Rated Hokage

219 Chapter 218, The Betrayer

Konoha's guests arrived, Yahiko, the leader of Yuyin Village, and many ninjas from Yuyin Village, including Xiaonan and Nagato.

The third Chunin exam is about to be held, and they are all here to watch the ceremony.

As soon as I arrived at the Konoha Gate, I was attracted by the tall tower on the shadow rock. The tower is more than ten meters high and built on the already high cliff. The huge light cluster exuding brilliant purple light on the top is even more dazzling.

They had never seen such a building when they came here before.

Yahiko asked the Konoha ninja who received them: "When did Guicun build such a unique watchtower?"

"That's the Tower of the Sun, not a sentry tower. Hokage-sama just ordered it to be built not long ago."

"What is the function of the Tower of the Sun?" Yahiko couldn't help asking.

"It can prevent Xiao Xiao." Konoha Ninja said concisely.

Yahiko couldn't help squinting his eyes, the tower looked like an ornament at first glance, and the giant light cluster was also like a huge lamp.

But as ninjas, they can clearly feel the terrifying energy contained in it.

Especially Nagato, who has the eyes of reincarnation, stared at the ball of light without blinking. The purple light lingered in a beautiful white hole, which gave him a strange feeling, that thing seemed to be the same as his eyes of reincarnation. The source is average.

The guard Bailong beside Yahiko was also looking at the tower thoughtfully.

Yahiko sighed: "Konoha's background and technology are really admirable."

"Mr. Yahiko praised you very much."

The streets are crowded with pedestrians, and there are shops and vendors on both sides of the road. Many people from outside the village have come to Konoha today. This kind of bustling and bustling is incomparable to Yuyin Village, and Konoha does not need good publicity. These vendors They handed in the application to Konoha early, hoping to be able to trade in Konoha on the day of the exam.

Yahiko and the others were led into a lounge to rest for a while, and everyone sat on the sofa, while Yahiko stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows and quietly watched the bustling outside.

He suddenly said for no reason: "Such a village is really enviable."

Nagato said: "Our Yuyin Village will also be like this in the future."

Yahiko calmly said: "I mean, this kind of prosperity should be coveted by many people."

Now the major powers are recuperating, but wars are bound to happen in the future.

Yahiko could foresee that no matter how high-sounding the reason for launching the war, in the final analysis, it was all to take such prosperity into his own hands.


Xiao Nan got up and came to his side, saying: "Our dream will definitely come true."

Yahiko chuckled, then looked at Nagato who was sitting there, and said, "Of course, I have always believed in this." # At the Chunin Exam venue, the stands are already full of people.

"Sister Lingli, there is still space here."

Several young and beautiful women were walking through the crowd, attracting the attention of many people around. Some people recognized the family emblems of Hinata and Uchiha, and consciously moved out of the way.

Xia found an empty seat and waved to the people behind.

"There are so many people, why do you have to come here?" Ayano asked helplessly, "Didn't Master Hokage arrange special seats for us?"

Ling Li, who was holding the child, said, "It's only here that you can see the atmosphere. What's the point of those private rooms?"

Then she said to Miqin behind her: "Be careful, don't touch it."

Mikoto was slightly embarrassed by Ayari's concern, but Kushina turned a blind eye to it.

Several women sat down next to each other, the surroundings were still noisy, and the exam had not yet officially started.

"Which game is Itachi coming?"

"Fourth match, the opponent is from Sand Hidden Village."

"Itachi will definitely win, right?"

"I don't know, I hope."

At this time, the crowd in the stands suddenly boiled up, and Ayari looked from a distance, and found two figures walking out from a separate high platform in the distance, one of them was her husband, Fifth Hokage Hinata Ma.

The other person is the Fifth Generation Kazekage Hakura from Sand Hidden Village.

Some small village chiefs also came to this exam, but none of them qualified to be the same seat as the two shadows.

Hyuga Natsu suddenly smiled and said, "Miss Lingli, I heard that Godaime Kazekage is also a very beautiful woman."

Lingli glanced over, and Xia lost her temper in an instant, laughed a few times and stopped talking.

On the high platform where the two shadows were, the heroic Kazekage Hakura smiled and said to Zhen: "Konoha's handwriting is as big as ever."

Zhen replied: "It is also the glory of Guicun."

This Fifth Generation Kazekage was able to ascend to the position of Kazekage only because of her real help at the beginning, and she is also the first female shadow among the Five Great Ninja Villages. The relationship between Sagakushi and Konoha is as close as Konoha and Ugakure.

At this moment, a purple beam of light suddenly shot into the center of the venue, and then more than ten people walked out of the purple beam of light, they were the candidates for this exam.

Ye Cang on the stand showed a strange expression, and said after a while, "Is this... a ninjutsu of time and space?"

Zhen said: "It's just a one-way teleportation technique."

This secret technique is also improved from the technique of the thunder formation, and it is engraved on the Tenseiyan, which can teleport the target to any location that the Tenseikan can radiate.

With the appearance of the examinees, the audience cheered for this novel way of appearance.

At this moment, Zhen got up and took two steps forward, and his voice spread throughout the venue.

"Dear distinguished guests, thank you for coming to Konoha to watch the Chunin selection exam. Next, ten candidates with Chunin qualifications will conduct a formal selection competition. Please enjoy it slowly." # Compared to the hustle and bustle at the exam venue, the village at the moment seemed a lot deserted.

At the foot of the Tower of the Sun, a figure was slowly approaching.

The guard ninja stepped forward to warn: "Hi, visiting is prohibited here, please leave immediately."

He also thought that the other party was a curious person from outside the village, so he wanted to persuade the other party to leave.

However, the moment the man approached, the Konoha ninja suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, and he lost consciousness.

The other guard ninja turned pale with fright, but it was also too late to react, and that person flashed in front of him in a blink of an eye.

Just like that, Bailong came to the entrance under the tower, looked up at the huge ball of light on the top floor, pushed open the door and walked in.

There are many rooms in the tower, Bailong didn't stop all the way, didn't open any of them, just climbed up along the circular staircase.

The higher you go, the more you can feel the purity and terror of the energy above.

At the end of the stairs, Bailong's footsteps stopped abruptly, he turned his head and glanced behind him from the corner of his eye, there were more than one person standing there.

"Excuse me, what's the matter here, Your Excellency?" the man asked.

Bailong's eyes moved slightly: "It turned out to be Kakashi."

Kakashi frowned when he heard this, and the other party seemed to know him, but he had no impression of this person.

Bailong said: "I'm a little interested in this tower, so I came up to have a look."

When he turned around, his face had already changed his appearance.

Kakashi said lightly: "I'm sorry, this is Konoha's secret. Since you are here, you think you are attacking the guards below. Can you walk with me?"

Bai Long smiled lightly and said, "It seems that you are doing well under his hands."

Kakashi stared at the man closely, thoughts racing through his mind.

Have you ever seen him...

Bai Long said again: "By selling out the status you got from your teacher, you can sit at ease."

Kakashi's face instantly turned cold when he heard this.

I can comment now, please count the votes, I was full attendance last month, and will continue to be full attendance this month

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