Rated Hokage

225 Chapter 224, Punishment for Stealing

Konoha's policy does not support abortion.

Every time this kind of thing that hinders the prosperity of the village population occurs, the leaders of Muye Hospital will go to talk to each other and persuade them.

Lin is also aware of this kind of thing, if she goes to get the medicine rashly, it will definitely attract the attention of the hospital, unless she can get the abortion medicine without anyone noticing.

Lin decided to do it at night.

She felt that she also had some problems, and she actually helped Jiu Xinna to do this kind of thing. If she really found out, she didn't know what the result would be.

late at night.

The lights in the hospital were all turned off except for the inpatient department and the outpatient room. Lin quietly came to the door of the medicine storehouse, and began to sneak in by picking the lock while no one was around.

This is also the basic skill of a ninja. Lin didn't take too long, and quickly found the medicine she wanted in the medicine storehouse. When she was about to go out, she suddenly found two Anbu standing outside the medicine storehouse door.

Lin was taken aback, and the medicine in her arms fell to the ground, her voice was very clear in this deserted and quiet hospital.


One of them, Anbu, said, "Nohara Rin, you are guilty of burglary now, come with us."

Lin felt that her mind went blank. Is she going to jail for stealing?

She was brought to the interrogation room of the Torture Department by Anbu in such a muddle-headed manner. After knowing where this place was, Lin felt like crying even more.

But after that, no one came to interrogate her, and she sat in the interrogation room anxiously for a long time, then opened the door and walked in a familiar figure.

"Kakashi!" Lin seemed to be delighted as if she had seen a savior.

Kakashi waved his hand to signal the others to step back, and sat helplessly across from Lin: "Are you crazy? Why are you stealing from the hospital?"

"Fortunately, the person on duty today knows that you are my friend, otherwise you will be in trouble."

"I..." Lin hesitated immediately, not knowing how to explain.

"I did this for a reason... and I didn't expect Anbe to be there."

Kakashi said: "The tower of the sun can monitor the images of many places in the village. After your theft is discovered, Anbu will naturally find you immediately."


Kakashi asked again, "Why did you do that?"

Lin pursed her lips and said, "The reason... I can't tell you for now."

Kakashi folded his hands on his chest, looked at Lin and said, "You also work in the hospital, right. If you need medicine, it shouldn't be troublesome to apply for it. Are the medicines you stole special?"

Lin quickly said, "It's nothing special, it's just some common medicines for colds and fevers."

Kakashi didn't believe it, he glanced sideways and said, "I've already taken it to the hospital to ask the doctor, and I'll know what the medicine is soon."

Lin was even more flustered when she heard the words: "Kakashi, can't you help me? Those people listen to you, right? If you let me go, just pretend nothing happened, okay?"

Kakashi sighed: "Then you have to tell me what's going on first. If it endangers the village, do you want me to help you?"

Lin said: "It's not so exaggerated."

Kakashi said: "You are already endangering the interests of the village by stealing from the hospital."

Then he asked again: "Speaking of which, what are those medicines for, who are they for, and what is their purpose?"

Lin turned her head away: "You are interrogating me."

Kakashi said calmly: "Otherwise?"

"You are so impersonal!"

"You can't blame me for not saying anything."

Lin was anxious and flustered at the moment, she slowed down and said, "Kakashi, I really have something very important, please help me this time, please."

Kakashi didn't like this, he said calmly: "You have refused to tell me what happened so far, because you are afraid that I will stop you if I find out."

Lin was speechless: "I..."

Kakashi continued: "Since you are sure that I will stop you, then this matter will definitely not be a good thing. I am helping you by stopping you now."

Lin had no choice but to continue begging Kakashi: "Kakashi, I really can't tell you about this, but it's not a bad thing, it's just... just because it's about a girl's face. I can't say it."

This sentence made Kakashi a little shaken, and he sat there thinking about it.

Lin continued to persuade: "Kakashi, what can I do wrong? You also know me, so just help me this time."

Just when Kakashi was about to speak, there was a sudden knock on the door of the interrogation room.

A ninja walked in and whispered something into Kakashi's ear.

Kakashi was silent for a while, and said, "Okay, I understand."

He turned to Lin and said, "Those medicines are for abortion, right?"


"Isn't it you?" Kakashi asked.

Lin immediately reprimanded extremely angrily: "Of course not! What are you thinking!"

Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, Hokage-sama is here, please tell Hokage-sama what you said just now."

Lin was stunned for a moment: "Hokage...he...Kakashi, hello..."

Kakashi got up and walked out. Lin saw him bowing to someone at the door. Although Kakashi was young, he had a high status in the village, and he knew who the person he respected so much was without thinking.

The familiar figure walked in, and the door of the interrogation room was closed again.

Lin was so flustered that she was afraid to look at him.

A few bottles of medicine were placed on the table in front of Lin, and the person on the opposite side got straight to the point.

"Is Kushina pregnant?"

Lin forcefully smiled calmly: "Why would you suspect Sister Jiuxinna, it's not her, I'm for the dog next door to my house."

Zhen frowned and said, "Does it have to be the same for dogs as for humans, and why are you going to the hospital to steal it?"

Lin gritted her teeth and said, "I stole it. What should I do? Lock me up?"

Zhen said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you don't admit it, I'll take Kushina to the hospital for a checkup tomorrow."


Lin had no choice but to sit there and mutter in a low voice: "Scum."

"Do you know who that child is?"

"Know what, don't know so what."

With a sullen expression on his face, he said, "Are you planning to kill him?"

Lin said guiltily, "He hasn't formed yet, so how could it be considered murder."

I was too lazy to argue with her, so I got up and walked out of the interrogation room.

The ninja waiting outside the door asked Lin what to do.

"Closed for a week first."

Lin couldn't help but thumped when she heard Zhen's words, and then saw that Zhen seemed to have said something to Kakashi.

Kakashi walked in with a complicated expression.

Lin asked, "Is Hokage going to lock me up?"

Kakashi was silent for a moment, and said, "Hokage-sama wants me to lock you up...in the cell opposite Minato-sensei, and also asks me to tell Minato-sensei why you were locked in...."

Lin was stunned immediately after hearing the words.

"Master Hokage said that this is your punishment."

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