Rated Hokage

251 250, kneel down

Naruto Building.

In the circular corridor, two female ninjas with documents in their arms walked side by side. They were all Naruto-sama's civil servants, and they came to the Hokage room to get some documents.

As the two walked and chatted, an oncoming figure immediately attracted their attention.

The sound of the high heels stepping on the wooden floor was unusually clear. The other party was wearing a professional skirt. Under the skirt were plump black silk long legs and a shawl with long golden hair. The most eye-catching thing was the huge breasts, and the shirt was tightly buttoned. Stretched, the things inside are ready to come out, as if they may break open at any time.

The other person's footsteps were hurried, without looking sideways. This aura made them stand aside involuntarily to get out of the way, watching this person walk past.

After the sound of high-heeled footsteps faded away and the dashing figure disappeared, a female ninja said, "Is that... Tsunade-sama?"

The companion nodded slowly: "...it seems to be."

The size of the breasts, besides Miss Samui, seems to be only Tsunade-sama.

What surprised the two of them was why Tsunade was dressed like a secretary. Isn't she working in the hospital now?

If they hadn't seen Samyi just after they came out of the Fire Shadow Room, the two of them would have thought they were seeing Miss Samyi.

"However, Tsunade-sama looks good in business attire!"

"It's really good-looking, Tsunade-sama's figure is really enviable."

"Why, your boyfriend dislikes you for being young?"

"He dares, I don't despise him, it's not bad!"

"Master Tsunade seems to be in his forties this year, right?"

"I can't tell at all, she looks the same as in her twenties."

The two talked and gradually walked away.

Tsunade stopped at the door of the Hokage Room. She didn't look carefully at herself in the mirror after changing into this outfit, but it was predictable that she was completely different from her previous self.

The two female staff members recognized her just now, that's why they looked so surprised.

I am Tsunade, one of the Sannin...

Tsunade thought of this in his heart, and suddenly felt extremely ironic.

In the name of Konoha Sannin, one is Konoha's sinner who has been killed, and the other has become Konoha's traitor and fled. The situation of the remaining one is not so good.

Konoha Sannin... Heh, I'm afraid he has become a laughing stock long ago!

She reached out and knocked on the door, and a female voice came from inside.


Samui was standing at the desk sorting out some documents, and it was no surprise to see Tsunade coming in, even though she was dressed like this, Samui didn't show any surprise on her face.

Samui said: "Master Hokage is taking a nap, you can go to the lounge and wait, as long as you don't disturb him."

Seeing that Sam was busy with his own affairs, it seemed that he had expected that he would definitely come.

This taste made Tsunade very uncomfortable, but she had long lost the confidence to attack, and just walked into the lounge in the Hokage room without saying a word.

As Samui said, Tsunade's movements were very light.

It was the first time she came to this lounge, and found a big bed inside, and Hokage was lying on it and sleeping soundly.

On the table next to it were some meals that had been eaten.

The whole room was very clean and tidy, and there was a faint fragrance in the air, which was emitted by the incense placed on the table.

Tsunade looked around the room quickly. Although it was inappropriate, she suddenly felt a little hungry looking at the food on the table, and she didn't have lunch.

But at the moment, I can only endure it.

She tiptoed to the chair beside her and sat down. She didn't dare to sit too casually. She put her hands on her knees, as if she was facing an elder she respected. But at this moment, no one was looking at her, but she I put a lot of restrictions on myself.

Another person in the room was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Tsunade's heartbeat was beating rhythmically with the hands of the wall clock on the wall, restlessness, restlessness, and various emotions filled her heart.

About half an hour passed before Zhen really woke up slowly.

Just turning over, I saw a person kneeling on the floor in front of me, wearing the same standard professional attire as Samuel, with a plump figure, and long golden hair falling down along with her head that was pressed against the back of her hand.

Her posture made the clothes on her body taut, outlining her seductive body curves.

The man said slowly: "Master Hokage, I have come to admit my mistake. I was impulsive and ignorant before, and now I beg your forgiveness."

She had obviously prepared these words. Although her tone trembled a little, the posture of the sergeant getting off her seat could still make people feel her sincerity.

It can be regarded as sincerity, after all, they are already so humble.

Really just stretched out on the bed, and let out a happy voice.

Tsunade couldn't wait for a real reply. She put her arms on the ground, her forehead pressed tightly against the back of her hands and she didn't dare to lift it up. She maintained such a posture that made her feel extremely humiliated. People she hates so much.

This made her body tremble slightly, and she kept persuading herself in her heart, the other party is Hokage, the other party is Hokage, no matter how much she respects her...

The more she couldn't wait for a real answer, the more flustered Tsunade felt. She was worried that she had already made it this far and would not get a good result.

If the other party holds grudges and continues to humiliate me, can I still bear it?

At this time, she noticed the change of the vague shadow on the floor, she seemed to sit up, and then stretched out one foot.

"Put on your shoes."


Tsunade only felt a "thump" in her head, she raised her head slightly, and she saw the slightly raised foot of the other party out of the corner of her eye.

Just a stone's throw away from her face!

There is no peculiar smell, and the skin is very fair, but this is a man's foot.

This is humiliation... Tsunade thought at first that the other party would only insult him verbally.

An indescribable emotion was about to rush out uncontrollably. At this moment, she was not very angry, but suddenly she didn't understand why she was here, why she knelt down in front of this person so despicably.

I am Tsunade... Is I still myself?

Why is this happening?

She wanted to escape from here immediately, to escape from this person, but would it make her look even more embarrassed.

Suddenly, she seemed to be running out of ideas, and began to desperately recall the ideological work she had done for herself before coming here.

for mute.

She lowered her head as much as she could, as if she could avoid all this if she lowered her head enough, her eyes were clearly not focused on the floor, but she still saw the shoes piled aside.


Tsunade stretched out his hand tremblingly, the process of touching the shoes seemed extremely long, like crossing an endless sea, a bottomless chasm, like falling from the clouds to the soil, like a goddess It's like being splashed with filth, and the whole world is turned upside down.

Her slender and white fingers stretched out the socks, put them on the real feet bit by bit, smoothed out the wrinkles, picked up the shoes with one hand, and helped them put on the real feet with the other hand...

Makoto raised his other foot in front of Tsunade.

Tsunade knelt there, lowered his head, doing his own thing, his eyes seemed to be watching the real feet in his hands, and he seemed to be lost.

After putting on the shoes, Ma stood up and briefly stretched his body in front of Tsunade.

"Make the bed and prepare the meals."

Shin walked out of the lounge, only Tsunade who was still kneeling was left in the room.

When the room was so quiet that only the sound of the hands of the clock on the wall moving, Tsunade felt his own heartbeat.

She raised her head and saw a somewhat messy bed with the quilt lifted.

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