Rated Hokage

235 Chapter 234, Tsunade's price

Under the waterfall of Mt. Myogi.

Minato washed his body in the water, and Jiraiya was sitting on a rock beside him, the water was so fast that it reached his knees.

The giant toad on the side was blowing out a thick cloud of smoke with a pipe in its mouth.

"Jiraiya, Minato, have you thought about what to do in the future?"

Ji Lai also scratched his head and said, "Let's talk about the future."

At this moment, Minato came out of the water, shirtless, looking much better.

But the temperament of the whole person is still much colder than before.

"Teacher Jiraiya, I'm the one who got you in trouble."

Ji Lai also chuckled: "You're calling me teacher, can I do nothing?"

Minato asked: "Can you return to Konoha?"

Jiraiya shook his head slowly: "I'm afraid I can't, Hinata Himono is from the Hinata family, I must have seen who I am last night."

"Then are you going to Yuyin Village?"

"Yayin has a close relationship with Konoha now, and Yahiko is working hard to manage and manage the village. It's best not to cause any problems with this important relationship because of me. I plan to go around and continue to write my own novel as before. , I will get tired of staying in one place for a long time.”

Ji Lai also behaved very free and easy, not caring about the current situation.

After speaking, he looked at Minato again: "It's you, it took me a lot of effort to rescue you, so don't do anything beyond your imagination."

Minato was silent for a while, then said, "I know."

He looked at the waterfall beside him with quiet eyes.

Jiraiya sighed secretly, thinking of Tsunade again.

There is Nidaime-sama in the village, even if Tsunade is tracked down, nothing will happen...

Toad Wentai on the side spit out another thick cloud of smoke, which could not melt away in the air for a long time. # Konoha Village.

The door of the interrogation room opened slowly, and the fire door walked in and saw Kakashi who was a little listless.

"Namikaze Minato escaped."

Kakashi raised his head and looked at the fire door when he heard the sound, and laughed in a low voice.

He said: "Really..."

Huomen leaned against the wall, folded his arms and said, "You should have paid off your love. Remember your identity in the future. Lord Hokage is still willing to give you a chance."

In the original ten-person meeting, Kakashi finally chose to stand on Shin's side, which led to Minato's imprisonment.

Fire Gate can understand that he may have been guilty of this all the time, knowing that gratitude is not a bad thing, and Kakashi is willing to accept the punishment.

Kakashi lowered his head and said, "Master Hokage is really tolerant."

Huomen calmly said: "Master Hokage has put a lot of effort into you, I hope you don't let him down again, otherwise, I will kill you."


"By the way, I fought against Namikaze Minato. He was weaker than I expected, maybe because he has been in prison for a long time, but this battle made me understand one thing."

Kakashi looked up at him, "What?"

Huomen said calmly: "We are already at the forefront of this world."

Immortal engraving boosted him, allowing him to defeat the golden flash of Megatron Ninja World.

There are four members in Mian, each of them has a fairy mark, and this number will continue to increase in the future.

"The future world belongs to Hokage-sama, and Hokage-sama gave us the opportunity to stand by his side, we should firmly grasp it."

Kakashi stood up without saying a word, walked weakly to the door and stopped, and patted Himono on the shoulder.

"You are really loyal."

After finishing speaking, he walked out of the room and walked all the way to the outside of the torture department.

I was tortured inside for a whole night, and now I feel a little glaring when I see the sun at first glance.

Minato-sensei escaped...

Kakashi took a deep breath of the fresh morning air, and then let it out long.

What Huomen said is right, the future world belongs to them, I hope Mr. Minato will not be too hard-headed, and come to fight against Hokage-sama again. # Tsunade was scolded by Tobima last night because she concealed the truth of the matter and used Tobima as a gun.

But after all, it is his granddaughter, and Tobima knew what would happen if he let a felon go, he put everything on himself, and he also knew that the Fifth Generation would not hold him accountable.

But Tsunade still received a summons from Anbu from Hokage in the morning and went to the Hokage Building.

On the way there, Tsunade kept thinking about it, maybe Hokage had already guessed it, and turned to trouble himself.

Now that Jiraiya and Minato have escaped, she and Jiraiya returned to the village at almost the same time, which seems not surprising to people.

"What can I do for you?" She pretended to be calm, with her arms under her chest.

Tsunade frowned instantly at this action.

Zhen said: "Is this the attitude you see when you see Hokage?"

Tsunade sneered: "Did you come to me to show off?"

Zhen then said: "The village plans to arrange a job for you."

Tsunade paused for a moment, and said directly without waiting to say anything, "I won't do it."

Makoto said, "You are still a ninja now."

Tsunade frowned and said, "So what?"

He said unhurriedly: "The village is in the stage of revival, manpower is scarce, and there are no idle jobs in the village. Everyone is doing double or even more work than before. It is your duty to share the worries of the village. where."

Tsunade stood there, staring intently at Hokage sitting behind the desk.

She said every word: "I——don't—do it!"

At this moment, the office door knocked suddenly, and a ninja walked in with two documents in his hand.

"Master Hokage, the sample of the arrest warrant has been printed."

Zhen took the two documents, looked at them carefully, and then took out his official seals and stamped them on each.

The ninja received the arrest warrant again and left the Naruto room.

Then Zhen looked at Tsunade again, and asked, "What did you just say, say it again."

Tsunade frowned and asked, "What warrant?"

Zhen calmly said: "It's nothing, two ninjas in the village have defected, and a reward is issued to the outside world."

Two ninjas, one of which is Minato.

Tsunade was not surprised.

The other one is Zilaiya!

She asked sullenly: "You classify Zilai as traitor?!"

The tone of the truth is flat: "Last night, he sneaked into the prison and released Minato Namikaze, and he also covered Minato Namikaze to escape and wounded three Anbu. If this behavior is not treason, what is it?"

He suddenly changed the subject: "But I always feel that he seems to have some accomplices. You have a close relationship with him. Do you know any news about this?"


Tsunade stared at him intently, his hands clenched into fists unconsciously at his sides.

"Everything that the second generation is in the village now is my support for him. I think he is the former Hokage, so I won't hold him accountable for what happened last night."

"Tsunade, let me ask you again, the village plans to arrange a job for you, what do you think?"

Zhen sat there, as if talking about an insignificant matter, but held the fate of many people in his hands.

Tsunade finally let go of his hand weakly.

"……I see."

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