Rated Hokage

228 Chapter 227, Naruto and Sasuke


Zhen didn't go to Hokage Studio today, but sat on the sofa at home reading magazines and drinking tea made by Ayano.

"Is Kushina uncomfortable? I haven't woken up yet." Ayari said looking at Kushina's closed door.

No matter how lazy Kushina was in the past, she would never be so lazy that this time passed, and Ayari still wondered if she really tormented her last night.

Zhen just put down the teacup calmly: "She's pregnant."

As soon as these words came out, the women in the room stopped in place instantly.

Then he said again: "Mine."

Lingli was the first to react, rolled her eyes and said, "Nonsense, if it wasn't for yours, I'd pay it back."

She sat across from Zhen, and took a sip of the tea that Zhen had drunk. Although she had been prepared for a long time, she was still a little restless at this moment.

Seeing Zhen who was leisurely reading the magazine there without panic, he was inexplicably angry, and got up and kicked him again.

"You react like this when Jiuxinna is pregnant!"

"If you're pregnant, give birth." Zhen said.

At this time, Mikoto came, except that she didn't stay here overnight, she basically spent most of the day in Hokage Mansion.

Looking at the furious Ayari, she asked, "What's wrong?"

Lingli snorted: "Ask him!"

Zhen said: "It's nothing, Jiu Xinnai is pregnant."

Mikoto: "..."

Zhen said again: "It happens that you two pregnant women can save a lot of trouble when they get together in the future."

Mikoto: "..."

Ayano, who was on the side, looked at Zhen, and went on with her own business without saying a word.

The women in the family knew who their Hokage-sama was, and they were not too surprised that Kushina was pregnant, and they all thought it was a matter of course.

Except for Ayano, she looked at her stomach and sighed silently.

Mikoto hesitated and said, "I'll go and see Kushina."

As she spoke, she walked to Jiu Xinnai's bedroom, knocked on the door, but there was no response from inside.

"Jiushina, it's me, I went in."

Kushina was lying on her side on the bed with her back facing the door, she was sleeping with her clothes on, Miqin leaned over and noticed that her complexion was a little pale, her eyes were red and swollen, as if she had just cried.

Mikoto was startled, and silently leaned down on the side of the bed.

At this time, Jiuxinna seemed to be dreaming, muttering to himself.

"No, Minato...it's not like this, Minato..."

"Sorry Minato..."

Mikoto just sighed speechlessly, reached out and gently stroked Kushina's face.

However, this caused Jiu Xinna to wake up directly, subconsciously got up and retreated a little.

Miqin quickly said, "It's me, Kushina is me!"

Kushina looked intently, and the whole person relaxed, and said in a hoarse voice, "Mikoto..."

She lay back again, curled up on the bed, and pulled the quilt.

Meiqin hesitated for a while, then said, "You didn't sleep well last night."


Seeing that Kushina didn't respond, Mikoto thought it was because she was in a bad mood after learning the news of her pregnancy.

The two have known each other for so many years, of course Mikoto knows what the relationship between her and Minato is like.

After a long silence, Kushina suddenly said, "Mikoto."


"What's it like to be a mother...?"

Meiqin thought about it for a while, then smiled lightly: "When I was pregnant for the first time, I was surprised, apprehensive, apprehensive... I had different emotions. I was pregnant for a long time, suffered a lot, suffered a lot, and often got angry. , unhappy... But when I saw my child for the first time, I felt that everything was worth it. The joy brought to me by the child was unprecedented, and it was completely different from the feeling of my lover. Although the time we spent together was very short, I feel like I can give anything for my kids."

However, Jiu Xinnai asked after listening to what she said: "Then, don't you hate the child in your stomach now?"

Miqin was taken aback, and looked at Kushina whose back was turned to her: "Kushina, you..."

Kushina's voice was uncomfortable, and her voice was hoarse: "Meiqin, don't you hate him? He took away your former life, Meiqin, you obviously had a happier life before."

Miqin was silent for a while and said: "Kushina, the child is innocent, and the reason why we have come to this point is all our own choice."

"Innocent..." Jiu Xinnai muttered this word, feeling that it was extremely ironic.

Minato loves this village so much, he only wants to protect this village, isn't he innocent?

She herself just wanted to save Minato, and never thought of hurting anyone in the past, isn't she innocent?

But what is their end?

She put her hands on her stomach, it was too early to feel anything, and her stomach was as flat as before.

It's hard to believe that a life has been conceived inside.

"Miqin...you and I must live a good life."

"Give birth to the child well, and then raise the child up."

Meiqin smiled when she heard the words, nodded and said, "That's natural."

She thought Kushina had figured it out.

Kushina lay motionless on the bed, staring blankly at the bed.

I am pregnant with his child.

Minato, you're going to hate me to death.

It's okay Minato, just give me some time, just give me some time...

Kushina slept until the afternoon before getting up, during which Mikoto came out of her room and told everyone that Kushina didn't have a good rest last night, so no one bothered her.

After she got up, she consciously went to freshen up, and came out wearing a beautiful skirt, looking much better.

"I'm hungry."

Lingli said: "I saved lunch for you, let's go to the hospital for a physical examination later, and Miqin just happens to be going too."

Kushina nodded knowingly: "Okay."

He didn't cry or make noise, and didn't show any negative emotions.

I really looked at her back as she went to the kitchen thoughtfully.

Ayari, Mikoto, and Natsu were there discussing the name of the future child.

Zhen heard the words and said: "There is no need to discuss, the Naruto in Kushina's stomach."

Lingli frowned: "Naruto? What a strange name, it sounds like ramen ingredients."

Zhen then said, "It was Kushina who wanted to name his son this, please respect it."

Lingli said helplessly: "Then what if it's a daughter?"

But Zhen said: "No, it must be the son."

Lingli had no choice but to ask again: "Where is this in Miqin's stomach?"

Mikoto also looked at him.

Really glanced at the three women: "What are you thinking?"

Ayari: "The boy's name is Choji, and the girl's name is Yuki."

Xia: "The boy's name is Oboro, and the girl's name is Miko."

Miqin: "...I haven't made up my mind yet."

Zhen asked Xiang Lingli in amazement: "Why is it called Dingji?"

Ling Li said: "I think this name is very good. Others will know that he and Neji are brothers as soon as they hear it. Don't you think it's not good?"

Really looked weird, "It's not bad, it's just that this name is easy to collide with other children's names."

Lingli thought about it: "Really..."

Zhen immediately said, "Why don't you call me Sasuke."

The three women asked at the same time, "Why?"

Zhen calmly said: "Nothing, I just think the name is good."

Mikoto hesitated and said, "But... the third Hokage's father's name is Sasuke."

Zhen pretended to be surprised and said: "Really? It doesn't matter, having the same name as my son is also his blessing."

Three women: "..."

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