Rated Hokage

237 Chapter 236

The night sky is as clear as the sea, and the moon is as white as a mirror.

In the outskirts of Konoha shrouded in late autumn, in the cold and deep forest, two figures appeared here out of thin air.

This is an adult male and a little boy, wearing the same standard white clothes, and their short blue and white hair seems to be dyed with a hazy luster under the moonlight.

The adult male stared at the distant village and the tall tower standing on the cliff with his white eyes.

The white light is introverted, and the purple mans is released outward.

The man murmured softly: "The Eye of Heaven..."


The little boy called softly, for some reason he kept his eyes tightly closed, and just held the adult male next to him with one hand.

The man whispered: "Destiny."

After that, he led the little boy and walked in the direction of Konoha.

When someone came late at night, the guard ninja at Konoha's main gate immediately stepped forward to question him.

"Are you... from the Hinata family?"

He saw the man's white eyes and couldn't help but startled slightly.

"Please tell me, we want to see Hokage."

The guard ninja and his companion looked at each other, thinking that they were very strange.

That is, the members of the Hyuga family, why are they so divided, and... it seems that they have never been seen in the village.

The guard ninja thought for a while, and said to the two: "Please wait a moment."

He spoke to his companions, and then left here in an instant.

At this time, the villagers had already rested, and there was no one on the street.

A few minutes passed, only to see that the person who left just now came back, followed by another person.

From then on, this person carefully sized up the two visitors, with a look of astonishment on his face.

"Hi, I'm Hinata Shimizu, may I have your name?"

With white eyes, but extremely strange.

And the costumes of the other party are not the style of their Hyuga clan.

Hinata Shimizu had never heard of any members of the clan left behind.

I only heard the man speak calmly: "Da Tong Mu Guan Ming." # Hokage house.

In his sleep, Zhen was suddenly awakened by his clansmen, saying that something important had happened and Master Hokage needed to go.

After he got dressed, he walked out of the living room and saw the fire gate and Qingshui waiting in the courtyard.

"Master Hokage."

"Shimizu, what's going on so late?"

Hyuga Shimizu is the squad leader of the enchantment squad, and is responsible for the safety monitoring of the village on weekdays.

Qing Shui bowed and said, "There are two people from outside the village who want to see you."

Zhen pondered for a while, then said: "Who is it?"

If it was an ordinary person, these two people would not bother me at this time.

"The other party also has supercilious eyes, and claims to be Otsutsuki Kumitami."

Zhen heard the words and his expression was shocked: "What did you say?!"

Shimizu and Huomen didn't expect such a big reaction from Hokage-sama, and wondered if it was Hokage-sama's old friend?

Qing Shui hesitated and said: "The other party... claims to be Datongmu Guanming, and has supercilious eyes."


Zhen really looked at the high tower suddenly, and felt a little relieved.

"He said he wanted to see me?"

"Yes, I'm waiting in the clan meeting hall now."

"...Let's go."

Back at the Hyuga Clan, Zhen asked Huomen and Shimizu to wait in the yard, and entered the meeting hall by himself.

Saw a grown man sitting there and a little boy with his eyes closed.

The other party got up immediately after seeing Zhen, and looked at Zhen calmly.

Both sides did not speak immediately, but just looked at each other like this.

Looking at the little boy with his eyes closed tightly, he understood clearly.

"I am Hokage, and I am also Hinata's current patriarch, Hinata Makoto."

However, the other party's first question was: "Why did you abandon your blood?"

He means real eyes are not white eyes.

Zhen did not explain, and walked slowly to the main seat and took a seat: "Has the Zong family perished?"

Datongmu Guanming showed a strange expression, and with a flicker of eyes, he saluted the patriarch Hinata who was dressed in black.

"I'm under the order of Otsutsuki, the current head of the Otsutsuki branch..."

"This child is called Sheren."

He reached out and patted the boy's shoulder, and the delicate boy with his eyes closed also bowed to Zhen.

"Sheren has seen His Royal Highness."

Zhen watched the two nod their heads slightly, and signaled them to sit down.

As soon as Datongmu Guanming took his seat, he couldn't help but said: "His Royal Highness knows what we are waiting for, has he already known the destiny?"


Zhen narrowed his eyes slightly, and asked back: "Are the two of you left in the current division?"

Datongmu Guanming looked complicated, nodded and said: "Yes, the Datongmu group is already facing extinction."

The Otsutsuki clan on the moon, the branch family and the main family fought because of disagreements over the fate left by Hamura. In the end, the main family was destroyed by the branch family using Tenseiyan, and the branch family also declined to the point where only the two of them were left .

Kuoming brought his son to Earth, originally to choose suitable sacrifices and wives for the sacrificial family among the survivors on earth, and let the sacrificial people continue to carry out Hamura's destiny through the reincarnation eye in the future.

The opportunity that led to the disagreement between the Otsutsuki family and the branch family on the moon was that the people on the earth stole the ten-tailed body that their Otsutsuki clan had been guarding for thousands of years-the heretic golem.

What do you want to do, could it be that you want to resurrect that taboo woman!

Such an earth, such a ninja world, what else is worth continuing to protect.

The constant disputes for thousands of years have already made the ancestors of Yumura completely disappointed in the world created by his brother.

The branch family headed by Guan Ming is determined to destroy this world and this group of uneducated human beings.

But Kumito changed his mind immediately after seeing Konoha's Tenseigan.

How could this survivor have reincarnated eyes? !

After seeing Zhen, he found out that he knew a lot about Otsutsuki on the moon, which made Guan Ming firm in his inner thoughts.

The leader of the bereaved clan definitely got the oracle from Hamura!

Why did Hamura give the oracle to the descendants of the earth? Is it because he was disappointed that they killed themselves...

Otsutsuki Kanomyo stood up again and bowed to Zhen: "His Royal Highness, please carry out Hamura's destiny, and I am willing to assist with all my strength."

Hearing the words, he was indifferent.

What is the fate in the eyes of the branch family?

Destroy the earth...or restart the earth, restart human beings, restart a race that will not have disputes and killings.

And what did the branch do to achieve this goal?

Killed all the Zong family!

It seems too ridiculous in the real world.

Zhen asked, "How are you going to help me?"

I only heard Otsutsuki Kanoming say: "His Royal Highness should need Tenseigan, but the ancestral lineage of Hyuga's family is thin now, so it is impossible to open Tenseigan."

The real breathing is unavoidably a little rough.

Whatever you want!

His research on Tenseiyan has never stopped, but he has been missing the most critical step and cannot complete it-Otsutsuki Chakra!

Now the Datongmu family has come to your door.

Tenseigan, at your fingertips!

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