Rated Hokage

Chapter 253 252, Tsunade's Day (Part 1)

In the evening, Tsunade dragged his tired body back home.

I didn't do much tiring work, I just felt very tired.

Shizune was preparing dinner in the kitchen, when she saw Tsunade came back, she asked with a smile on her face, "Master Tsunade, how do you feel about your new job?"

She wasn't home during the day, didn't know what was going on, and just acted like everything had been sorted out.

Tsunade was rubbing his sore ankles from wearing high heels for a long time at the entrance, and he just let out a flat "hmm" when he heard Shizune's question.

Shizune looked at Tsunade like this, a little strange.

"Master Tsunade?"

The high-heeled shoes were thrown on the ground casually, and Tsunade's feet wrapped in black silk stepped on the wooden floor and collapsed in front of the sofa.

Seeing this, Jing Yin went to arrange her shoes and said, "Dinner will be ready soon, you should go take a shower first."


Another weak response.

Jing Yin wondered if the work of Assistant Hokage was so tiring, and immediately went into the kitchen again.

Tsunade lay on the sofa, thinking about what happened today.

She calmed down, and she couldn't imagine that she had really done those things. Could it be that she really lost her head? Even if she wanted to raise money, there are other ways...

The aroma of food wafting from the kitchen aroused Tsunade's appetite, and she didn't even eat lunch.

Thinking that tomorrow's work will continue, Tsunade's heart is full of resistance.

Today many people saw her with very strange eyes, those eyes seemed to be talking about how the majestic Tsunade-sama became the assistant of Hokage-sama.

"Master Tsunade, hurry up and take a bath." A silent voice came from the kitchen.


At the dinner table, Shizune asked how Tsunade's new job was.

"It's okay." Tsunade buried his head in his meal, his mouth perfunctory.

Jing Yin talked about Hokage's goodness there, and was willing to give them such a chance. After all, what kind of job can earn 50 million?

Tsunade paused while eating, pondered for a moment and asked, "Mute...don't you think it's strange for me to be Hokage's assistant?"

Shizune tilted her head and said, "Hey, does Tsunade-sama think so?"

She thought about it for a while, and then said: "In your case, your status doesn't make it necessary to be an assistant, but it doesn't matter if you are the assistant of Master Hokage."

Tsunade frowned and said, "What's wrong with Hokage, Assistant Hokage, isn't he also an assistant?"

And Hokage is a person she doesn't like very much, so for Tsunade, being an assistant for Hokage is not as good as going to the hospital to be an assistant for a small director.

What made her most conflicted was that the content of this job was not a secretarial job at all, but a job of a servant.

Tsunade asked Shizune again: "What kind of person do you think Hokage is?"

Shizune knew that Tsunade didn't like Hokage, so he was in trouble for a while.

In her impression, Hokage was not a bad person, and when she heard Biren talk about Hokage outside, they mostly praised and respected him.

Tsunade sighed: "Okay, needless to say."

Anyway, it's already reached this point, just endure the rest of the time.

the next day.

Tsunade didn't dare to be late anymore, got up early and changed his clothes, looked at himself in the fitting mirror, dressed in black professional attire, his whole temperament became completely different from before, less casual and free and easy, more With some mature charm, it might be more perfect if you put on some light makeup.

She came to the Huoying room, and saw that there was only Samuel cleaning the room.

"Hokage... Where's your lord?"

"He hasn't come yet."


Tsunade muttered in his heart, he was here, why is this guy so lazy and hasn't come yet.

Samui said to Tsunade: "This kind of cleaning work is what you should do. Remember to clean it before you leave at night."

"……I see."

A lot of things, Samui told her when she told her about the work of Hokage Assistant, but Tsunade didn't remember much at the time.

"Come with me."

Samui led Tsunade into the lounge.

"Hokage-sama will come later, I will teach you some ways to serve Hokage-sama first."

Tsunade couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words, and then watched Samui sitting on the bed. ,


Half an hour later, it really came. He was still wearing a simple black uniform, sometimes a loose black kimono. He had never seen him wear the white Hokage robe worn by Hokage in the past. Even when he attended some formal occasions, he wore It is also a remade black Naruto robe.

Even though he was born in Shangbai's Hinata family, he always looks out of place in black.

However, this also created a trend, especially in Hinata's family, where many young ninjas began to imitate Hokage in black clothes.

At this time, Tsunade came out from the lounge with tea, and didn't bother to put it on the desk.

Then he quietly stood aside, watching Hokage start his day's work.

People from various departments come in and out, and some ninjas who go out to perform tasks need Naruto's orders.

Tsunade also gradually became numb to the astonished eyes looking at him, and did what Samuy had entrusted to him without saying a word.

When it was almost noon, she left the Huoying room and went to Samyi's house.

Hokage doesn't like to eat cold bento, so Azabui prepares lunch and puts it in a food box before sending it to Hokage's room.

"Are you... Master Tsunade?" Azabui was surprised at first when Tsunade came to the door, and then smiled.

"Hmm." Tsunade just responded calmly, looking at the pretty girl with darker skin.

She knew about the three Yunyin female captives. Apart from Samuyi and Mabui, this family was the Ertailed Jinchuriki.

Tsunade was scornful in his heart, but Hokage really enjoyed it.

"This is lunch for Hokage-sama, as well as for you and Samui."

Tsunade froze for a moment: "Mine?"

Mabuyi smiled and said, "Samyi asked me to prepare it."

Tsunade finished the food box, hesitating whether to say thank you, she regarded these people as people around Hokage, and she has always had a bad face.

If you think about it carefully, they stayed in Konoha as captives at the beginning, and it is estimated that a lot of involuntary things happened.

But these thoughts only appeared in his mind for a moment, Tsunade's hesitation didn't last long, and Mabui said with a smile: "Thanks for your hard work."


Tsunade walked to the door with the food box in his hand, saying thank you was just a thought in his heart, and the words didn't even reach his lips.

Let's talk about it tomorrow...

Tsunade thought so and left here.

After returning to the Hokage room, Zhen was still working, so Samui asked Tsunade to have lunch with her first.

The food cooked by Mabuyi looks very good, and the taste is surprisingly good, even better than Jing Yin's cooking skills.

Tsunade tasted it and thought, no wonder Hokage loves it so much.

Samui also explained: "The meals that Mabui prepared for me are different from those prepared for Hokage-sama. Both of them are what I and Hokage-sama like to eat respectively. She doesn't know your taste, so she cooks too much of both. Some, when you see her tomorrow, you can tell her what she likes to eat, as long as it is a common dish, she will cook it."


Tsunade suddenly regretted not saying that thank you to that girl.

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