Rated Hokage

234 Chapter 233, Water Gate VS Fire Gate

Silent night, cold moon.

Standing on a high place, the evening wind makes people's clothes rattle.

Seeing that Shin turned around and returned to Hokage House, Minato wanted to make some moves, but the real figure was blocked by Hokage.

"Namikaze Minato." Huomen read out Minato's name calmly.

"Sinner of Konoha, can you obediently punish me?"

The surrounding Anbu retreated on their own, leaving the battlefield for the two of them.

Minato's face was slightly cold when he heard the words. No one had ever said such a thing to him so arrogantly. Even though he has been in prison for a long time and his current strength is not at its peak, he is still the golden flash of Megatron Ninja World .

His figure suddenly disappeared in place, and his ultra-high-speed movement made him appear behind Huomen in an instant. The spiral pill in his hand quickly condensed and hit Huomen's head hard.


The spiral pill seemed to hit an invisible barrier, and stopped at a short distance from the fire gate. A strong air flow spread out from the fire gate and revolved around him at high speed.


Recognizing the secret technique called Huitian, Minato was just about to retreat when he suddenly felt a burst of dense chakra air bullets rushing out of the air current, as if countless heavy punches struck the sky and covered the sky.

"Heaven Shock!"

Minato, who only took one blow, turned sharply, disappeared in place, and flashed on the roof just now.

He rubbed the front chest that was hit just now, and found that although the person in front of him was young, his reaction speed was not slow at all, even faster than many junin.

Minato remembered that the other party had always been Hinata Makoto's personal bodyguard, a genius ninja similar to Kakashi, and his strength is not clear, but if he is a new Jonin, he should not be very strong.

At this time, a soft purple light suddenly shot from the high tower on the cliff in the distance, and then gradually radiated to the whole village.

Huomen looked away from Minato and looked at the Tower of the Sun.

"The Tower of the Sun has been restarted, and the next minute is our battle time."

"Namikaze Minato, let me say something selfish. I respected and admired you a long time ago."

"But now, you are just a tool for me to test my strength."

Minato just frowned and said nothing, thinking that this junior is really arrogant enough.

The black eyeshadow around Huomen's white eyes seemed to be a little darker, and lines appeared on his neck and the back of his hands, which were exposed.

In the next second, Minato suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, and Huomen appeared in front of him out of thin air, and he was not even surprised by the terrifying speed displayed.

The palm blade hit, and the strong wind directly overturned the clothes hangers on the roof of the villagers more than ten meters away.

At this extremely thrilling moment, Minato completed the spatial movement and appeared on another roof. He seemed to have placed the Flying Thunder God's mark in this area for his own use.

But even though he dodged the attack just now, Mizumon was breaking out in a cold sweat.

This speed has already caught up with himself!

This boy is only in his teens!

Huomen with white eyes locked on the position of Mizumen in an instant, and appeared not far away from him. He was not in a hurry to make a move, and looked at him with a cold face.

"When people move at super high speed, they need a certain amount of time to adapt themselves to everything around them. Every time you move in space, you should also see your surroundings clearly in the new environment."

"How long do you need this time, one tenth of a second?"

Huomen slightly raised his head, looking down at the other party.

"One-tenth of a second, it's too long, Namikaze Minato, you are too slow, you are too slow to keep up with the times."

Extended from the black eye shadow, the black lines are reflected on his face, converging into a word "壱".

"The future Ninja World belongs to Naruto-sama, so, all enemies of Naruto-sama, please die obediently!"


The surging chakra erupted from his body, the amount of this chakra has far exceeded the range of ordinary people, and it is almost the same as the burst of chakra.

The Fire Gate moved again, and rushed towards the Water Gate with bursts of sonic booms.

Minato stared at the opponent's movements, held his breath, and did not sit still, but moved at a speed that did not lose the wind.


It was the sound of fists and feet colliding, like a muffled thunder, accompanied by the aftermath of the air wave, shaking the hearts of the Anbu people around.

In the dark night, the two figures looked like ghosts and ghosts, as powerful as thunder! I couldn't see their moving trajectories clearly at all, only heard the sound of body collisions and the sound of sonic booms constantly filling the eardrums.

