Rated Hokage

248 Chapter 247, one day, five million

The hateful bastard!

While Tsunade cursed inwardly, he felt a little ashamed and flustered.

Before she came here, she also thought that if she suddenly asked someone to borrow fifty million taels, she might be ridiculed by the other party, so she had to endure it.

But when faced with this matter, I really feel hateful.

She clenched her fists involuntarily, gritted her teeth for a long time and forced a smile.

"Fire... Hokage-sama."

Seeing her look like this, I couldn't help but said happily: "If you are so unwilling, why force yourself, my lord does not remember the faults of villains, and I will not pursue anything because of it."


Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, her clenched fists relaxed, and she walked a little towards the desk.

"... Hokage-sama, I need this money very much, I hope you can lend it to me."

This sentence sounds a bit more decent.

Zhen said: "I happen to have an S mission here. Since you need money urgently, I can assign it to you to do it. You should have the ability."

Tsunade became anxious for a moment. She doesn't have the ability to perform tasks now. She is usually far away from the operating room and emergency room in the hospital, for fear of seeing blood.

And what's the use of an S-level mission, what she needs is 50 million!

Tsunade couldn't help saying: "Hokage... my lord, I want fifty million."

Zhen then asked, "What do you want so much money for?"

"I..." Tsunade couldn't help but choked.

What is she going to do? Repaying the debt owed by gambling...

Wouldn't it be ridiculous to say such a thing.

Tsunade said calmly, "I just need to be useful."

Zhen said: "Do you know how much the reward for an S-rank mission is?"

"...more than one million."

"Do you know how dangerous an S-level mission is?"


Zhen Youyou said: "You don't even want to tell me what to do with this money, you just want to take away fifty million from the village with just one word, do you think I, as Hokage, can give you this money?"

Only then did Tsunade falter and say: "I... I owe someone else money, exactly 50 million..."

Seeing that she was laughing secretly, she continued to ask: "What are you doing, you owe so much?"

Tsunade couldn't help but say, "It's just... that I owe someone money..."

Zhen said calmly: "I always want to know where the money is going. Since you don't want to say it, then let's not talk about it."

Tsunade became a little anxious: "Yes... yes... the debt from the bet..."

After all, it is not a glorious thing, and I am still begging a person I am very uncomfortable with, which makes Tsunade extremely embarrassed.

It's really funny: "You want to use the village's 50 million yuan to make up for the debt you lost in gambling? Do you know how much Konoha's annual income is? What will others think if this kind of thing is known?"

Tsunade was left speechless, no matter how you look at the whole thing, the other party has a reason not to lend it to him.

On the contrary, if he still hated the other party because of this, he would be narrow-minded.

But this bastard's attitude is indeed too hateful!

Tsunade really had no choice, and he didn't want to beg the other party in a low voice, so he simply turned his face aside and said directly: "Are you going to borrow it or not?"

But after saying this, she regretted a little, secretly hating herself for being so impulsive, what would she do if the other party really didn't give her the money?

Although the other party's face is hateful, as long as he bears it, it will be fine.

If this kind of thing gets out, what I have to face is the ridicule and ridicule of the whole village, and I will also implicate Jingyin.

I was really not angry, I just sat there looking at Tsunade with a half-smile.

Tsunade's thoughts changed sharply, and he finally chose to give in, and continued to say in a low voice: "Master Hokage, what exactly do you want to lend me?"

Zhen didn't respond immediately, but slowly looked at the other party with his eyes.

The woman in front of her has a very high reputation in the village. She is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, the disciple of the third Hokage, the only woman in one of the three ninjas, and the best medical ninjutsu in the ninja world... All kinds of halos are added to her body, let her go Respected everywhere.

The key point is that she herself is also a rare beauty, and her figure is even more plump than Samui's.

After all, Samui is too young to have her mature charm.

Tsunade's back felt like a thorn in the real sight, and she felt uncomfortable all over. She couldn't help thinking, maybe this guy is thinking about something nasty.

There was a moment of silence in the Hokage room, and Zhen picked up the pen on the desk, turned it in his hand a few times, and then put it down.

"It's not impossible."

Tsunade felt inexplicably tense when he heard the words, there was obviously a follow-up to such words, that is, conditions.

"I heard that you don't care about your work at the hospital at all, and leave everything to your subordinates, right?"

Tsunade did not deny this, and there was no point in denying it, and stood there without saying a word.

"Come and be my assistant for a few days. If I am satisfied, I can give you the fifty million."


Tsunade couldn't help but startled, then thought of something bad, and his face was slightly ugly.

"Tomorrow is the due date for repaying the money."

Zhenzhen said: "I will talk to your creditor and give you a few days' grace."

Tsunade stood there still thinking about this guy's condition.

What the hell is he holding back to be his assistant?

Thinking of the eyes that really looked at me just now, and the beautiful secretary on the other side, and so many beautiful wives at home...

Tsunade instinctively felt that this was a pit.

But after a long silence, she asked, "How many days..."

Zhen said: "Five million a day. Of course, the premise is that you have to do your job well. If you face me with a sad face all day long, you will lose a penny."

Tsunade weighed it in his heart for a long time, his expression fluctuating.

She raised her eyes to look at the other party, only to see that there was a faint smile on the corner of the hateful bastard's mouth.

Tsunade said suddenly: "Didn't Master Naruto say that the reward for the S-level missions that require ninjas to die is only one million taels?"

The implication is also to ridicule Zhenzhen using this money to satisfy his own selfish desires and disgusting addictions.

Zhen raised his eyebrows and said: "Why, you don't think you're worth five million a day, do you? That's five million."


The other party's behavior of marking her with a price made Tsunade angry, but the sentence of 500,000 made her feel flustered.

She knew that she was captured by the opponent's general.

Ten days... no, there are ten million people in the family, eight days... just bear it for eight days...

Tsunade kept persuading himself in his heart.

Finally, he took a deep breath and said, "I see."

After speaking, he smiled again, although the smile was a little fake.

"When do I come to work?"

At this moment, Zhen shouted: "Samyi."

Then the glamorous and beautiful secretary with a giant blonde R walked in again.

"Master Hokage."

"Buy her the clothes that Hokage Assistant should wear, and then teach her what Hokage Assistant should do and how to do it."


Shina smiled and looked at Tsunade: "See you tomorrow."

This smile made Tsunade feel disgusted.

Ask for a ticket

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