Rated Hokage

249 Chapter 248, Apologizing Posture

"You want me to wear these clothes?"

Tsunade looked at the suit in Samui's hand, with a slightly ugly expression on his face.

Samui said, "This is what Hokage assistants should wear."

The clothes in her hands were not too strange, similar to the one she was wearing, a black professional suit, a round neck shirt, a hip skirt, black socks, and high heels.

Tsunade couldn't help cursing in a low voice: "What kind of bullshit rules are these!"

It's obviously Hinata Man's disgusting habit!

Samui said: "This shirt is about the same size as mine, and you should be able to wear it too. It's brand new."

Hearing this, Tsunade glanced at Samui's chest, muttering to himself how the girl developed so well at such a young age, and then looked down at his own chest.

Samuel pointed to the paper bag next to her: "There are three sets of clothes prepared for you, for daily change and backup."

Tsunade frowned at the suit in Samui's hand, imagining what he would look like after putting it on, and Hinata Makoto's obscene gaze at him in the future, and he couldn't help but feel a chill.

And Samyi began to tell her about some of the work to be done as an assistant to Hokage.

It is said to be an assistant, but there are not many things related to official duties. It is more about serving tea, cleaning the room, and even pinching the shoulders and legs of Hokage.

This made Tsunade unacceptable, and asked, "Are these jobs the Hokage assistants should do?"

Samui explained: "Your job is to be Hokage-sama's life assistant, and some official affairs are done by my secretary. Your working hours are very short, and I hope you can adapt as soon as possible."


She returned home with a bunch of bags, Shizune who opened the door was overjoyed to see the paper bag in Tsunade's hand.

"Master Tsunade, Master Hokage lent you money?!"

As she spoke, she reached out to pick it up, but when she opened a paper bag, she found a pile of black stockings inside.

Seeing Tsunade laying down on the sofa again without saying a word, he also opened the remaining bags in the mute bar and took a look.

"Master Tsunade, these are..."


Of course Shizune knew that these were clothes, but she remembered that Tsunade never wore such clothes, nor did she wear them herself.

"What kind of clothes are these...how did you go to Hokage-sama?"

Tsunade buried his head in the pillow and sighed heavily, and then said, "Don't worry...the problem of arrears has been resolved."

This should have been something to be happy about, but Tsunade didn't look happy at all.

Shizune couldn't help worrying: "Master Tsunade, are you alright?"

"...It's okay, I just found myself a short-term job that makes a lot of money."

Good money, short-term work, those clothes...

Jing Yin was stunned for a long while, his thoughts were running fast and his imagination filled his brain, and then he came to a not-so-good conclusion.

She walked quickly to Tsunade's side and asked: "Master Tsunade, you are not going to...do that kind of thing, are you?"

The reward for an S-level task is only over one million taels. What kind of job can earn tens of millions in a short period of time?

All Shizune thinks about is selling her body to those dignitaries. There are still many rich people in this world. Tsunade-sama is beautiful and has a good figure. The key is Sannin, the granddaughter of the first generation of Hokage, etc. Halo bonus, maybe some rich people are willing to spend a lot of money just for a kiss.

Tsunade raised his head blankly: "That kind of thing..."

Then she thought of something, and glared at her in shame and indignation: "What are you thinking, you deserve a beating?!"

Jing Yin shrank her neck, but also breathed a sigh of relief.

Think about it too, how could Tsunade-sama do such a despicable thing of selling his body for money.

What she didn't know was that Tsunade did what she did in part because of her.

Jing Yin asked again: "What kind of job is that?"

"...Assistant Hokage." Tsunade responded in a voice.

Assistant Naruto... how much money can he make?

Shi Jing couldn't understand for a while, she asked hesitantly: "Is it for Hokage-sama's assistant?"


She asked again: "Does Hokage's assistant make a lot of money?"

Tsunade was a little annoyed, and said: "What do you care about so much, I said that if you can make money, you can make money!"

Mute pursed her lips, turned and left.

Tsunade was lying on the sofa alone, still not calm down.

Jing Yin just thought she was selling her body in exchange for money, but what she is doing now is not the same, it's just that she hasn't reached that point.

And the key point is that there are many ninjas near the Hokage room every day, if someone sees her as a Hokage assistant...

Tsunade felt ashamed when he thought about it.

This restless mood lasted until night, Tsunade couldn't fall asleep, and finally drank some wine before falling asleep.

the next day.

Tsunade was woken up by Shizune, she lay lazily on the bed, and the sun was already rising outside the window.

"Master Tsunade, aren't you going to work?"

"……what time is it."

"It's past nine o'clock."

nine o'clock...

Tsunade sat up from the bed in a swish, but the movement was too fast and he couldn't help being dizzy all the time.

It's over, it's late!

Yesterday, Samuel told her that her working time was half past eight.

Tsunade glanced at the alarm clock beside him and realized that it was almost half past nine.

