Rated Hokage

Chapter 254 253, Tsunade's Day (Part 2)

To Tsunade's surprise, Zhen was still reviewing official affairs while having lunch, and the food was brought to the desk, and he ate while watching.

Tsunade felt that at least this guy was still dedicated in the position of Hokage.

From yesterday to now, she can also see that this Hinata is serious about work, and the village has developed very well in the past two years, even outsiders can see it.

Tsunade's impression of Hinata has always been that this is a hateful person who can only follow the wind and rely on some shady schemes to obtain the position of Hokage.

Of course, it hasn't changed much until now. As Hokage, dedication is a matter of course, and it's not something much to praise.

In addition to Orochimaru, the previous generation of Hokage has also done a good job in this regard.

After lunch, it's time for a lunch break.

In the living room, Zhen leaned on the bed and read a book.

Tsunade finished tidying up the bowls, chopsticks and food boxes, and walked to the bed and sat down, with her beautiful black silk legs together, she seemed a little nervous, subconsciously clutching the hem of her skirt with one hand.

Makoto lay down directly, resting his head on Tsunade's lap while continuing to read the book with his eyes.

Unlike Samui, Tsunade's thighs are softer and more fleshy, and the smell of the two people is different.

Tsunade stroked his hair with one hand, took out a piece of blond hair, carefully folded and twisted it together in his hand, then pushed aside the hair next to the real ear, and slowly poked his blond hair in, Hold the other end of the blonde hair with both hands and turn it gently.

He could hear the soft whirring sound of hair scraping against his ears, but at the moment Tsunade's full attention was on his legs.

Unlike the experiment on Samyi just now, this is a man, and she can clearly feel the temperature of his real cheek through a layer of stockings.

Such intimate contact made her nervous, ashamed, resistant, and disgusted.

"It's too deep, it hurts." Zhen suddenly made a voice, which made Tsunade stop the movement of his hand immediately.

"...I'm sorry." She apologized in a low voice.

Makoto stretched out his fingers to dig out some uncomfortable ear piercings, then closed the book, turned over and lay down with his whole face facing Tsunade's lower abdomen.


This posture was already too ambiguous and intimate, which made Tsunade tense up.

After a brief hesitation, she resumed her work, but under the high tension, she could feel the hot air from her real breath puffing on her lower abdomen. It gave her goosebumps all over her body.

On the other hand, Shin's eyes were closed tightly as if he was about to fall asleep.

Tsunade's movements were a little more careful, afraid of hurting the other party again, if he annoyed this person, he would probably be the one to suffer.

It went on like this for a long time, Tsunade's fingers were a little sore, and Zhen Qiyun, who was pillowing his thigh, seemed to be really asleep.

Tsunade stopped and asked softly, "Master Hokage?"

There was no response, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, pulled out a strand of hair and threw it away, and moved his wrist.

And following her movements, the person who was pillowed on her lap suddenly moved, wrapped her arms around her waist, and pressed her face against her belly, as if treating her like a pillow.

Tsunade froze for an instant, and didn't dare to move anymore. She felt a little at a loss, thinking that if she woke her up like this, she would be fine...

Just when she didn't know what to do, the door of the lounge opened suddenly, and Samyi appeared at the door.

Seeing this, Tsunade couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly pointed to the truth on his leg, beckoning him to help him.

However, Samuel took a look at Zhen, and after seeing that he was asleep, he only made a mouth shape to Tsunade, and Tsunade also understood.

"do not move."

The lounge door was closed again.

Furious and anxious, Tsunade lowered his head to look at the pillow on his thigh, and put one arm around his own, carefully trying to move his hand away, but he didn't want to see his resistance earlier, so he hugged him even tighter.

Even through the clothes, Tsunade could already clearly feel the outline of her real face in her lower abdomen, which made her extremely ashamed and angry.

And not long after, Samui came back suddenly.

Tsunade noticed that she took off her high heels and walked very softly.

Samui came to Tsunade, gently raised her head and hands up, Tsunade got up quickly as if she had been pardoned, but was signaled by Samui's eyes not to let her walk around.

After Samui put Zhenzhen on the bed and covered her with the quilt, she whispered to Tsunade, "Take off your shoes."

Tsunade understood, took off her high heels, and walked out of the lounge with Samui.

After leaving the lounge, Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the high-heeled shoes in his hand, and secretly thought that he could be so embarrassed because of this kind of thing.

Thinking of the scene where he really hugged him just now, another layer of goosebumps appeared.

Samui said to Tsunade, "Go to the lounge next to you and rest."

Tsunade couldn't help but whispered, "It's really troublesome."

Samuyi said, "Since we are serving people, we should naturally do our job well."

Tsunade wanted to refute that he was not serving others, but when he thought of what he had done just now, he was serving others. He was even afraid that he would make the other party angry, and when he did something wrong, he blurted out an apology.

This made Tsunade feel ashamed and helpless.

Just as she was leaving, Samui reminded her again: "Master Hokage will wake up at two o'clock, remember to come here at two o'clock."

"……I see."

Tsunade suddenly hated himself a little bit, hated his obedience, hated himself for accepting the status quo.

She felt that she was really not like herself at all.

nine days...

Tsunade clenched his fists tightly, and finally couldn't let go, and left the Hokage room.

It's two o'clock in the afternoon.

She came to the Huoying room again, and saw Samyi sorting out the documents at the desk just like yesterday.

These were all delivered in the past two hours, waiting for Hokage to deal with them.

Receiving the cue from Samui's eyes, Tsunade went to the inner lounge and took off his high heels at the door.

Really still not awake, Tsunade sat on a chair beside him and waited, silently looking at the person on the bed.

About ten minutes later, there was a sudden movement.

Seeing this, Tsunade quickly stood up from the chair, but hesitated for a moment.

Makoto turned over on the bed, looked at her sleepily, and said lazily, "Tsunade."

"Here... Hokage-sama."

She came to the bed in two or three steps, and knelt down on her knees with her mouth tightly pursed. Looking down, she found the pair of shoes that Hokage was wearing.

Maybe she didn't even realize that she was so proficient, she just did it once.

"Are you... want to get up?"

Zhen stretched on the bed, yawned again, and then lifted the quilt and sat up.

"What time is it?" Zhen asked.

"Two seventeen in the afternoon." Tsunade responded.

Zhen turned around and sat on the edge of the bed, with his legs hanging down, and Tsunade seemed to have been waiting, before he could say anything, he immediately picked up the socks and began to put them on his feet.

Looking at Tsunade kneeling there with his head bowed while waiting for him to put on his shoes, he suddenly laughed.

"Tsunade, you seem to be used to this job."


Tsunade just paused when he heard the words, and then remained silent, holding the real foot in one hand and putting on shoes for it.

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