Rated Hokage

250 Chapter 249

Tsunade has lived for so long, although he has also experienced some bad life changes, but it is the departure of people around him.

Because of her birth, she has been highly respected since she was a child, which also makes her personality a bit arrogant, although not bad.

No one has ever made her lower her figure like this, even trampling on her dignity.

For fifty million, for those so-called fame, is it worth it?

Tsunade couldn't accept it, he had already humbled himself like this, and the other party still didn't give up.

She took two steps back, looking at Fifth Hokage who was sitting there peacefully, she could be sure that the other party was just playing with her.

This made her disgusted to the extreme. If the opponent was Hokage, she would definitely punch him in the face, so as to teach him that being a Sannin is not only good at medical ninjutsu.

But it is clear that the current self may not be the opponent's opponent at all.

She thought that she might feel sorry for Shizune for doing this, but Shizune...can understand.

Tsunade didn't utter insults or ridicule, but his expression was filled with coldness, and he turned and left without saying a word.

After she left, there were only Zhen and Samyi left in the Hokage room.

Looking at Tsunade's back, Samui said, "Master Hokage, she's gone."

It really doesn't matter and said: "After all, Tsunade Hime, it's normal to be arrogant."

And Samuel looked at the open door, his eyes flickered slightly.

Who wasn't arrogant in the beginning?

It's just that some people are fearless because they still have a retreat and leeway, while others have nothing.

Zhen took her into his arms, and Samuel sat on Zhen's lap, wrapping his arms around his neck.

She looked down at Zhenba and blinked her eyes: "Master Hokage, are you not working anymore?"

"Isn't it working now?"

Samyi reached out and unbuttoned his shirt on his chest for him, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Could it be that Hokage-sama got angry with that woman?"

"Don't talk nonsense, work hard!"

"...Let's go to the lounge then." # Tsunade returned to the residence, but Shizune went out.

The living room was empty and a little deserted.

The restless Tsunade lay down on the sofa, feeling panicked again, and pulled out the things under him.

It's that business suit.

She looked at some paper bags on the side again, and suddenly got up and threw all these things into the trash can.

But there are three sets of clothes, and the trash can can't fit. After making a fuss, Tsunade was so angry that he kicked over the entire garbage basket, looked at the garbage and clothes scattered on the ground, and didn't want to clean it up, turned around and went back to lie on the sofa.

I don't know how long time has passed, and Tsunade's thoughts are also empty, and she doesn't know if she fell asleep or not, until she was awakened by a sudden knock on the door.

Jing Yin has a key, who will be able to visit her house at this time.

Tsunade got up to open the door, but standing outside was her creditor, Koshiro Otsuka.

Tsunade couldn't help being stunned, thinking that Hokage's actions were really fast enough, the creditor came to the door as soon as he left.

When she came out of the Huoying room not long ago, she was already ready to face this moment.

Otsuka Koshiro said with a smile: "We meet again, Ms. Tsunade."

In fact, Koshiro Otsuka has been taken away by the officials of the Central Criminal Department of the Fire Nation. Samuy used a special technique of transformation to disguise him, and he was wearing something that could shield Chakra perception.

And the reason why she did this is naturally to help satisfy Hokage-sama's strange hobby.

Tsunade just said flatly: "Come in."

She went back to the bedroom, took out all the money at home, and put it on the coffee table.

Samui glanced at the piles of banknotes on the coffee table and said, "Miss Tsunade, shouldn't the money be enough?"

Tsunade sat on the sofa, folded his arms around his chest, crossed his legs, and said in a flat tone: "Here is ten million taels, and I only have so much."

Koshiro Otsuka, who was disguised by Sam, said: "But Ms. Tsunade, you owe me 50 million taels. This is still a small change."

Tsunade's face sank: "I said there are only so many, you want it if you want it!"

She exudes a dangerous aura. After all, she is one of the three ninjas, and the pressure on people is not something ordinary people can bear.

