Rated Hokage

Chapter 262 Chapter 261, The Wordless Beast

Longdi Cave is an inheritance fairy land as famous as Miaomu Mountain and Shibone Forest.

There are a large number of snakes living in it, and there are many powerful Ninja Beasts, such as Ten Thousand Snakes, who are the best among them, and the White Snake Immortal is the founder and leader of Longdi Cave.

Different from Miaomu Mountain and Shibone Forest, Longdi Cave doesn't have much kindness towards human beings. Many people want to get power from Longdi Cave, but most of them become the food in the belly of the White Snake Immortal.

Although Hongdou signed a contract with Zhuolongdi Cave, she has never been here.

Standing in front of this magnificent hall, it is hard to believe that this is the place where snakes live, and I feel a sense of gloom for no reason.

Hongdou can also feel the Immortal imprint on her body is constantly responding. The natural energy field here is very chaotic, which makes people very uncomfortable. It is not easy to enter the Immortal mode here.

The door of the main hall opened suddenly.

Three figures walked out of it, with lotus steps, they were actually three young women, dressed in gauze skirts and with exquisite makeup.

The three girls came to Hongdou and saluted in front of Hongdou.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Hongdou."

Hong Dou was caught off guard by this title: "Your Highness... me?"

"The lord has been waiting for His Highness for a long time."


Hongdou couldn't help but glanced at Qi Inada Hime beside her. According to what she said, the master of these three women is also one of the split bodies of Lord Orochimaru, and the one with the strongest strength.

The three women led Hongdou and Qi Daotianji into the hall. Along the way, Hongdou found that the hall looked extremely magnificent from the outside, and the interior decoration was also luxurious, which was not much less than the Daming Mansion.

However, after passing through this hall, he came to a temple again.

Hongdou finally saw some snakes, but they were not big. She looked at the temple, but suddenly found a huge white body lying outside the temple.

It is the body of a snake!

Only the width from top to bottom is nearly ten meters!

One end is inside the temple, and the other end continues to extend outside. Hongdou looked along the huge snake body and found that there was no head or tail at all.

"Your Highness Hongdou." The woman leading the way whispered respectfully.

"The master is inside."

Hongdou's throat rolled down, and he continued to walk into the temple.

Compared with the main hall just now, this temple looks simple and dilapidated.

Hongdou walked in and saw the scene inside, the pupils of both eyes were constantly dilated.

What was inside was not a human being, but a snake, a huge snow-white python!

The size of the giant python is unimaginably large, and the scales all over its body are countless small white snakes!

No, those white snakes are not small anymore, it's only on this giant python that they look small. What's even more frightening is that this giant python has eight heads!

The giant python's body stretched out, and the snake's body that Hongdou saw outside just now belonged to it!

The impression of the eight giant pythons is too shocking. If ordinary people are here, they may be directly frightened and faint.

But Hong Dou was not afraid. The first time she saw each other, she had the same feeling as when she saw Bai Long and Qi Dao Tian Ji.

The opponent is Master Orochimaru!

She didn't know why she could recognize it every time, it was like an intuition given to her by instinct.

But Hongdou couldn't understand why one of the split bodies of Master Orochimaru would be a... such a monster!

The eight heads of the giant python were also watching the red bean, and the snake pupils showed human emotions, and one of the heads actively stretched towards the red bean.

Hongdou watched the huge and terrifying snake head almost motionless, and instead stretched out his hand to stroke it.

"Master Orochimaru..."

Hong Dou muttered, and opened his arms to hug him, but the size of the snake head was too huge, so he could only let Hong Dou's upper body lie on it, but the snake head also slowly closed his eyes, like It was in response to her closeness.

"Master Orochimaru."

The snake head just neighed.

Hongdou realized that the other party seemed unable to speak, put one hand on the snake's head, and looked into one of its eyes.

Qi Inada Hime leaned closer and said, "It's calling your name."

Hongdou was silent for a moment, then said, "It's not it, it's him." # After Kakashi found that he couldn't continue to perceive the location of the red beans, he continued to rush to the location before the breath disappeared, but after arriving, he still couldn't detect the location of the purple Gouyu given by Zhen.

But Kakashi can still detect the chakra of Huomen and others in the village very far away.

He channeled Ninja Dog Parker, and concluded that the breath of red beans disappeared out of thin air here.

In desperation, they had to return to the village with Kai to return to their lives.

But they really knew about this one step earlier, and said to the two: "They were transferred away by time and space ninjutsu."

Kakashi was not surprised, if he could really make such a hook to lock their location, he must have a way to know where they are.

He asked, "Has it been transferred far?"

Zhen pondered and said: "That's right, maybe there is a special means of shielding perception."

He really couldn't detect the location of Hongdou, the kite's connection was intermittent, and it seemed to lead to an unknown area.

Orochimaru took her away.

I really remembered the words that Orochimaru left to myself that I heard in the research institute that day.

Do you want to let yourself be in this kind of fear all the time...

"Let's go back first."

Zhen said to Kakashi and Kai, walked to the floor-to-ceiling windows, looked at the tower of the sun in the distance, and looked neither sad nor happy.

Is there anything in this world that can scare oneself?

the second day.

Zhen took Huomon and Tsunade together in the car of Hokage and went to the capital of the country of fire.

This is the ceremonial guard prepared by Huomen, but Zhen directly controlled the convoy and flew into the sky, quickly flying towards the capital of the country of fire.

It was Tsunade's first time flying into the sky, sitting in the carriage with Hokage and looking out the window frequently.

The rest of the honor guard reacted similarly.

The speed of the flight was very fast, and it arrived in the capital in less than half an hour.

Hearing that Hokage was coming, a group of people immediately came out from the Daming Mansion to greet him, led by General Isamu Oda, followed by a group of ministers.

"Master Hokage!"

A group of people bowed to Zhen, and Hokage's status in the Land of Fire was only below the daimyo's in name.

Before Hokage came here, many people even secretly condemned Hokage for yesterday's incident that Anko forcibly took Ki Inada Hime away, but at this moment in front of the truth, no one dared to mention it, and everyone looked respectful and smiled.

In such a special period when the daimyo died and the country was in civil strife, Hokage's influence was infinitely enhanced.

After being polite to each other, they really entered the Daming Mansion together with everyone.

During the period, Qinglian Valley also came to greet, after all, it was a Konoha ninja.

In front of the mourning hall, after really expressing his condolences to the dead daimyo, daimyo's main wife led a young man to the real face.

"Your Highness Hokage."

This young man is the future heir of the Land of Fire, which is really a symbolic courtesy.

But the wife of the former daimyo was very earnest and asked her son to treat Zhen with the etiquette of an elder. In fact, the two are actually about the same age.

The eyes of many people around are also watching here, each with their own thoughts.

But really, this so-called heir is not interested in any of this.

In his opinion, the royal family and ministers in this room are all dying people.

Three more, let's count the votes

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