Rated Hokage

224 Chapter 223, Kushina is Pregnant

In the bathroom, Kushina stared at the two bars on the pregnancy test stick in her hand in a daze.

She laughed last night that it was really useless.

Suddenly someone knocked on the door outside, it was Xia's voice.

"Miss Jiushina, are you alright?"

"I'll be right away." Jiu Xinnai hurriedly responded, she didn't dare to throw things around, and stuffed them into her pockets together with the packing box.

Walking out of the bathroom, Hinata Xia saw her staying there for so long and asked with concern: "Are you feeling a little sick, do you want me to get you some medicine?"

Jiu Xinnai laughed dryly: "No...no need."

It was afternoon outside, Xiao Ningci fell asleep, and several women in the family were arranging flowers in the living room.

"I'm going out." Kushina walked out directly.

"Where are you going?" Ayari asked.

"Go out and walk around."

Looking at the back of Kushina leaving, Mikoto trimmed the flowers and said, "She's a bit strange."

Lingli returned her attention to her work and said, "She's quite weird."

Ayano beside him couldn't help but said, "I've made progress again, Ayari."

Lingli stretched out her hand to fiddle with the delicate flowers in the vase, and smiled lightly: "It's okay."

Ayano also smiled and said: "I remember you were not interested in these at all before, and you always skipped class in flower arrangement class when you were young."

Ayari just said: "Everyone will change."

After Kushina left Hokage House, he wandered aimlessly on the street for a while, and threw the pregnancy test stick in his pocket into a public trash can.

Ended up going to Lynn.

"Sister Jiushina?" Lin was slightly surprised to see Jiushina come to her on her own initiative.

Since Kushina moved into the Hokage Mansion, Lin never took the initiative to find her again, and the reason was naturally that Lin didn't want to see people she didn't want to see.

She was still shocked when Kushina told her that she was going to move into Hokage Mansion, and Kushina's reason was that her friend Mrs. Hokage wanted to live in with a companion.

Kushina agreed, what else could Lin say, she wanted to remind Kushina to be careful about that big pervert, Hokage, and felt that it was inappropriate for her to say that.

Miss Kushina has only Minato-sensei in her heart, even though Minato-sensei is in jail now...how could she commit herself to Hokage?

The two sat on the sofa, Jiu Xinnai looked a little worried, and Lin poured her a glass of water.

"Miss Jiushina?"

Jiu Xinna let out a long breath, lowered her head and said, "Lin... I seem to be in big trouble."

Lin couldn't help being surprised when she heard the words, and quickly asked, "What's the matter, did Hokage do something to you?"


Kushina didn't know what to say, but this incident was indeed caused by Hokage, after all, she couldn't get pregnant by herself.

She hesitated: "Why do you think so?"

Lin faltered there: "I think... Sister Jiuxinna is so beautiful, it is inevitable that men will covet her."

"Hokage-sama...he has such a beautiful maid at home, and such a beautiful secretary at work, he looks like a womanizer."

Kushina didn't think too much about it, what Lin said was true, and of course she knew whether Hokage was sensual or not.

That guy is not only lustful, but also has many tricks...

Jiu Xinnai said in a low voice: "Lin, I want to ask you to do me a favor."

Lin immediately said: "Sister Jiuxinna, just tell me what you want me to do, and I will do my best to do what I can."


A blush appeared on Jiu Xinna's face, as if a little ashamed and embarrassed.

She sat there with her teacup in her hands and bowed her head in silence for a while.

"I want you to... abort me."

Lin then laughed and said, "I thought what was going on, isn't it just abortion, abortion... abortion..."

As she spoke, she realized something was wrong, and immediately widened her eyes.

"Sister Jiuxinna, you...you...you are pregnant?!"

Kushina lowered her head and said nothing.

Lin asked in a daze, "Is it Mr. Minato's?"

"...Don't ask about this."

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai raised her head, looked at Lin and said, "Lin, you must keep this matter a secret for me! Only you know about my pregnancy."

With her reaction like this, and her behavior of evading answers when faced with her own questions, how could Lin still not be able to guess who the child belonged to.

For a moment, she felt that this world was too absurd. Sister Jiuxinna, her teacher's girlfriend, whom she had always respected and yearned for, now unexpectedly, unexpectedly...

At this time, Jiu Xinnai begged: "Lin, please help me, I don't want to have this child, and I don't want anyone to know the existence of this child."

Lin looked at her and suddenly asked, "Miss Kushina... you live with Hokage now, what is your relationship with Hokage?"

Jiu Xinnai opened his mouth, eyes dodged and said, "I'm just... just a guest of their house, and I'm just staying there temporarily."

Lin bit her lip and laughed inexplicably, "Sister Jiuxinna, you really don't know how to lie."

At this moment, Jiu Xinnai felt very uncomfortable. Her scandal was known by her younger generation, which made her feel very embarrassed, but the only thing she can rely on now is the other party.


Lin said, "Have you ever thought about what will happen if Hokage finds out about this?"

Kushina said: "It's fine if we don't let her know, Lin, aren't you a medical ninja, as long as you help me secretly remove the child, everything will be fine without anyone noticing it, and afterwards it will be nothing happened before."

But Lin asked back: "Then what should you do if you become pregnant again? Do you continue to have an abortion?"

"I..." Jiuxinna was speechless, and in a panic, he could only say: "I'll talk about the future, let's do this time first, shall we?"

Lin took a deep breath: "Abortion is not a trivial matter. The drugs and instruments used need to be approved by the hospital. At that time, as long as someone is interested in doing a little research, they will definitely be able to find out what's going on. Muye Village is so big. Hokage would personally intervene in such things as quarrels, do you think things like abortions won’t reach his ears?”

Jiu Xinnai sat there in a daze after hearing the words, muttering to himself: "Then what should I do... I don't want to do this, I don't want to give him a child..."

As she spoke, she suddenly broke down and cried bitterly, covering her face.

Seeing her crying bitterly, Lin felt uncomfortable, so she sat down and patted her on the back and asked, "Sister Jiuxinna... Did he force you?"

However, Kushina lost control of her emotions and was out of control, revealing all the words hidden in her heart.

"No, no, I took the initiative to seduce him."

"I'm a bitch, I'm sorry Minato!"

"If Minato knows that I am pregnant with another man's child, what will he think of me, woo woo woo..."

"But I don't want to do that, I just want to save Minato."

"I don't want this..."

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