But Samuel remained unafraid, and said with a light smile, "If Ms. Tsunade doesn't intend to fulfill the agreement, I'll have to go to Hokage-sama to preside over the matter."

Hearing that this person mentioned Hokage again, Tsunade was furious instantly, and slapped the coffee table with his palm, causing it to shatter instantly, and the banknotes, teapots, vases and other things on it were scattered and rolled down.

Tsunade grabbed the opponent's collar and said angrily: "Hokage Hokage, do you really think that Hokage can control everything? Let me tell you, even if Hokage comes, I only have 10 million. Either you kill me, or you Take the money and get out!"

At this moment, she vented all the resentment and anger accumulated in the Huoying room at once.

Samyi glanced at the cracked coffee table, thinking to himself that if this slap was slapped on him, he might die of hatred on the spot.

This woman's temper is also really violent, if her creditor came here by himself, he might be frightened by this scene and his legs will go limp.

Samyi looked as usual, but reached out to take away the other party's hand that was holding his collar.

"Our country of fire has laws. If you don't pay back the money you owe, you can only go to jail. Ms. Tsunade, if you insist on this, you will only be able to live in prison with Ms. Shizune in the future."

Tsunade was taken aback suddenly: "What's the matter with Shun Jingyin!"

Samui took out the IOU: "This is the name of you and Miss Jingyin."

Tsunade snatched it away, looked carefully and found that there was indeed Shizune's name on it.

She suddenly remembered that because she had borrowed too much money and had a bad reputation, Jing Yin had asked Jing Yin to borrow money for herself.

Under the change of expression, Tsunade tore the IOU in his hand to pieces.

Samuel smiled and said, "What you destroyed is only the copy."

Tsunade's face was gloomy and terrifying, and she stared at the other party: "Do you want to die!"

Samui said: "Master Tsunade, did I do anything wrong? All of this is reasonable and legal. Since you don't have the ability to repay, why did you ask us to borrow money in the first place? In the end, it's just your own fault. "

This was true, but it was extremely harsh to Tsunade's ears.

"I don't believe that you will really kill me. My companions are still waiting for me. I also often deal with ninjas. Once something happens to me, they will spread the word that Tsunade, one of the Konoha Sannin, owes money and repudiates me." I don’t believe that Hokage-sama of Guicun can tolerate it, you big villages are most concerned about your own image, and I’m afraid that what you will face will be more terrifying than going to jail.”

Tsunade's face turned pale.

Money, she can scrape together.

It's just that she doesn't want to join in, she doesn't want to live in Konoha, she doesn't want to humble herself, she doesn't want to owe others favors.

So now I don't have many friends in Konoha, and I met quite a few before, mostly casual acquaintances.

After all, I just don't want to pull that face down.

Her tense nerves suddenly relaxed, she took two steps back, and said, "You just want money, don't you...give me some more time, and I'll figure it out."

Samui straightened her collar and said with a smile: "Miss Tsunade, see you tomorrow."

The debt collector left, leaving Tsunade sitting on the sofa alone.

The room was empty and dead silent.

She kept thinking about it.

The probability of myself escaping from this village is almost 10%. With that tower, I am afraid it is less than 100%.

And although her fighting strength is high, it is under the condition of not seeing blood.

And with silence...

If this matter really broke out as that person said, how would Hokage protect himself? Will it be on silent?

No matter what, she is still the granddaughter of the first Hokage...

Tsunade thought of his attitude towards Hokage in the Hokage Room today, and he was at a loss again.

She thought about what happened to Minato and Jiraiya.

But now I don't even have the chance to be a traitor.

How did things get to this point! How could I have fallen into this situation!

Tsunade felt that her mind was in a mess at the moment, and she suddenly regretted it.

Maybe it would have been fine if I had left immediately after helping Zilai... If I hadn't helped Zilai, I would have saved Minato...

Looking up, she caught a glimpse of the trash can on the ground and the business suit scattered beside it.

Black socks, hip skirt, high heels...

This is normal clothes, but in the eyes of Tsunade at this moment, they are extremely despicable things.


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