Rated Hokage

Chapter 220 Chapter 219

"who are you?!"

There was no trace of kindness on Kakashi's body anymore, he stared at the other party with his eyes, and it seemed that he might violently attack at any time.

Bailong said unhurriedly: "Is it important who I am, or can my identity change what you have done?"

Kakashi's eyes sank, his figure suddenly disappeared in place, and he rushed straight towards the white dragon.

At the same time, a purple beam of light directly penetrated the ceiling and enveloped Bailong. For a moment, Bailong felt that his body was restrained by an invisible force and could not move anymore. He could only watch Kakashi rush forward. Press yourself to the ground as close as possible.

Bailong also tried to use his own chakra to resist, but the power of this purple light was far more powerful and terrifying than he thought.

Kakashi, who was restraining him, said: "Since you refuse to speak, let the people from the torture department treat you well!"

However, what he never imagined was that the body of the person he had firmly subdued suddenly changed. The whole body of flesh and blood suddenly writhed, and then the whole person sank into the floor.

Kakashi was startled when he saw this, quickly took out a kunai and nailed the man's palm to the ground, but it was useless, the pierced palm didn't even leave blood, and he could only watch him disappear not see.

He flew down the stairs and came to the next level of the tower, which was empty.

Kakashi's face turned blue and white, but in the end he had no choice but to give up.

In the venue, Nagato, who was sitting in the special auditorium with Yahiko, saw Bailong come back and asked, "Why did you go to the bathroom for so long?"

Bailong showed a look of embarrassment: "I have a little stomachache."

The ninja competition in the venue is still going on. Although it is only ninja, they also fight each other back and forth. The candidates who can make it to this exam are not ordinary people, and their basic skills are very solid. The battle scenes are for ordinary people. It is also a rare scene.

What he said made Yahiko couldn't help laughing, although this white dragon had only come to Yuyin not long ago, he admired him very much, and now he is considered a close friend.

Yahiko had thought about cultivating him well and slowly giving him some important positions, but the other party said that he only wanted to be Nagato-sama's attendant, and he didn't want any power.

This made Yahiko even more appreciative in his heart, so he no longer insisted.

The Zhongnin Exam lasted for more than half a day. During the period, the strength shown by the candidates made the audience very addicted. The final final was a duel between Konoha’s Uchiha Itachi and Yakushidou. There are many Uchiha Itachi Everyone knows that this is a gifted child of the Uchiha family, the son of the Uchiha patriarch, who graduated from the ninja school in just one year.

But except for the people in the orphanage, Yao Shidou was a stranger to almost everyone.

And it was this little-known Genin who won the final victory.

It may be because of the butterfly effect that Uchiha Itachi's life from ninja school to genin has been smooth, and the result is that he did not open Sharingan as early as in the original work, although his strength is outstanding among genin, But there is no Sharingan after all.

And the education received by Yaoshidou is much stricter than that of the students in the ninja school, and the age difference between the two is also quite a bit, and there is a difference in physical fitness.

Jiandou won in the end, the children from the orphanage in the auditorium cheered more happily than anyone else, and Nonayu also showed a gratified smile.

Itachi was not discouraged or sad when he lost to his companion. At the end of the competition, the two also formed a seal of reconciliation.

"It's a pity, I didn't expect Itachi to lose."

Ayari in the audience smacked her lips.

Mikoto said, "The one who beat him is Itachi's teammates."

She didn't mind such a result, and didn't insist on her son winning.

If Fugaku was here, he might not be happy...

As Mikoto thought about it, her eyes suddenly darkened again, and she stretched out her hand to touch her stomach.

Seeing this, Lingli comforted: "Miqin, don't worry too much, Itachi is so many years younger than him after all."

Meiqin just smiled: "I'm fine."

Hokage came forward again to read out the list of qualified personnel, three people from Konoha, three people from Sagakure, and one person from Yuyin Village.

After that, I said some scene words, so far the Chunin exam has come to a successful conclusion.

The audience began to leave in an orderly manner, and they were still talking about the competition just now. This grand event of the joint Chunin exam is rare, and it is a unique product of the peaceful era. Every session is very exciting.

Yahiko and the others were led by Konoha staff to the lounge of the Hokage Building.

Here, he met Fifth Generation Kazekage Hakura.

"I have seen His Highness Fengying, and I have heard the reputation of Zhuo Dun Yecang for a long time. It is a blessing to finally see him today."

On one side is the shadow of Omura, on the other side is the leader of Komura, and Yahiko keeps his posture very low.

Ye Cang also knew that the young man in front of him was the one who rectified Yuyin Village and kicked Sanjiao Yu Hanzo from power, so he didn't underestimate him.

She had also heard the name of Sanshoyu Hanzo since she was a child. This is a legendary figure who single-handedly launched the second ninja world war against the three great powers of wind, earth and fire.

Although he is old and old now, this person must have some ability to replace him.

Ye Cang smiled lightly and said: "Mr. Yahiko, you are being polite. I often heard about Mr. Yahiko's deeds in Shayin."

Under her white Fengying robe, she was dressed in a smart attire. If she took off the obstructive coat, she would be able to reveal a bumpy figure.

A friend of a friend is naturally a friend. Although there is no direct intersection between Sand Yin and Ume Yin, there is nothing wrong with having one more friend in the current ninja world.

There are many old people in the village who have experienced the Second Ninja World War and still hate Yuyin Village, just do some ideological work.

Ye Cang said: "I heard that the rules of the first two rounds of the Chunin Exam were written by Mr. Yahiko?"

Yahiko said: "It's all Hokage-sama who is sympathetic, and is willing to give Ugashi a chance."

Ye Cang gave a half-smile, "Mr. Yahiko's ideas are so wild and unconstrained."

Yahiko felt that the other party seemed to have something to say, not pure praise.

"His Royal Highness Fengying is too famous."

But Ye Cang suddenly asked Zhen: "Your Highness Hokage, in the first literary test, how many people did Konoha pass?"

The True Way of Nature This Fengying wanted to say something, so he said, "Twenty-seven people."

Ye Cang nodded and sighed: "My village is similar. Those incompetent children are not strong enough. After returning to the village, they complained about the unfair rules of the exam, saying that even Konoha's gate was not allowed to enter after thousands of miles away."

Yahiko was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, and then his heart skipped a beat.

Zhen laughed loudly: "Konoha Shayin is a close neighbor and friendly country. If people from your village want to come to Konoha, why do they have to use the Chunin exam as an excuse, and we, Konoha, will treat each other warmly when they come directly."

What is Genin, Genin is the bottom part of the ninja system, but every ninja comes from the stage of Genin, and the current Genin is the cornerstone of the future village.

It was only then that Yahiko came to his senses that he seemed to have attracted the malice of a group of special groups.

He looked at Kazekage and Hokage with slightly complicated expressions, no one could blame him for this, only his own greed for success.

There is still a long distance between myself, a leader who was born in Langren, and those shadows who have received orthodox education since childhood.

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