Rated Hokage

252 Chapter 251, Naruto Assistant: Tsunade

Tsunade stayed in the waiting room for a long time, and when he came out, he saw that he was actually talking to a ninja.

And the ninja couldn't help being stunned when he saw Tsunade suddenly coming out of the lounge.

Tsunade's face was slightly unnatural, and his eyes were also dodging.

In the end, it was the true voice that brought the ninja back to his thoughts. The man finished talking with Zhen about business, and before leaving, he couldn't help but glance at Tsunade again.

Samui is not here at the moment. Tsunade heard it in the lounge just now, and it seems that he is going to deliver documents.

Tsunade walked slowly to Zhen's side, and said in a low voice: "It's all cleaned up."


All he got was a very flat response.

Tsunade stood there at a loss, Jian Zhen lowered his head to review the documents, and then slowly said: "I...do I do anything else?"

Zhen Wenyan glanced at her, although it was not submissive, but the previous arrogance was gone from her face, which was the performance of accepting her fate.

"There are apples in the refrigerator, go and wash one."


Tsunade turned around and went to the lounge again, and after a while, a glowing red apple was handed to Zhen, with crystal drops of water standing on it.

It's really helpless, this woman is also a person who doesn't know how to serve others, she looked at Tsunade and asked, "You let me eat like this?"

Tsunade was also a little surprised: "Can't I eat this?"

After finishing speaking, he realized that he was serving people instead of entertaining friends, so he said with a guilty conscience: "... eat skin to be healthy."

"Go cut into fruit plates."


Tsunade responded, muttering to himself that there were still many problems.

After a while, Tsunade brought out a fruit plate and placed it on the table in front of Zhen, but the water stains on the plate directly wetted a document.

Seeing this, Tsunade quickly apologized: "I'm sorry..."

Zhen frowned and took a look, but Tsunade's hands thumped, wondering if he was going to kneel down again...

She pursed her lips and hesitated, with a fruit plate in her hand, she didn't know whether to kneel or stand.

Zhen suddenly got up from his seat, glanced at Tsunade standing there at a loss, and said, "Let's go."

Tsunade froze for a moment: "Where to...?"

Really said: "Do you think Hokage's job is just to sit here and review documents?"

After saying that, he walked towards the door, and Tsunade had no choice but to follow after seeing this.

Only then did she remember that Samuel had said that Hokage would often go out in the afternoon, maybe for inspection or something else.

I really went to the Institute of Mechanical Science to check out the latest research results there.

After Tsunade entered the Institute of Mechanical Science, he was stunned by everything here, all kinds of strange precision machinery and electronic instruments, and many people in uniforms manipulated these things in their respective positions.

She has never seen this kind of thing before. This is her first time here. Before that, she went to the Institute of Biological Sciences because of the second generation purpose, but this place is far more modern than that.

Tsunade knew that there was such an institution in the village, but he never understood what it was for. He only knew that the Tower of the Sun came from here.

The employees here were also quite surprised after seeing Tsunade, and cast their eyes one after another.

Tsunade somewhat resisted these strange gazes, and quietly followed behind Zhen in silence.

The entire Department of Science and Craftsmanship is busy with two things, one is the follow-up research on the marionette, and the other is the container of the tailed beast chakra.

Both projects were personally supervised by Tonogawa, but the process was very slow. The complexity of the internal art of the marionette made it take a long time and a lot of energy just to imitate one.

But if you want to create a big guy in proportion, the material selection for the body becomes a problem. It is impossible to use the original hardwood material, otherwise it will not be able to bear such a huge thing.

Tonogawa said that if steel is used, the weight will increase exponentially, and the energy consumed by the movement alone will not be a small number.

Really ask if it is possible to develop another alloy with sufficient hardness and toughness but lighter.

Hearing this, Tono Chuan just smiled wryly: "This kind of thing is not so simple."

As for the container for the Tailed Beast Chakra, the Craftsmanship Department originally planned to make a giant container in imitation of the Tower of the Sun.

But I really feel that the thing is too big, and the problem I am facing is that if the volume is to be reduced, the container may not be able to withstand such a violent tail beast chakra. Ordinary glass containers cannot meet this demand at all.

It's also a matter of material.

The conclusion is that although this world has the extraordinary power of Chakra, the technology is still too backward to meet many things that Zhen expected.

If Chakra existed in the world before the real world, battleships and spaceships would have been flying all over the sky long ago, and all human beings would have gone to the universe.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly said, "I have an idea about the container for the Tailed Beast Chakra."

After hearing the words, Tono Chuan hurriedly said, "Please tell me."

Shin said, "We can make an artificial human-like Juriki."

Tonogawa was taken aback when he heard the words, he was not stupid to sit in this position, and immediately understood the deep meaning of Zhen's words.

Create a living body, or a life-like body, to replace the role of Jinchuriki, to accommodate the chakra of the tailed beast, and then continuously improve that living body, making it a pure container, a pure energy that can continue A tool for transporting Tailed Beast Chakra outwards...

Tono Chuan pondered and said, "I'll go to Minister Dou to discuss this matter when I turn around."

To accommodate the huge chakra of the tailed beast requires a huge container, but it can be sealed in a tiny human body.

In the final analysis, the potential of the human body is too strong, and the mysteries contained in it have not been developed much at all. The physical body of the third generation of Raikage can resist the tailed beast jade without any damage. Is this harder and stronger than any alloy?

I really feel that I have entered into some kind of misunderstanding. Vigorously developing technology can lower the threshold of gaining power in the future, but it does not mean that the technology he envisioned will definitely be stronger than humans, and it may gradually become stronger after the peak of technology in the future. Wipe out the ninja's own power.

Seeing that Zhenzhen was in a daze, Tonogawa called softly: "Master Hokage?"


"Master Hokage, what are you thinking?"'

Zhen looked at the mechanical instruments around him and said, "I'm thinking, is what we're making now a good thing or a bad thing for ninjas?"

Tonogawa asked, "Master Hokage, do you think the existence of ninjas is a good thing or a bad thing?"

Zhen looked at the other party in surprise, but saw that Tonogawa seemed to be smiling when looking at him, so he couldn't help grinning.

"you're right."

Tsunade behind listened to their conversation in a fog.

Zhen said: "As for the material selection of the marionette, you can pause for a moment."

Tonogawa asked, "Master Hokage, do you have any other thoughts?"

"It's just a guess."

After hearing this, Tonogawa became excited.

Zhen said slowly: "With the current level of technology, we can't make the kind of alloy material we want. Do you know the third generation of Raikage?"


"Does the big guy we want to build have to be some kind of cold steel puppet?"

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