Rated Hokage

238 Chapter 237, above the moon

To Zhen Zhen's surprise, Datongmu Guanming died just before dawn, and he lost his pulse and life.

He entrusted Shanren to Zhen, and told Zhen how to go to the moon.

And Sheren didn't show any sadness about his father's death, on the contrary, he was very calm, as if he was used to seeing death at a young age.

I was really surprised that the other party trusted me so unconditionally, but after talking with Sheren for a while, I figured it out again.

There was no conflict of interest involved in the dispute over Otsuki on the moon. It was simply a conflict of beliefs among a group of fanatical believers.

The people of Otsutsuki on the moon unconditionally believe in the fate left by Hamura. The clan family wants to continue to protect the earth, while the branch family firmly believes that Hamura has disappointed the ninjas on the earth.

Both parties insisted that they were absolutely right, so Kuoming felt that after learning about Hamura's oracle, he would obey and restart the world, and left with peace of mind.

He may never have imagined in his dreams that there is no oracle at all, but he is really familiar with the plot.

Zhen took Huomen, Kakashi, and Tonito together to find the teleportation array to the moon that the samurai said.

The teleportation array is in an underground cave, and there is no abnormality at all outside, even if it is true, nothing is perceived, and the isolation method is unexpectedly high.

There is no light source in the cave, and you can't see your fingers.

This had little effect on Zhen, holding up a chakra ball of light with one hand, everyone continued to move forward along the cave, but there was a slight sound of water flowing slowly.

After walking for a while, there was finally a pool of spring water, which was shining with a moist luster in the darkness.

There seems to be something down there...

Looking around, the top is a rock pillar similar to a stalactite, and there seems to be a character on the top. It took me a long time to see that it is the word "A", the "A" character of "A Moo".

These two words represent the beginning and end of the universe respectively.

Really thoughtful, looking at the glowing spring below.

Huomen took the initiative to squat down, put his hand into the water, and felt a coolness, but when he retracted his hand, he found that his hand was not wet.

"Master Hokage, this water...is a bit strange."

Zhen stood still on the spot for a moment, and then jumped down with a "plop" with Sheren.

Seeing this, Kakashi and Kamon hurriedly followed and jumped into the water.


There is still endless warm light under the spring water. Several people dived continuously. After a while, they found that there was a magical space below, as if they were still in a cave. The original spring water was floating above their heads. There was a lot of light in this space. The ball makes people feel vigilant and dare not touch it lightly.

Walking carefully in this space, it didn't take long to find another glowing spring water below.

After thinking for a while, I continued to take the lead and jumped down.


Continue to dive in the water, and finally come to a cave-like area as before, which is a bit darker than before.

All perception abilities in this narrow space were isolated, because they could not detect the existence of any natural energy, and the few people continued to move forward cautiously.

The ground and rock walls are uneven, and there are countless stalactite spikes hanging above the head. Walking in such an area really makes people cautious.

As we walked deeper and deeper, foam balls began to appear in front of us, and there were more and more of them. Some of them were the same as the light balls we encountered before, and some seemed to be unfinished.

Carefully observing the surrounding environment, everyone is alert to everything around them.


A sudden sound came from ahead, causing the four of them to stop suddenly, the cave began to tremble slightly, and a huge figure slowly appeared in front of them.

This is a giant crab with yellow and red stripes on its shell, moving towards them.

Zhen remained motionless in place, squinting his eyes and staring at the huge monster that the cave could barely accommodate.

The crab stopped suddenly, spit out a dense foam from its mouth, and rushed towards the direction of several people.

At this moment, Huomen stepped forward and punched violently, a shock of air visible to the naked eye hit the huge monster, and blood spattered in an instant.

With just one punch, Huomen easily eliminated the giant.

A ray of light shot down from above, and everyone looked up, only to see that this cave finally had an exit, and the blue sky could be vaguely seen.

blue sky...

Really thoughtful, then flew up with the three people beside him, and rushed towards the hole covered by countless stone pillars interlaced above.


Back on the land again, everyone felt an indescribable feeling.

Next to it is the endless sea, but it is twisted upside down and curved upwards. Everyone can see the floating islands, suspended between the white clouds.

Kakashi whispered, "Is this... the moon?"

The world is very bright, but it gives Zhen a feeling of extreme violation.

Strange continent.

There is no shortage of mountains, forests, and water, and it is on the verge of the endless sea.

But the surrounding natural energy is extremely thin, which makes Zhen, who is very friendly to natural energy, feel a little uncomfortable. After all, it is just a small created planet, which cannot be compared with the earth.

Zhen took a few people flying in the air for a while, and suddenly found the town below, and immediately fell down.

It is said to be a town, but there are ruins everywhere, which are traces of human destruction.

Huomen and Kakashi searched around, but found no one, but found a lot of ninja supplies.

Soon after they returned to report the results of the search, no one was seen anywhere, but it was certain that someone had lived here, and the time between them was not too long.

At this moment, Sheren said, "They're all dead."

Otsutsuki died because of cannibalism.

Hamura is willing to lead his descendants to live in a corner, to protect the ninja world created by his elder brother, and to accompany his mother. He probably never thought that his descendants would end up in such an end.

Zhen looked around and saw a hall from a distance, and then continued to lead everyone forward.

Entering the main hall, a lot of figures suddenly appeared. Huomen and Kakashi immediately became vigilant, but these people all bowed their heads in front of the sannyasin, saluting and greeting.

Sheren explained: "These are marionettes."

Some of these people are wrapped in bandages and wearing cloaks, while others directly reveal the stiff faces of dolls.

Similar to the puppet art in Hidden Sand Village.

Looking at these dolls, I really thought about it. Konoha has been researching this technology, but with little success. After all, I explored it from the bottom.

Zhen suddenly thought of the fact that in the original book, Sheren will live here alone for more than ten years, and he couldn't help but feel inexplicable.

Behind this seemingly more luxurious and noble than the Hyuga Clan, there is endless loneliness and coldness.

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