She reached out and patted her forehead, sighing heavily.

"Master Tsunade?"

"...do you have breakfast?"


Tsunade thought to himself that he was already late anyway, and there was no point in being anxious.

After getting up, I went into the bathroom, took a shower, had breakfast, and didn't leave home until after ten o'clock.

Before she left, she looked at the neatly folded business suit that was taken out on the sofa, and Shizune put it there thinking she would wear it today.

But Tsunade was extremely resistant, and after much deliberation, he still didn't change, and went to the Hokage Building wearing his usual clothes.

In the Naruto room, Hokage was talking to Kakashi.

After Tsunade walked in, he didn't bother, but leaned against the wall at the door and watched Kakashi.

In the village, Kakashi's reputation is getting bigger and bigger, as well as in the entire ninja world. Together with Hyuga Homon, he is known as the right-hand man of Hokage.

The story of Hinata Himono defeating the Golden Flash at a young age has also spread.

Tsunade sometimes finds it incredible how these junior ninjas have become so strong one by one.

After talking about the matter, Kakashi bowed and left, and when he saw Tsunade at the door, he bowed slightly and nodded respectfully.

Shin, Samui, and Tsunade were left in the Hokage room.

Zhen glanced at Tsunade, then continued to lower his head to review the official affairs.

"Do you know what time it is?"

Tsunade knew he was wrong, and felt a little guilty, but he tried to remain calm, and said, "That... I'm sorry, I got up late today."

Zhen turned to Samuel and asked, "Have you told her everything you need to tell her?"

Samuel said, "It's all said."

"Including work attire."

"Yesterday, Tsunade-sama brought back three sets of overalls."

At this time, Zhen looked at Tsunade again, looking at his expression as if he was waiting for Tsunade to explain.

Tsunade glanced around and said, "I don't like that dress very much, and I'm not used to wearing it...so I didn't wear it."

After hearing the words, Zhen Zhen's expression was as usual, and he didn't mean to get angry at all, and said lightly: "You can go back."

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, and then a bad premonition arose in his heart.

"What... what do you mean?"

Without raising his head, he said, "Since you don't like this job, I won't force you either."

Tsunade thumped his hands, and continued to ask: "The fifty million..."

Seeing that she still mentioned money, Zhen stopped writing, with a mocking expression on his face: "Why, do you want me to kneel in front of you and offer those 50 million hands, please accept it?"

Tsunade instantly understood what he meant, and his face became a little ugly.

Zhen said, "You can go."

Tsunade's thoughts turned sharply, she wanted to turn around and leave immediately, but she also knew the consequences of doing so.

In the end, she chose to bow her head and compromise. She softened her tone and said, "I... I really didn't do it on purpose today... I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, please give me another chance."

She knew that she was self-willed first, and she did agree to this matter yesterday.

But Tsunade's temperament has always been so straightforward, and sometimes he will not do things that are too impulsive if he says he doesn't want to do them.

At this time, Zhen said to Samuyi: "Samui, Otsuka Kogoro and the others haven't left yet?"

Samui responded: "You just finished meeting them, and you are still in the village."

"I won't bother to tell them about the debt collection. After all, it's only natural to pay back the debt."


Tsunade panicked for a moment, and after hearing Hokage's conversation with Samui, she knew that Hokage had indeed asked her creditor to relax the time limit.

She quickly blocked Samui's way, and then said to Hokage in a low voice: "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama, I really realized my mistake, and I won't do it in the future, please give me another chance."

At this moment, he suddenly laughed out loud, and he changed into a comfortable position, leaving the pen in his hand on the desk.

"Tsunade, you are one of the three ninjas, and you are also a medical master. You are respected wherever you go. The first and second generations are your grandfathers. You can not lie to the third and fourth generations. They also I won't blame you."

"But look at me now, who do you look like compared to the previous four Hokages? Do you think you can treat me the same way you treated the previous Hokages?"

"..." Tsunade was speechless to this, she heard the meaning of the truth, it was nothing more than asking her to put herself in the right position.

No matter how respected her status is, the person in front of her is Hokage in the village, her immediate boss.

The former Hokage was her relatives, teachers, and best friends, she can have no scruples, after all, they are close.

The current Hokage is just Hokage to her.

It is not wrong to call him Hokage-sama, and it is also appropriate to bow and greet him when you see him.

Tsunade slowly came back to her senses, she looked at the other party, and calculated that she should be more than twenty years older than him.

But it is such a young person who is too young, now standing at the top of Konoha, playing with countless people to applaud.

She lowered her head slowly, and said, "I'm sorry, Hokage-sama... I know I was wrong, please give me a chance to correct myself."

But the man in front of her sneered and said, "Don't you know what kind of attitude and posture to use when apologizing to others?"

Hearing this, Tsunade was stunned for a moment.

The gesture of apologizing... is this to make her kneel down?

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