Rated Hokage

Chapter 227 226, Kushina: Bless us, Minato

Inside Konoha Prison. Quiet and quiet, dimly lit.

A gorgeous red-haired figure suddenly appeared here.

The man in the cell was attracted by the sound of footsteps, his eyes widened instantly when he turned his head to look, and then ran to the iron fence in a panic, clapping his hands on the iron fence and making a loud noise.


Lin, who was in the opposite cell, did not expect that Kushina would appear here at this time.

Then she suddenly caught a glimpse of someone sitting on her bed at the back at some point, and looked intently at him, wasn't it Hokage-sama who locked her in.

"You..." Lin looked at Zhen who was sitting there, and then at Kushina and Minato, her expression extremely surprised.

It was really just a gesture of "shh" at the front with one hand, and said: "Don't talk, please watch the show."

Then he patted the bed beside him.

Lin couldn't help but swallowed her saliva, walked to him and sat down beside him.

She found that the two people outside the cell didn't seem to notice them.

"Kushina, Kushina!" Minato's voice suppressed the trembling voice, calling the other party's name.

Kushina stopped outside the cell, she didn't jump on the railing as excitedly as Minato.

Seeing Kushina's calm appearance, Minato suddenly thought of something, looked at her and said in a daze: "Kushina, you..."

There was a smile on Kushina's face, although he was a little stiff: "Minato, I... am pregnant."


Minato stood in the cell, and after hearing this, his pupils dilated little by little, and the little spirit that had just emerged was slowly dissipating.

Lin in the cell on the other side suddenly understood something, and she turned her head to look at Zhen Zhen with horror in her eyes.

Really asked with a normal look: "What's wrong?"

Lin's throat rolled: "You are a devil!"

Zhen sneered and said, "I just let Jiu Xinna say a fact and become a demon, then who are you who want to kill my son with your own hands?"

He glanced at Lin aside, his eyes full of sarcasm.



And Kushina continued to say with a smile on his face: "The one in my belly is Lord Hokage's child. I named him Naruto."

There was deathly silence in the prison.

Through the iron fence, Minato stared at Kushina in a daze.

Unbelievable, at a loss, at a loss...

He has been locked up in this dark place for so long, and the belief that supports him to live is that Kushina is still waiting for him outside, waiting for him to marry her, waiting for him to go out one day in the future, the two Start again, get married and have children...

Impossible, Kushina cannot be such a person!

He was gripping the gap between the iron bars with both hands, and his veins were popping out.

Minato squeezed out a smile and said, "Kushina, were you forced?"

Why is he laughing? If he really felt that Jiu Xinna was forced at this moment, he should be worried about her situation.

Why are you laughing... are you deceiving yourself?

"Jiushina! Did he force you?!"

He suddenly raised his voice, which was exceptionally clear in this silent prison.

Minato's eyes were about to split, and he stared at Kushina, his eyes seemed to be two sharp knives, piercing into Kushina's heart.

Zhenzhen's mouth moved silently, and the sound only reached Kushina's ears.

Lin noticed that Jiu Xinnai's back seemed to tremble.

"Minato..." Kushina's voice was trembling uncontrollably, and the smile on her face was also extremely stiff.

"It's actually your fault... We've been together for so long, and you've been refusing to touch me. It's only after being with Hokage-sama that I realize the joy of being a woman..."

"That taste is really...really happy and beautiful..."

Minato staggered back two steps, his face turned red and white, and the corners of his mouth were overflowing with blood.

For a moment it seemed to him that the whole world was dead,

Lin only felt that her heart was trembling so badly that she covered her mouth and couldn't speak. She couldn't imagine how much impact and harm this scene in front of her would have on Kushina and Minato.

She turned to look at Zhen, there was no anger but fear in her eyes, at this moment she really understood how vicious the man in front of her was, who was about her own age.

Zhen smiled lightly at her: "Why are you looking at me like that? Didn't you cause this result yourself?"

"Namikaze Minato is a repeat offender in the village. Not only did I not implicate you because of his crime, but I also gave you preferential treatment in many places. Am I not good enough for you?"

"Lin, apart from you, no one in the village dares to scold me in my face."

"Just because I treat you well doesn't mean that you can be arrogant and domineering. People have to learn to be grateful. Otherwise, there will always be a price to pay."

Zhenzhen's mouth moved silently again, and the sound entered Kushina's ears.

"Minato, I'm doing so well now, shouldn't you be happy for me?"

"I also hope you can bless me and my child..."

What Kushina said was heard by Lin without saying a word. She felt that she was going crazy as an outsider, and she didn't know what Minato-sensei was thinking now.


Mizumon, who was sitting slumped on the ground, suddenly let out a burst of laughter, which was low and frantic.

He slammed onto the iron railing, his face was extremely ferocious for a moment, and then gradually became calm again.

"Bless you...bless you..."

He stared at the other party with barren eyes.

"Jiushina, you must live well."

"You...you must live well!"

Seeing her beloved being tortured to such an extent, Jiu Xinnai was in pain, but she could only bear it at the moment, and she still remembered clearly that she really threatened her before she came in.

How much Minato should hate himself now...

"Don't worry, we will live a good life in the future."

The real voice suddenly sounded at this time.

Several people heard the sound and looked, and found that they really didn't know when they were standing on the corridor not far away, leaning on the iron railing of a cell and watching them.

"Have you finished talking, honey?" he asked Kushina.

Kushina nodded stiffly.

Zhen waved to her, and Minato saw the woman he had loved so much walking towards her immediately, and was embraced by her.

Zhen kissed Jiu Xinnai lightly, and said with concern: "Prisons are less likely to come here in the future, the air is not good for pregnant women."

Kushina turned her back to Minato, and could only respond mechanically: "I see...my dear."

"Let's go back."

Zhen put his arms around Kushina's waist and turned around to leave, he put his hand on Kushina's buttocks and squeezed it intentionally or unintentionally.

This scene happened to fall in Minato's eyes.

"In the future, don't do such bad things to children. I'll be worried."

"I'm looking forward to it, our child..."

"Naruto will definitely be like me in the future."

The two seemed to be chatting when they walked away, but it might be a real voice.

The voice disappeared at the end of the corridor along with their figures, never to be seen again.

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