Rated Hokage

223 Chapter 222

The former site of the country of the vortex.

After leaving Feijian, Bailong came here again.

He walked into the underground space under the shrine, and the spell to conceal the breath on the wall had no effect. He looked at the empty glass container and the white corpse on the ground.

"So it's been hiding here all along." He muttered to himself in a low voice.

"How long can you hide?"

Suddenly, his expression moved slightly, and his figure immediately melted into the ground.

Following his disappearance, several figures appeared in this underground space, and the leader was none other than Hokage's personal guard, Hyuga Homon.

"It's not bad here." Hyuga Homon looked around, and then gave an order to Anbu.

"Search carefully, don't let go of any clues."

The white dragon hiding in the ground could clearly see these people, stared at the Huomen for a long time in the dark, and finally left quietly.

As for Huomen, after searching this underground space for a long time without any results, the spells on the wall no longer work.

Except for the shrine, several Anbu were sent to search the entire old Uzumaki site carefully, asking some residents here if there were any ninjas here and what strange things happened.

But unfortunately, still nothing. # Inside the Hokage House.

Lingli personally brought a bowl of porridge to Mikoto.

"Try it quickly, it's great."

Meiqin took it helplessly, looked at the oily flakes and some rare ingredients floating on the soup, and lowered her head to take a sip.

She had never been served like this when she was pregnant with a weasel.

Itachi was holding Neji in his arms, and Kushina was sitting next to him, just watching Mikoto drink the soup in a daze.

Jiuxinna couldn't help but said: "Is there any more, I want to try it too."

Lingli glanced at it: "No, these ingredients are very precious, and they were sent by some rich merchants."

Kushina pouted helplessly.

Lingli said again: "If you are also pregnant, I will ask Zhen to get some more."

As if he didn't hear it, Kushina turned his head and looked away.

Although this bowl of soup is very nourishing, it probably doesn't taste very good. Seeing Meiqin drink it, she felt a little conflicted.

Itachi said, "Mom is about to finish drinking, so that I can give birth to a healthy younger sister."

Jiu Xinnai couldn't help but said happily: "Didn't you always want a younger brother?"

Itachi said naturally, "I already have a younger brother Ningci, so I want a younger sister this time."

Jiu Xinnai said, "You are really greedy."

As he spoke, he reached out and pinched Itachi's little face.

Itachi resisted a little: "Aunt Kushina, I'm already a Chunin, you can't do this to me anymore!"

Jiu Xinna stretched out two hands to pinch him: "I don't want to, so I will pinch him."

Xiao Ningci in Itachi's arms was amused by this scene, clapping her hands and laughing.

Mikoto drank half of it, but finally stopped and asked Kushina, "Do you want to try it?"

Kushina glanced at Ayari: "Forget it, so as not to make some people unhappy."

Ayari just glared at her when she heard this.

Meiqin finished drinking the nourishing soup with her head up, took a long breath, and said, "It's really a pain."

There was no way to hide the fact of being pregnant, and it was soon known to her son.

And after his son found out, Uchiha also got to know the news one after another. Counting the time when Fuyue left, it is not a problem to claim that the child is Fuyue's. Many people in the clan even came to visit Mikoto at home and gave a lot of gifts. .

The only thing Miqin was worried about was that the child in her womb would be born with blank eyes.

Wouldn't everything be exposed in this way, but she couldn't disobey the true meaning, and after moving to the next door to Hokage House, Ling Li called her to the house and sent someone to wait on her all day long.

At the beginning, Mikoto thought that she was going to break up with her when Ayari showed her face, but now it doesn't look like that.

The two of them acted as if nothing had happened, and they were tacit about everything at the moment.

Meiqin felt that it was very hard for Ayari, who had to endure her husband's wives and concubines.

Not knowing what to do in the future, Miqin can only take one step at a time.

Itachi accompanied Xiao Ningci to make trouble there, Kushina also leaned over, Itachi asked, "Aunt Kushina, when will you get married and have a baby?"

Kushina directly reached out and slapped Itachi on the head: "What are you kids doing so much?"

Itachi said, "Aren't you good friends with my mother and Aunt Lingli? Now you are the only one who is not married and has no children."

Jiu Xinnai glared at him and said, "Midget your own business, be careful I'll beat you up."

Itachi was not afraid of her, he knew she was scaring him, this aunt always coaxed him like a three-year-old child, he was already a ninja.


Kushina, who was lying on the bed and about to fall asleep, suddenly heard the sound of the door opening, and she didn't have to guess who walked into her room without knocking at this time.

She lay motionless on the bed, the quilt was suddenly lifted, and a body got inside.

"Go inside," the man said.


Jiuxinna moved inside without saying a word, and then there was another rustling sound.

"Where's Aya?" she asked.


"You're not leaving tonight?"


"Why don't you go to Ayano's place?"

"She's inconvenient."

"Heh..." Jiuxinna let out a chuckle suddenly.

"What are you laughing at?"

"Miss Ayano always wanted a child, you are useless."

"There's so much nonsense, it's too late, isn't it, okay!"

The sound made by the two was very small, at most it was like someone sighing softly while watching the distant April night in front of an open window.

Kushina felt that she had gone to that half-familiar, half-unfamiliar world again, where the air itself did not have any familiar air elements, where, in this irrational temptation, she had no choice but to continue , continue to march in the lost way.

The room was so quiet that there was only the sound of the hands of the clock on the wall moving. Kushina hugged the pillow tightly in her arms and rested it on her real arm.

The moonlight came in through the window, the quilt half covered her body, her gorgeous red hair was scattered randomly, her breathing was even and steady, but her eyes were open in the dark night.

She suddenly asked, "What's the date today?"

"Sixteen." The real urn in the closed eyes responded.

"Number sixteen..."

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing..." Kushina said, "I just thought... Miqin has been here for four months."




Jiu Xinnai always likes to stay in bed, and she only dawdles when someone calls her over.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Ning Ci standing on her bed at some point, staring at her with big white eyes.

Jiu Xinna shrank subconsciously, and asked in a muffled voice, "What time is it?"

Hugging Ning Ci, she said, "Nine thirty."

"Is there no breakfast yet?"

"My sister will keep it for you."

"Thank you Ayano-san for helping me."

Her long red hair covered her entire face and spread out on the bed like a pool of blood.

Ling Li said: "Get up quickly, or Xia Xia will lift your quilt."

She was about to leave the room with Neji in her arms, looked at the used tissues in the trash, and suddenly asked the beautiful woman on the bed: "Today is the 17th, haven't you come yet?"

After a moment of silence, Kushina responded: "It's normal to be two days late."

Fu said again: "You are very caring..."

Lingli said: "Only that guy really doesn't care."

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