Rated Hokage

Chapter 221 Chapter 210

The eastern part of the Land of Fire, the former site of the Land of Vortex.

After the country was destroyed, it was merged into the Land of Fire, but the people of the Uzumaki clan had fled in all directions during the original disaster, and the few people here were all moved here later.

Qian Shou Feijian traveled around and came here.

The Uzumaki Clan and the Senshou Clan are distant relatives, and his elder brother's wife Uzumaki Mito is a member of the Uzumaki Clan. Tokaima has been to the Uzumaki Country many times, but now everything here is different.

Because it is close to the ocean, the residents here make a living by fishing, but the land is remote and very backward, and there are no ninjas and armed forces.

Tobima has wandered around here, and there are only some ruins left to prove that someone once lived here.

He finally came to a dilapidated building, which was a shrine dedicated to the Uzumaki clan, and it looked badly destroyed.

When the Uzumaki family existed, there were two important places, one was the Namian hall where the masks were stored, and the other was the shrine for enshrining here.

Namiantang has already been to Feijian, not far from Konoha, it is also dilapidated, but Feijian found that someone has already been there, and the death mask on it has been taken away.

He had studied the forbidden technique of sealing ghouls in the village, and originally planned to release the soul of his disciple Sarutobi Hiruzen from the belly of the god of death, so as to save him from the pain of being unable to reincarnate.

Namiantang's anomaly made Tomama feel something was wrong.

Half of the Uzumaki Clan’s shrine collapsed and half was buried in the soil, and the ground was covered with weeds after a long period of time. The gate circled around here several times, and Jie Yin used an earth escape to change the terrain, turning the whole The shrine resurfaced.

However, there is no need to rush this technique. The moment the dilapidated shrine was unearthed, the ground under the feet of Tobima trembled instantly, and countless ravines were cracked, which continued to collapse.

An underground space was exposed in front of him.

Tomona was a little surprised, he never knew that there was such a secret hidden underground in the Uzumaki Clan Shrine.

After a moment of hesitation, he jumped down from the door.


As soon as he fell into this underground space, a roar full of anger resounded through Feijian's mind instantly. This sound didn't spread through the air, but seemed to ring directly in his mind.

The surrounding walls are covered with complicated and mysterious special lines, which seem to be some strange magic formula, and bursts of light are emitted from time to time, and the chakra flow on it can be felt in the door, indicating that it is in operation.

Feijian took a deep breath, shook his head, and performed the mental defense technique to feel better.

Looking at the dark corridor in front of him due to the light of the surrounding surgery, he hesitated for a moment, threw out a special kunai, and then chose to move on.

All the spells and sealing arrays require Chakra to operate, and they cannot be separated from people, and there is no such thing as a spell that can operate without humans.

He suppressed the doubts in his heart and kept moving forward, and the lines on the ground, walls, and ceiling became more and more bright as he went deeper.

He slowly stretched his nerves, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Finally, this corridor came to an end, and in front of it was a huge underground space, which was illuminated by the light from the magic formula embedded in the wall.

In the center of this space is a cylindrical glass container filled with liquid, and a red-haired boy is floating there.

And outside this and the glass container, there is a humanoid creature with pale skin, but it looks emaciated, as if its own nutrients have been sucked dry.

That's nothing!

The pupils shrank suddenly, and countless thoughts flashed through his mind in an instant.

At this moment, a few figures appeared from nowhere and flew towards him, his face darkened slightly, and he knocked all these figures down to the ground with a sound like lightning.

And these figures who attacked him were all in vain!

Fei Jian didn't kill him, he leaned over and picked up one and asked, "Who is your master?"

Bai Jue didn't respond, but actually began to sink into the ground, and at the same time the other two bodies also began to merge into the ground. He pulled the person in his hand up with all his strength, and as a result tore its entire body apart, and part of it was taken by him. Tightly locked, the other part merged into the ground and disappeared.

Feijian's face changed from cloudy to cloudy, and he searched around in this space, and found a mask. Judging from its style, it should be the death mask that was taken away from Namiantang.

There is also a scroll sealed with unprocessed ghouls on the ground.

Holding the death mask in one hand and the scroll in the other, he looked at the red-haired boy in the container.

After some research, the technique engraved on the wall is also an advanced sealing technique to hide chakra and breath, shield perception and detection.

This place is too remote, if it wasn't for the purpose of sealing up the ghouls, no one would come to this place that doesn't shit.

But even so, it is still so hidden here, is it guarding against someone?

Were those Bai Jue just now protecting this young man? Judging by his hair color, he should belong to the Uzumaki clan...

But Orochimaru's face appeared in Tomona's mind.

Baijue is a creature created by Orochimaru, and this young man may just have cells of the Uzumaki clan just like his own body.

There is only one possibility that Tokaima can think of, that is, someone intends to revive Orochimaru.

The death mask is the key to unraveling the reincarnation of the dirty soil, and this body is provided by Orochimaru.

Who is behind the scenes, or is everything Orochimaru left for himself before his death, and he instructed Bai Jue to do so.

He put away the scroll and the mask, and came to the juvenile's container again. The container was just a petri dish, and the white that was connected to the container was providing nourishment for the young man.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to open the container first.

Immediately engraved the sealing formula on the spot in advance, so that he can immediately arrest the young man after awakening.

With the sound of rumbling water, the container was slowly opened, but at this moment, the roaring sound in my mind that I felt before reappeared, and it was more violent and dense than that time, directly breaking through the gap between the doors. Spiritual defense.

He couldn't do any countermeasures, the unspeakable pain spread from his brain to his whole body, his whole soul trembled, and he lost consciousness in this severe pain.

When Tobima slowly opened his eyes, he found that the red-haired boy in the previous container was staring at him curiously with a naked face.

Toboma stood up instinctively under alertness.

He had never been so embarrassed before, the soul shock just now made him pass out directly.

The red-haired boy said at this moment: "Who are you?"

Fei Jian frowns silently, looking at the innocent and puzzled expression of the other party.

The young man glanced at the red hair on his head, and then at his own.

"Are you my father?"

Between the doors: "..."

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