Rated Hokage

244 Chapter 243, Tsunade's Debt

As the evening approached, the sky suddenly began to rain lightly, which made the temperature even lower in the late autumn.

Tsunade returned to the residence, and as soon as he walked into the room, he couldn't help rubbing his arms and shivering.

"I'm back."

There was no response from inside, and while Tsunade was changing shoes, Shizune came over with a troubled expression on his face.

"What's wrong?"

Shi Jing just pouted in the direction of the living room.

Tsunade thought there were guests at home, looked up to the living room, and saw two middle-aged men sitting there.

They also noticed Tsunade, and immediately stood up with a smile on their faces that looked fake and treacherous.

"Long time no see, Tsunade-san."

Tsunade couldn't help being stunned, his brain was running fast, looking at the faces of these two people, he quickly came to a conclusion in his mind.

They are creditors!

This made her startled, she grabbed Jing Yin's arm with one hand, and subconsciously turned around to run away.

But she suddenly remembered that she was in Konoha now, where could she escape? She couldn't even get out of the village.

"Miss Tsunade." The two smiled again.

"You really made us look for it, I didn't expect you to go back to Konoha, can you settle the debt with us?"

Tsunade laughed twice when he heard the words, and asked in pretended surprise: "Who are you? Why don't I know you? Do you owe me money?"

One of them seemed to expect that she would cheat, and took out a piece of paper: "This is an IOU made at that time, everything is clear, if Ms. Tsunade wants to deny it, we can only go to Lord Hokage to deal with the matter." gone."

Tsunade felt dizzy when she heard the words. She never thought that her creditor would come to her door. When she was traveling, she ran around without a fixed location, and she didn't have any psychological burden to borrow money. All lost to them.

The other party said: "Miss Tsunade, the loan amount and interest are clearly written on the IOU, and I hope you can repay the original loan according to the IOU."

Tsunade smiled dryly with both hands: "Repay the money..."

She looked at Jing Yin, Jing Yin also looked embarrassed.

At this time, the two smiled and said: "Don't worry, we won't make things difficult for you. After all, the money is not a small amount. We can give you three days, and we are also visiting Konoha. Three days later If we can't get the money, we can only go to Hokage-sama."

"Farewell, Miss Tsunade."

After the two had finished speaking, they left, pushed open the door, held up an umbrella and walked into the rain.

Tsunade felt a headache: "How did they find this place?"

Jing Yin shook her head: "I don't know either. They came to the door suddenly today, which shocked me too."

Tsunade asked again, "How much do we owe them?"

Jing Yin hesitated and said: "I looked at the IOU, and the original loan plus interest was about... 50 million taels."

"Fifty million!" Tsunade couldn't help but lose his voice.

She counted with her fingers: "My monthly salary is 10,000 taels... 5,000 a month... 410..."


She slapped herself on the forehead: "Why do we owe so much money?"

Jing Yin whispered: "Because we have been losing money..."

The reward for an S-level task is only one million taels, and it would take her fifty times to perform such super-advanced tasks that affect the national level to earn almost enough.

Tsunade collapsed on the sofa in a daze, and said with nothing to love: "It's over, let's run away."

Jing Yin asked suspiciously: "Can we run?"


Can they run out of Muye Village?

Tsunade thought of the man sitting in the Hokage room, and angrily pulled the pillow and beat him hard in his arms.

She looked at Jing Yin: "How much money do we have at home now?"

Jing Yin said, "More than 50,000."

"Why so few?"

Shizune said softly: "Master Tsunade, you have a big appetite, and drink from time to time, and..."

"All right, all right, stop talking."

Tsunade lay on the sofa for a while, then got up irritably, picked up the umbrella and left the house.

"Master Tsunade, where are you going?"

"Go find the money."

Tsunade came to Jiraiya's house holding an umbrella.

Ever since Zilai also became a traitor, the house here has been abandoned. He tore open the door lock and walked in, and a cool breath came over his face.

Tsunade rummaged through the entire room, but found several thousand taels, as well as some unhealthy reading materials.

"Jiraiya, why is he so poor?" Tsunade muttered, put a few thousand taels into his pocket, and left his home with an umbrella.

Autumn rain is falling and falling.

Looking at the rain curtain in front of her, she suddenly realized that she had no friends in the village.

Working in a hospital, there is still a group of fanboys who can be called at will.

But whose family can have 50 million taels? !

Tsunade only felt a headache, so he thought about going to the director of the hospital first.

When he came out, he had one million taels more in his hand. The director of the hospital was a middle-aged man in his forties. He said that it was most of their family's savings. He took it out without telling his wife. .

I went to the monitor of the medical class and borrowed more than 300,000 taels.

But this is not enough.

Tsunade is aware of his position in the mind of the medical ninja, but if he wants to live in Konoha for a long time, these are all favors, and he will have to pay them back in the future.

It doesn't mean that like those loan sharks, you can just run away after borrowing money regardless of the future.

She looked at the pile of banknotes in her hand, thinking that if she didn't pay them back...or threaten them...

Neither is a wise move.

Tsunade stood in the rain with an umbrella for a long time, then turned around and returned the borrowed money in his hand.

Back home, Shizune asked expectantly, "Master Tsunade, did you find the money?"

Tsunade took out a few thousand taels that he had looted from Jiraiya's house and handed it over.

"Let's add some food tonight and buy some wine."

Mute: "..."

She glanced at the banknotes in her hand and asked cautiously, "What are we going to do next? Run away?"

Run away...

Tsunade thought in his heart, no matter what, he is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, one of the former three ninjas, if he is forced to become a rebellious ninja by a group of accountants, it would be a joke in the world.

If the second grandpa found out, he might come to chase and kill him.

Jing Yin couldn't help pursing her lips and said: "I can't, really let them go to Hokage-sama to make trouble?"

She still cared about her face, and felt ashamed and flustered when she thought that if this matter got out in the future.

Tsunade sank into the sofa, covering his head with a pillow.

If Orochimaru is still Hokage, he should be able to help him solve this kind of thing by himself...

If Orochimaru is still Hokage, I don't need to pay attention to this kind of debt at all, I can just run away...

She suddenly thought of the person sitting in the Huoying room now.

How could that guy help himself.

"I... let's think about it again."

Ask for a ticket

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