Rated Hokage

261 Chapter 260, the strongest split body

Kai hurried back to the village and informed Hokage of Daimyo's death.

"Daimyo is dead!" Zhen was quite surprised when he heard this.

There are also quite a few eyes and ears of Konoha in the Daming Mansion, but their speed of sending back messages is not as fast as that of Kai.

"Did you die suddenly?" He couldn't help asking, he remembered that although Daimyo's body was weak, it should not have reached this point.

Kai then told all about Hongdou and Qi Daotianji, without any concealment, but he didn't know about Bailong's identity, and he let Bailong escape not long after he arrived, and Hongdou didn't do much afterwards. mentioned.

After listening to what Kai said, Zhen frowned and thought about it.

Kai couldn't help but said: "Master Hokage, I think Hongdou may just be impulsive..."

Zhen just glanced at him indifferently, and Kai immediately fell silent.

He has been with Daming for so long, and he is no longer the stunned young man he used to be. He wants to say a few words for Hongdou out of the standpoint of a friend, but it is impossible to confront Hokage.

It really made Anbu call for the Fire Gate.

"Prepare for the guard of honor. The daimyo has passed away. Tomorrow, I will go to the capital to mourn the daimyo."

When Huomen heard that the daimyo had died, he was surprised, and immediately went down to prepare.

It can be predicted that if the general led troops into the palace as soon as the daimyo died, the current capital must have been in chaos.

But chaos is not a bad thing in reality. What he intends to do is to make the court situation more chaotic, rather than let someone take the opportunity to control the situation.

Although the death of the daimyo was beyond his expectation, it could be regarded as helping him in a disguised form.

Kai is still worried about Hongdou.

It really made Anbu call Kakashi, and then asked Kai to repeat the matter to Kakashi.

"Kakashi, what do you think should be done with the red beans?"

Kai cast a worried look at Kakashi.

Kakashi said: "Adzuki made a big mistake, I would like to catch her back, and wait for Hokage-sama to deal with it."

Kai immediately said: "I will go too!"

Zhen took out a transparent gouyu and rubbed it quietly in his hand, as if made of colored glass. With the injection of his chakra, this gouyu gradually turned purple, with a warm color and seemed to be still bright With a touch of luster.

Zhen threw the purple Gouyu towards Kakashi. The moment Kakashi caught it in his hand, he suddenly felt that his Chakra was connected by something, as if it were a few silk threads, thick and thin.

The most obvious feeling is that the chakra of Kai next to him has become extremely clear.

In addition, all the chakras of Huomen, Shishui, Dou, and Itachi can be felt, and they have locked their positions in the village. There is also a weak chakra that seems to be thousands of miles away.

Kakashi looked at Kai, saw that he didn't respond, and knew that this thing could allow the holder to perceive the positions of other members of the crown guard.

This also made Kakashi further understand that from the moment he was carved into the kite, he was firmly controlled by Hokage.

Zhen asked, "Do you know what to do?"

Kakashi bowed and gave a salute: "I know!"

After the two left, they couldn't help pacing back and forth in the office, then suddenly sat back in their seats, rummaged through the desk drawer, and found a document.

The above is the detailed information of the various rebels in the Nation of Fire, and he focused on the most powerful leader of these rebels.

On the other side, Kakashi and Kai just made some preparations and quickly left the village.

With the real long-distance positioning, the location of the red beans is firmly determined, and they will not search like headless chickens.

"Kakashi, that Chi Inada Hime has a strong illusion, so be careful when you see her."

"Illusion is not my weakness, I won't fall for it as easily as you."

"You bastard, I'm kindly reminding you!" Kai said dissatisfied.

The dense forest is quiet, even in this daylight, the light passes through the branches and leaves, showing a fragmented shape on the ground, and two black shadows fly in the fragmented light.

Kakashi looked ahead and said, "I know, I'm ready."

"It's you, Kay, are you ready?"

Kai froze for a moment: "What do you mean?"

Kakashi's eyes were calm: "Prepare to fight Red Bean."

"Of course I'm ready," Kay said.

Kakashi said: "There is Orochimaru next to the red beans. If you just want to persuade your friends to go home, you will be killed, and you will be killed together with me."

"……I know." # The eastern border of the Kingdom of Fire.

Hongdou didn't know where to take Qi Inada Ji, but thought that she was from Tianzhi Country, so she walked in the direction of Tianzhi Country first.

Afterwards, she also felt that she was a little impulsive, she didn't want to be a traitor, maybe she should go to Zhen to discuss it first, maybe it shows that Ki Inada Hime is not the former Orochimaru, maybe she will let her go, even if It's better to confine her in Konoha.

When we arrived at the border, we had to go through checkpoints and were guarded by ninjas. As usual, Hongdou's identity would definitely not be blocked, but I don't know if the news of Daming Mansion has reached here.

Qi Daotian Ji's physical fitness is very weak, and she will have to rest after walking for a long time.

Hongdou asked: "Your identity is the princess of Tian Zhiguo, right? Can I take you to Tian Zhiguo's daimyo when I arrive in Tianzhi Country?"

Qi Daotian Ji hesitated and said: "It depends on how the Fire Kingdom will deal with me. If they treat me as a sinner, my father will not dare to keep me."


Hong Dou looked at her in surprise when she heard the words, then remembered something and said, "You...do you really love Daimyo?"

Qi Inada Hime looked sad: "Isn't it normal for me to love someone?"

How could this be normal, you are Oshemaru-sama, you were a man before!

Hongdou thought so in his heart, but he didn't say it.

Although it was a fragment of the soul, she felt very strange when she thought that Master Orochimaru was a woman.

"If you can't go to Tian Zhiguo, where should you go..." Hongdou looked into the distance. muttered in his mouth.

Glancing at Ji Inada Ji again, he wondered if he was really going to die in the future.

Qi Inadaji hesitated and said, "I...do know a place to go."

Hongdou asked, "Where?"

I saw Qi Daotian Ji hesitated for a while, and said slowly: "Longdi Cave."

Hongdou was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Ji Daotian Ji again, thinking of the illusion she had made Kai Zhong in Daming Mansion, and asked, "Are you really not good at fighting?"

Qi Inada Ji shook his head: "No."

But this answer is no longer convincing.

Qi Inadaji then explained: "Because of my appearance, I know a little bit of charm."

Ryuji Cave...

Hongdou's thoughts became a little confused. Ryuji Cave was the place where Oshemaru-sama signed a psychic contract, and she also inherited this contract from Oshemaru-sama.

It's just that she hasn't channeled the Ninja Beast of Ryuji Cave for a long time. One is that she can't use her current strength at all, and the other is that she also avoids seeing something related to Master Oshemaru, otherwise she will always miss it.

Hong Dou asked, "Longdi Cave is where snakes live. What are we going to do there?"

Qi Daotianji said: "Do you still remember what Bailong said earlier, that he is not the strongest among all the split bodies?"

Hongdou was startled suddenly.


a long distance away.

Kakashi, who was running fast, stopped suddenly, and Kai also stopped quickly when he rushed more than ten meters away.

"What's wrong?"

Kakashi looked down at the purple jade in his hand, closed his eyes and felt it carefully.

After a while, he opened his eyes again.

"The thread is broken."

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