Rated Hokage

Chapter 226 Chapter 225

into the night.

The door of Jiuxinna's room was suddenly pushed open, and there was a figure standing at the door.

"Get dressed and come out."

The real voice also came in.

Jiu Xinna got up and dressed apprehensively in her heart, she thought that it really shouldn't be like this for no reason, maybe he knew something.

The rest of the family had already fallen asleep, so Lingli came out wearing a pajamas and asked what was wrong.

Really let her go to rest and say that she has some things to deal with.

Ayari glanced at Kushina who had put on her clothes and walked out, turned around and went back to the room without saying a word.

"follow me."

Zhen led Kushina out of Hokage Mansion.

There were few pedestrians on the street, but the street lights were still on. Hokage and a beautiful red-haired woman were walking side by side on the street.

When Kushina didn't know where he was going, and was hesitating in his heart whether to take the initiative to ask, he really spoke.


Kushina stopped subconsciously.

"Naruto, what do you think of this name?"

Zhen turned his head to look at her, and at the same time showed a smile: "Hinata Naruto, what do you think?"

To Kushina, this smile looked like a devil's smile. Panic gradually emerged from Kushina's eyes. Only then did she realize that the place that really brought her was Konoha Prison!

Zhen looked at Kushina with a smile and said, "Didn't you always want to see him, I will fulfill your wish today, and let him come and be happy for Naruto's arrival."

"No!" Kushina's eyes widened and she took a step back, trying to escape.

"Don't...don't do this!"

Zhen smiled and asked: "What's the matter, aren't you willing to share this good news with the person you love the most?"

"No, don't!" Kushina shook her head while stepping back, her eyes full of horror.

Really walking in front of her slowly, said at the same time: "What are you afraid of, he loves you so much, he will definitely be happy for you."

Jiu Xinnai knelt down in front of her in panic, grabbed the hem of his clothes with both hands and begged: "Really, don't do this, let's go back, I was wrong, I know I was wrong!"

Unmoved, I asked, "Where did you go wrong?"

Jiu Xinnai immediately told the whole story: "I shouldn't want to kill the child, I shouldn't encourage Lin to do that kind of thing for me, I was wrong, I knew I was wrong, I will give birth to the child, really, Please, let's go back..."

She was terrified, knelt there and begged Zhen.

Konoha Prison was originally located in a remote area, and there was no one else here except them.

No one except Zhen could appreciate such a beautiful red-haired woman kneeling on the ground humbly and begging for mercy.

Zhen raised her chin with one hand, let her look up at him, patted her cheek and said: "Why, the one in your stomach is not your child anymore, is it? Don't call him like a commodity, you are too Isn't the child's mother?"

Jiu Xinnai nodded quickly and said: "Yes, I am his mother, I will take good care of this child, and I will love him well in the future!"

I couldn't help but squatted down with a smile, looked at her pitiful face with tears in her eyes, and said, "It seems that you regard your image in Minato's heart as more important than your own child."

Tears couldn't stop flowing from Jiuxinna's eyes, she still forced a smile and said: "Really, I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities as a mother, let's go back, it's late, let me wait for you to rest okay?"

Zhen Leng sneered: "But you, a mother, wanted to kill her own child not long ago."

"I was wrong, I really knew I was wrong, and I will never dare again." Kushina could only keep talking, the thing she was most afraid of at the moment was to let Minato know all this .

It was also for this reason that she asked Lin to abort her earlier.

Shin asked, "Is that why you resist going to see Minato?"

Jiu Xinnai could only nod her head, and she said, "Really, as long as I don't go in, I can do whatever you want me to do."

But Zhen said with a smile: "Why do you have to think so, Minato loves you so much, no matter what you become, I think he can accept you, don't underestimate his love for you."

Kushina looked at him blankly, and then felt that her body was suddenly out of control, and slowly floated up.

Then she found that he was walking in the direction of Konoha Prison again, and she could only float behind him.

The inside of Konoha Prison is very deserted. Since the last riot, all the criminals inside have been purged.

Among those locked up now, apart from some people who caused disturbances in the village and were arrested and locked up for a few days, there are also some spies captured today, and some traitors who were captured back.

Zhen walked all the way to the inside of the prison, ignoring Kushina's begging behind him.

After seeing the truth, the detainees in the next cell begged for mercy loudly, calling for Hokage-sama to forgive them.

I really didn't pay attention to it all, and walked all the way to the deepest part of the prison, and further inside was the special room where the Fourth Raikage was previously imprisoned.

Minato wasn't locked there, after all, he wasn't someone like Raikage whose physical body was too strong.

He was imprisoned in a cell other than that special room, and the conditions were not too bad. In addition to three meals a day, he was also provided with a change of clothes, books, and some gadgets to relieve boredom.

Lin was locked opposite him.

The two came to a location not far from the cell, and really stopped.

They could see the two inside, but the two couldn't see them.

When Jiuxinna saw the person he was thinking about day and night, he lost his mind for an instant.

He seemed to be haggard a lot, and his eyes didn't have the same brilliance as before...

Zhen asked from the side: "Why, are you happy to see the person you love?"

Kushina was silent there.

Zhen stretched out his hand to gently stroke her belly, and said: "Now, I want you to go in and tell him that you are pregnant, and it is my child, and the child's name is Naruto."

Jiu Xinnai shook her head in horror, she didn't dare to speak loudly here, for fear that the person inside would hear it, and could only look at Zhen with begging eyes.

He continued with a smile on his face, "You have to tell him yourself that you are living happily now, and hope he can bless you and our children."

"No..." Kushina said with some breakdown.

"Don't be like this, please, really, please, don't be like this."

Zhen pinched her chin and smiled: "Tell me, if our child knows that your mother doesn't want him, and wants to kill him with his own hands, how sad it will be."

"I'm just asking for some justice for my son. I advise you to be obedient, otherwise you can see your favorite person be beheaded at the execution tomorrow."

As he said that, he touched Jiu Xinnai's cheek lovingly again, and said softly: "Be obedient, be good, go."

Ask for a ticket

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