Every fight between the two is instant, and every attack is to increase the power to the maximum through speed. In this high-intensity battle, every move and style is fatal enough, and even the slightest mistake and distraction can kill No, you must be mentally tense all the time.

Minato has never fought this kind of battle before, and he has also met some speed-type opponents, such as the fourth generation of Raikage, such as the second generation of Hokage in the state of reincarnation of the dirt, but although their speed is faster than him, there is still some gap. He will avoid head-to-head confrontation with the Fourth Raikage.

In all his previous battles, he has always crushed others in terms of speed.

But this Hinata Hinata was able to catch up with his speed, and he didn't lose the wind at all. He tried to fly Thor during the period, but it was true as what Hinata said, this kind of short-distance space movement, the pause time after he shifted completely. Enough Huomen rushed forward, almost putting himself in danger several times.

The successive collisions made Minato slightly out of breath, but Hinata Himono was still in high spirits.

Comparing the two, one seems to be an old man, and the other is a young and strong young man, but in fact Minato is only in his twenties.

After being imprisoned for more than a year, without any training this year, and not even being able to use Chakra, Minato felt his body was a little stiff, and he couldn't stand such a high-intensity battle.

If the battlefield between the two is bigger, and each space movement of Minato can maintain a long enough distance to keep himself in a safe situation, he must have a way to win.

But how could he have such conditions to set up the battlefield, the flying thunder god marks around him were all placed temporarily by him, and he didn't even have a kunwu when he just came out of prison.

Huomen looked at him coldly: "Namikaze Minato, compared to the power given to me by Hokage-sama, you are too slow."

Minato looked at the other party with deep eyes, wondering if the sage mode is so strong, and why this person's sage mode looks a bit strange.

Just a guard is already so strong, what level is that Hinata's real strength? !

I can just leave here...


He glanced in the direction of Hokage House, where there were warm lights, and it must be a happy and harmonious family from the outside.

Minato silently clenched his fist.

He rushed up again, but Huomen didn't move when he saw this, he just punched him lightly.

This punch didn't touch him at all, just as the thought of dodging arose in Minato's heart, he suddenly felt a huge and incomparable force directly hitting him, as if a huge boulder weighing a thousand catties had hit him.


His figure was shot down directly from midair to the ground.

"It's over, Minato Namikaze."

Minato fell into the deep pit on the ground as if falling apart, and then he remembered that there was a fairy art called Frog Kite in the immortal mode of Mt. Miaomu.

Use natural energy to assist your own attack, that is, invisible attack.

He stared blankly at the waning moon in the night sky.

I really lost my mind, and lost to such a junior...

Having fallen to this point, his mood became very calm.

Huomen landed on the ground, moved his wrist slightly, and the eye shadow and black lines on his face slowly dissipated.

"Put it in prison first, and wait for Hokage-sama to deal with it."

These words were spoken to the Anbu who were watching the battle, and they immediately flew forward upon hearing the words, ready to pull up the water gate in the deep pit.

Huomen was also about to turn around and leave, but at this moment, there was a scream from Anbu behind him.

Huomen looked sideways, and found that another man in black robe appeared at some time.

The opponent's hood covered his face, but it was nothing to Huomen with white eyes.

Zilai also.

Huomen said coldly, "Are there any other accomplices?"

He didn't make a move, a purple light suddenly shot from the tower above the cliff in the distance, enveloping the man in black.

In an instant, Jilai also realized that his body could no longer move.

It takes one minute for the Tower of the Sun to activate, which is what Huomen said. Once the Tower of the Sun is activated, he no longer needs to take action.

Konoha Village, shrouded in Tenseigan, will not have any enemies.

He said, "Catch them all."

Just when the Anbu were about to make a move, the two suddenly disappeared into two streams of white smoke.

Huomen couldn't help being slightly stunned, and quickly went forward to check the situation, and found that the pit was indeed empty. His eyes covered the entire village with supercilious eyes, but he didn't find these two people.

Under the change of expression, Huomen only thought of one possibility.

Reverse psychic art!

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