Rated Hokage

246 Chapter 245

"What's the matter mute, listless?"

In the dumpling shop, several young girls were sitting together.

Jing Yin just sighed after hearing the words: "Oh..."

"What, lost love?"

"If it's just a lovelorn, it's not bad."

Lin asked intimately, "What happened?"

Jing Yin showed hesitation on his face, as if he was hesitating whether to speak out.

Seeing this scene, the other three looked at each other in blank dismay.

Hongdou leaned on the table with one hand and looked at her with her chin resting on her cheek, while holding the finished drink in the other hand, with a straw in her mouth, she made a "gululu" sound.

Only then did Jing Yin falter and say, "It's just... our family owes a lot of money to others."

"How much do you owe?"

Muting slowly stretched out a palm to signal.

Hong asked, "Five hundred thousand taels?"

She shook her head silently.

Only then did Hong show surprise in his eyes: "Five million taels, that's so much!?"

Lin couldn't help but said, "What are you doing?"

Mute: "..."

At this time, Hong and Lin began to calculate again: "Five million taels... If everyone put together together, it should be possible to get it together."

At this time, Hongdou said: "Kakashi is very rich, you can ask him to borrow it, anyway, he usually doesn't spend much."

Then Jing Yin said again: "Actually... it's fifty million taels."


As soon as these words came out, the three girls froze for a moment.

Jing Yin lowered his head and took a sip of his drink to ease the embarrassment.

After a long time, Hong couldn't help asking: "What are you doing, why do you owe so much?"

Shizune explained in a low voice: "Don't Master Tsunade love to gamble, when he was traveling outside, he lost a lot of money and borrowed a lot of money."

Lin smacked her lips and said: "But this is too much, and it's not enough to sell us all. Before Kakashi performed an S-level mission, the reward was only one million taels."

Shi Jing heard the words and sighed again.

S-level mission, that is a mission to risk your life, and the money you get back is only one million.

"Then how much do you have now?"

"Less than ten million."

At this time, Hongdou said: "I can take five million."

Lin and Hong were Ye Li surprised: "Where did you get so much money?"

Hong Dou said indifferently: "I can go to Hokage to ask for it, he should give me five million, and if it is more, I will hang up."

Lin and Hong were in a bit of embarrassment. They couldn't even give out one million yuan. Although they would also send out some tasks on weekdays, they were mostly ordinary tasks, and the girls spent a lot of money.

Shizune heard the words and said quickly: "It's okay, Lin, Hong, you don't have to make things difficult, it's about me and Master Tsunade, thank you, Hongdou."

Hongdou just waved her hand, and continued to pick up a bunch of dumplings and ate them. There was only so much she could do to help.

Then when she went to find Hokage in the afternoon, reality slapped her in the face.

"Ten million, what do you want so much money for?"

In the Naruto room, Zhen asked Hongdou.

Hongdou said: "I am useful, will you give it to me?"

Zhen chuckled: "No."

Hongdou said indifferently: "It's a big deal, I'll go back and do a few S-level tasks for free."

I was really annoyed by her: "You treat S-level tasks as Chinese cabbage, how can there be so many S-level tasks for you to do, do you know that your monthly task rate is the lowest?"

Hongdou said slightly annoyed, "Why are you so stingy!"

I really thought to myself, what are you talking about? Do you really think that ten million is not money?

"Ten million, no!"

Hongdou then lowered the standard: "That's eight million."


"Seven million."


"Six million."


Hongdou was a little anxious: "Five million, it can't be lower!"

Sitting on the chair, Zhen looked at Hongdou up and down, and said happily, "Why do you take away so much money from me with just one word?"

Of course he knew that Hongdou was asking him for money at this time, and it was probably through Shizune that he found out about Tsunade's debt.

Hongdou couldn't give a reason, but she had already promised Jingyin, and she sat on the ground and vented her anger: "I don't care, anyway, I want this money to be useful, you have to give it to me... The big deal, I will guarantee full attendance in the future." That's it."

But Zhen said: "That's where your job is. I have been tolerant enough to you for not pursuing your previous responsibilities. Now I want to use this to bargain with me. What do you think?"

Hongdou was discouraged for a while, seeing that it was too tough, she got up from the ground again, came to Zhenzhen, grabbed his arm with both hands, and acted coquettishly: "Master Hokage, please help me, I really need it." This money."

She had only acted coquettishly to Dashewan, and she usually acted honestly towards Zhen, which made Zhen a little uncomfortable. Fortunately, he had also seen Hongdou acting like a spoiled child to Dashewan before.

Zhen raised his eyes to look at the girl in front of him, and suddenly said maliciously: "Hongdou, has it been a long time since I checked your body?"

Hongdou's expression changed suddenly when he heard this, and he dropped his arm directly.

"Bah, you pervert! Wishful thinking!"

Zhen looked at her with a smile, he was just teasing her, Hongdou had his "kite" carved on her body, if he really wanted to do something to Hongdou, it would not be easy.

After Hongdou scolded Zhen a few words for the bastard pervert, she turned around and left the Hokage room in anger.

Not long after he walked out, he pushed the door open and came back.

Zhen, who was about to continue with his official duties, asked, "What's the matter?"

I saw Hongdou standing motionless at the door, with his back against the door, and stood there for a while before coming over.

Standing in front of the desk, she lowered her head and blushed slightly. She seemed a little embarrassed to speak, and her eyes were evasive. She hesitated and said, "Is it...you can give me the money after you have a physical examination?"

Three years have passed since then, and Hongdou's feelings about the relationship between men and women are also different from before, and she needs to have a clearer understanding.

She thought to herself that this is not the first time anyway, this bastard has seen her body many times before, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter...

Seeing her like this, I couldn't help but laugh: "Why, are you selling yourself?"

Hongdou was so ashamed that she wanted to punch the man in front of her.

She suppressed it, and said shamefully and angrily: "No way! You just say it's okay?"

Zhen tilted his head and said with a smile: "Of course, since you are so impatient, how can I refuse?"

Five million won't do anything anyway.

Hongdou just wanted to fulfill her boast.

Hongdou said angrily: "Who can't wait, you bastard, don't get cheap here and act like a good boy!"

After saying that, she turned her head to the side, but really noticed that her ears were all red at the moment.

"Tell me, when, tonight, tomorrow morning, or now?"

Zhen really sat on the chair and looked her up and down carefully.

Compared with the little kid before, Hongdou is now more and more beautiful and juicy, and she will definitely be an outstanding beauty in the future.

Hongdou couldn't bear his gaze, and glared at him: "Have you seen enough?"

Zhen smiled and said: "I have to watch it anyway, do you want me to watch it later?"

Hongdou turned around, her back to him.

"...I'll wait for you in the Naruto room tonight."

Let's count the votes, save the children

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