Rated Hokage

Chapter 247 246, Tsunade, you don't even want to call me Hokage-sama

Tsunade's house.

"Here is five million taels."

There is a pile of money on the table, which was brought by Hongdou.

Jing Yin looked at the money and couldn't help but said, "Master Hokage really gave it to you, and he is too kind to you."

Hong Dou muttered in his heart, what a fart, this is what he bought with his body.

"Okay, take the money for emergency first, and don't rush to pay it back."

Shizune said gratefully: "Thank you so much, Hongdou."

Hongdou just waved his hand indifferently.

At this time, Tsunade came back from the outside, and was slightly surprised when he saw the red beans and the money on the table.

"Master Tsunade." Hongdou got up and greeted.

"Adzuki is here." Tsunade smiled.

"The money……"

Hong Dou said: "Jing Yin said that you are in some trouble right now, so I thought I would help."

Tsunade said, "This money is not a decimal, where did you get so much money?"

"I asked Hokage for it."

"...Is that so."

The other party is both a junior and a friend of Shizune's, so it must be because of Shizune's willingness to offer the money, and Tsunade couldn't refuse.

"Thank you so much, Red Bean."

After a few words of courtesy from both parties, Hongdou offered to leave.

As soon as Hongdou left, Shizune couldn't wait to ask Tsunade: "Master Tsunade, how is it?"

Tsunade lay down on the sofa again, and said helplessly, "What can I do, it's still the same."

Jing Yin was disappointed and said, "I didn't get any money."

Tsunade pressed his arm on his forehead, and the money could be borrowed.

But in order to mend a hole and owe a lot of favors, she was really unwilling.

But if this matter really gets out, I am afraid that I will become the laughing stock of the whole village, and it will also affect Jing Yin.

After thinking about it, she felt that she should only ask one person for help from the beginning, and the other person has the ability to settle the matter.

Instead of going from one house to another as it is now.

Jing Yin was a little impatient: "What should I do, it's time to pay back the money, and there is still so much money..."

"Master Tsunade, is there anything else you can do?"

Tsunade lay on the sofa without saying a word, looking sideways at the pile of money on the coffee table.

She never thought that she would be able to worry about this thing one day.

She turned her head and said, "I'll find someone later."

Jing Yin couldn't help but ask, "Who are you looking for?"

Now who else can I find to collect the tens of millions, ordinary people simply can't get them out, and the tens of millions given to them is tantamount to a waste of money, and they may not be able to pay back the tens of millions in the future.

Tsunade sat up, picked up the teapot and poured himself a glass of water.

"Go to Hokage."

Shizune couldn't help being slightly startled, she knew that the relationship between her master Tsunade and Hokage was not very good, and she had always disliked each other, and now she was willing to beg him so against her will, it was already a big sacrifice.

"Master Hokage...would you lend it to us?"

"You'll know when you go."

After taking a sip of water, Tsunade got up and left the house.

She didn't go to the Hokage Building immediately, but wandered aimlessly in the village by herself.

To her surprise, she ran into Kushina and her child on the street.

"What a coincidence, Tsunade-sama."


Kushina held Naruto's hand, wanting him to call someone: "Naruto, this is..."

The words stopped at the edge of her mouth, she always felt that Tsunade was her elder, but that was counted from Minato.

But this kid has nothing to do with Minato.

"Call Auntie." Tsunade smiled lightly.

Naruto greeted very sensiblely: "Aunt Tsunade."

Tsunade looked at Kushina and asked, "Is his name Naruto?"


"Who named it?"


Tsunade had read Jiraiya's "Ninja Ninja Biography", and Jiraiya had just finished writing that book, so he couldn't wait to show it to her, and she was also the first reader of that book.

But why did Hokage give his child such a name.

And when this child was born, it happened to be the time when Jiraiya and Minato defected.

Tsunade couldn't figure it out, and he couldn't figure out Makoto at this point.

Thinking of going to see the other party later, there was another burst of silence.

"Master Tsunade, let's take our leave first."

There were only a few words between the two of them, and they had a good relationship before, but after many things happened, they never took the initiative to contact each other.

"Naruto, say goodbye to Aunt Tsunade."

"Goodbye, Aunt Tsunade."

"Goodbye..." Tsunade just smiled, and then watched them go away.

The streets were filled with people coming and going, and the noise suddenly became white noise in the background.

She stood there for a long time, and when she set off again, she diverted to the direction of the Hokage Building.

When he came to the Hokage room, Tsunade took a deep breath, reached out and knocked on the door.


In the Hokage room, apart from Hinata, that beautiful Hokage assistant was also there. She was hot and tall, with short blond hair reaching her ears, bright and cool. Facing such a beauty, one couldn't help but feel ashamed.

But Tsunade wouldn't be ashamed of herself, looking at the truth of looking down at work without even looking at herself, she coughed lightly after walking into the Hokage room.

Really just glanced at it.

"What's up?"

"...something happened."

"Well, let's talk."

The bland attitude of the other party made it more difficult for Tsunade to speak, and there were other people in the Hokage room at the moment.

Tsunade stood there feeling a little at a loss, and said after a while: "I want to talk to you...can you give me some time?"

She has always had a straightforward personality, so it's very strange that such a twitchy posture can appear on her body.

Only then did Zhen put down the pen in his hand, and then winked at Samyi who was beside him. Samyi also left the Hokage room with great interest, and the sound of high-heeled shoes stepping on the wooden floor gradually faded away.

He leaned back on the seat, looking at Tsunade in a very casual attitude.

"You can talk now."

Tsunade said, "I need some money."

She stared at Zhen, seeing that Zhen didn't intend to speak and continued: "About... fifty million taels."

"I know it's a lot of money, but I really need it..."

At this time, Zhen suddenly laughed out loud. There was not much kindness in this laughter, but more playfulness.

"Tsunate, what is the relationship between you and me?"

This question stopped Tsunade at once, she didn't understand what she really meant.

"For friends, it doesn't count. I have never been a guest at your house, and you have never visited mine. The number of times we even talk to each other is very limited."

"..." Tsunade was speechless.

Really unhurriedly continued: "Are leaders and subordinates?"

"Tsunade, you are just an ordinary jonin in the village and an ordinary director in the hospital, but you never greet me when you see me on weekdays, and I have even heard you speak ill of me in private from many people. "

"You lived a good life before, and you didn't want to get involved with me. You were afraid of owing me favors."

"But now you suddenly came to me and asked for 50 million taels. Are you begging for help, Tsunade, I don't feel any respect from you."

"You don't even want to call me Hokage-sama."

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