Rated Hokage

Chapter 245 244, Tsunade with Headache

Sarutobi family.

"That's the way it is, and there's nothing I can do about it."

Tsunade sat in front of Lake Biwa, spreading his hands helplessly.

And Lake Biwa also showed embarrassment: "Fifty million taels..."

This is not a small amount, and it is not something that any family can take out casually.

Lake Biwa sighed, "You can really cause trouble."

Tsunade acted very weak in front of his wife, and muttered in a low voice: "I didn't expect them to chase debts to the village."

Seeing that Lake Biwa was in trouble there, Tsunade asked cautiously again: "Can you...can you take out so many?"

Lake Biwa said helplessly, "You almost sold me out."

Tsunade looked surprised: "No, no matter what, Sarutobi-sensei has been Hokage for so long before."

Lake Biwa glared at Tsunade: "What do you think of Mr. Ni? He didn't become Hokage to make money."

It is precisely because Hiruza Sarutobi has been Hokage for so long that their family has never cared about money. They are not people who are greedy for material comforts, and it is enough to ensure a better quality of life.

And after Sarutobi's death, Fifth Hokage gave their family a lot of subsidies every month.

Tsunade frowned and said, "Then what should we do?"

Lake Biwa thought for a while, and said, "I'll go to Ryuji for help, and let the people in the clan help you make some."

Ryuji is also Sarutobi Ryuji.

Tsunade heard the words and said: "Forget it..."

Like the Uchiha clan, the Sarutobi clan lived in scattered households.

It would be fine if it was a big family like the Hyuga clan, but now Lake Biwa is raising money, that is, borrowing money from a dozen or twenty families.

In the end, I have to bear the love of countless people.

Lake Biwa turned around and went back to the room. When he came out, he had a wad of banknotes in his hand.

"There are about three million taels here, you can take them."

Tsunade took the money and said with a grin, "Thank you."

Lake Biwa said unhappily: "Let's go quickly, the pension money has been given to you, and the family has been emptied by you."

Tsunade said with a smile: "Why did you spend so much money for the pension, I will serve you later."

"Don't be mad at me, it's good enough."

Coming out of Sarutobi's house, Tsunade looked at the thick stack of banknotes in his hand and sighed softly.

This is far from enough, why can't I think about it so much, to touch such things as gambling?

It's all my grandfather's fault!

As he was walking down the street, Tsunade saw two familiar figures at the road sign from a distance.

It was the person who came to her to collect debts. They were shopping in the street with happy faces, and they saw Tsunade here and waved to her.

"Miss Tsunade."

"What a coincidence, Miss Tsunade."

"Seeing that you are not in a hurry at all, it is estimated that raising money will go smoothly."

"We're looking forward to it in two days."

Tsunade really didn't want to see them, so he smiled and left.

With a huge sum of three million taels in her pocket at the moment, it is no problem to hire ninjas to kill some big names from small countries.

But now in Muye Village, who can do anything under the nose of the Tower of the Sun?

She can't even do it herself.

And even if he could really get together 50 million yuan, Tsunade's heart aches when he thinks of giving so much money to others.

If you don't want to just act shamelessly, it doesn't matter if things go wrong. She doesn't really care about other people's opinions.

She thought she was like this, and she didn't know many people in the village.

On the other hand, Shizune...was also affected by this incident, which made Tsunade feel very sorry.

the second day.

Asma sent a sum of money to her door.

Said that his mother gave it to him, Tsunade counted it, two million taels.

It is estimated that it is not easy for Lake Biwa to collect the money.

Tsunade felt quite uncomfortable, and felt that he should spend more time with his wife in the future.

She turned around and shouted to the people in the room: "Jing Yin, go buy some more bars."

Anyway, it may not be enough in the end, let's enjoy it first. # Kogoro and his companions are in a very good mood now. They have finally found the fat sheep Tsunade they have been looking for for two years.

And the location is still in Muye Village, the other party's lair, so there is no need to worry about her running away.

He was so excited when he thought that he would have 50 million in profit in two days, and secretly thought that lending money to the other party was the most discerning thing.

He didn't worry about the other party not returning it at all. This is Konoha Village, and Tsunade Fat Sheep is one of the three ninjas. A ninja village like Konoha cares most about his reputation.

The two had just come out of a restaurant when they came face to face with a young ninja.

The other party spoke politely: "Is it Mr. Kogoro Otsuka and Kondo?"

Kogoro was slightly stunned: "Who are you?"

"Master Hokage, please two."

Kogoro and his companion looked at each other, secretly surprised.

Kogoro said, "Please lead the way."

This is Konoha, and Hokage couldn't refuse if he wanted to see them.

They were ushered into a lounge.

Kogoro and his companions were discussing.

"It's possible that Tsunade couldn't come up with the money, so he asked Hokage to solve the matter."

"We need to have the IOU in hand, and we won't be able to give up a penny at that time. Their income in these big villages depends entirely on the entrustment of external tasks, so they care about their own reputation and face."

The two waited in the lounge for a while before seeing someone push the door and walk in.

The young man in black at the head must be Hokage, and there are many rumors about Hokage.

Just as the two were about to greet each other, a middle-aged man came in after Hokage.

To their surprise, the middle-aged man was wearing an official uniform.

Zhen looked at the two and said: "Otsuka Kogoro, Kondo, right?"

The two nodded.

"This is the Daisuke of the Central Criminal Department, Hidetani Yuan-sama."

Kogoro was shocked when he heard the words, and quickly knelt down on the ground, with his forehead pressed against the floor.

"Meet the adults!"

Xiu Guyuan said lightly: "The Otsuka Casino on Bamboo Street, are you the boss?"

Kogoro was sweating coldly, and replied: "Return to the adults, it is run by the villains."

The truth on the side is very interesting to see, this is the deterrence of the officials to the people, as Hokage, all the ministers of the Kingdom of Fire except the daimyo will respect him when they see him.

But these civilians' respect for him is far less than that of a petty official.

"You have been arrested. You have been accused of tax fraud, extortion, and killing women. If you have anything to say, go to prison."

The two were shocked when they heard the words, and Kogoro called out his injustice, and Kondo Ye was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

Xiugu Yuan ignored them, but saluted Hokage, and said respectfully: "Master Hokage, I will take them away first."

But Kogoro suddenly remembered something, quickly took out a note from his arms, turned to Zhen and said hastily: "Hokage-sama, Hokage-sama, please help me, Ms. Tsunade from Guicun owes us money, A total of fifty million taels, as long as you can help me, this account will be written off."

At this time, Xiugu Yuan took the IOU and snatched it away.

"The crime you committed must be ransacked and all property confiscated. Naturally, this IOU will also be confiscated."

Kogoro's face turned ashen for a moment, and then he yelled violently, saying that Hokage and officials colluded to frame them.

Xiugu Yuan slapped him directly and slapped him in the face.

"Master Hokage, I will take my leave first."

He handed over the IOU in his hand, then took out the chain and tied the two of them, and took them away.

Looking at the IOU in his hand, Zhen Zhen couldn't help but smacked his lips.

"Fifty million taels...it's really not a small amount."

As he spoke, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

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