, there are several Chunin who accompany the team.

There was a pair of eyes in the crowd looking around curiously.

Sakurada Shinko asked: "Didn't it say that it rains every day in Yuyin Village? Why is it sunny?"

Itachi on the side said, "Maybe it's controlled by ninjutsu."

They came here to participate in the first and second Chunin exams.

The organizers of this joint Chunin exam are Konoha and Yuyin Village.

The overall process is that candidates from various villages are now gathered in Yuyin Village. After the first test, qualified candidates will start the second test, starting from Yuyin to rush to Konoha's ultra-long marathon.

Of course, the content of the exam has not been made public yet, and the candidates don't know about it. Candidates from all over the world are also wondering why the test location is in Yuyin Village.

The Yuren were very enthusiastic about Konoha, and this enthusiasm overwhelmed Bai Yunzao. These people looked at themselves as if they had met their biological parents.

When accepting this task, he also heard from his colleagues before coming that Konoha and Yuyin are in the honeymoon period, and if they go to Yuyin now, they may be warmly received by Yuyin.

What the companions in the village said is true, the guest house where Konoha temporarily lives is much more luxurious than other villages, and the things carefully prepared are also extremely rich. It is really generous for these children to call Yuyin Village directly.

The architectural structure of the entire Yuyin Village is very special, with many floors of street houses, countless tall towers, and huge drainage pipes criss-crossing.

If outsiders like them want to go shopping here, they will definitely get lost.

But fortunately, Yuyin Village was well prepared. A signboard was erected at a distance of 100 meters from each street, which marked where the guests of each village lived, as well as some landmark buildings.

The vendors and stalls on the street are also very lively. Yuyin didn't have so many vendors in the first place, but Yahiko contacted vendors from some small towns outside the village to do business here during this period.

It can be seen that Yuyin Village attaches great importance to this opportunity, and tries its best to show the style of its own village to the outside world.

Even though the last Chunin Exam is a grand event that gathers wealthy businessmen and royal ministers, it is already very good for Yuyin Village to have such an opportunity, and it is all a gift from Konoha.

Konoha and his party arrived early, and they had a good day in Yuyin and enjoyed it for a day.

On the day when the exam started, Urenin came to Konoha's guest house. He was an approachable young man with a ponytail, handsome and elegant, giving people a very comfortable feeling.

He smiled warmly and said, "Everyone from Konoha, my name is Bailong, and I will lead you to the exam location."

Sakurada Shinko in the crowd murmured to her companion in a low voice, "This guy looks pretty good."

Itachi and Douhe are used to it, and Xinzi is often obsessed with handsome guys, especially yearning for Hyuga Homon-sama, always pestering Mr. Kiyomi to see him.

But this guy named Bailong is really outstanding in appearance, and his personality should be that kind of popular type.

But on the way Bailong led them to the examination room, they suddenly encountered a commotion, and saw a group of people chasing a white-haired figure, chasing and shouting.

"Bastard! Stop!"

"Catch this peeping tom!"

"Damn pervert! Stop!"

When the white-haired man passed by Konoha's group, he stopped for a few seconds, glanced away and smiled at them unhurriedly: "Yo, it belongs to Konoha."

As if saying hello, some people recognized who this person was, some looked strange, and some wanted to help catch the pervert, but were stopped by their companions.

The white dragon at the front of the line said helplessly at this time: "Master Jiraiya, Lord Yahiko has ordered you to be quiet these two days."

Ji Lai also sneered: "It's a misunderstanding! A misunderstanding! I'm just collecting materials! They misunderstood me!"

After finishing speaking, he caught a glimpse of the group of people catching up from the corner of his eye, and fled away in a panic.

"I'll go first, see you Bailong, keep it a secret for me."

The Konoha crowd whispered.

"That's Master Ziraiya..."

"Why is Master Jiraiya also in Yuyin Village?"

"Master Jiraiya actually likes to peep."

At this moment, Bailong turned his head and explained to everyone with a smile: "Our leader of Yuyin, Yahiko-sama, is a disciple of Jiraiya-sama."

As soon as this remark came out, many people were surprised, including Itachi and Dou.

Hearing that Yuyin's leader is actually a disciple of his family's Sannin, this made everyone in Konoha feel closer to Yuyin.

"Let's keep going." # While the Chunin exam was going on outside the village, some things happened in the village.

Uchiha's relocation has been completed, Mikoto and Itachi moved next door to Hokage House.

Since becoming a Hokage, he has separated his residence from the Hyuga Clan's land, but it is not far from the Hyuga Clan's land. The Hokage House is a separate and retro courtyard.

Another thing.

In the end, Jiu Xinnai couldn't disobey the truth, chose to compromise, and moved into Zhen's house.

Regarding the sudden appearance of a new woman in the family, apart from Ayari, neither Ayano nor Xia dared to say anything.

It really made Ayano clean up another side sleeper room for Kushina to live in.

When Kushina met Ayari again, she was full of embarrassment.

Lingli's attitude has improved a lot, and she smiled at Kushina: "We will be a family from now on, let's get along well with everyone."


These words sounded especially harsh to Kushina.

She didn't want to be a family with Zhen, she didn't even want to stay with Zhen for even a second longer.

But what she thinks often doesn't come true, and all the things she doesn't think about follow.

Now that we have moved in, we can only take one step at a time in the future and let nature take its course.

She knew Ayano and Natsu, but they were not that close.

Thinking of getting along day and night in the future, I don't know what they will think of me...

What will outsiders think of me when they know about it, an outsider living in Hokage's house.

Jiu Xinnai remembered that many people didn't know about his move.

For example, Lin, I don't know if Lin will think too much.

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