Rated Hokage

Chapter 264 263, Lin: Don't let me down, Obito

Hokage's convoy stopped at the entrance of the Hokage building, but Hokage never came out of it, and Qingliangu didn't dare to go in rashly, and tapped the carriage lightly.

"Hokage-sama is resting." Tsunade's voice came from inside.

Not long after, Samyi came down from the Hokage building, looked at Seiriya and the others, and asked, "Your Excellency is Seiriya Zaemon?"

Qingliangu bowed slightly: "It's right here."

He has not been in the village all year round, and he no longer knows many people.

"I am the secret art of Hokage, Samuy, please take everyone to register first, there will be someone to receive you."

Qingliangu left with a group of guards, and Samyi also waved to let the guard of honor disperse, opened the curtain and entered the carriage.

Seeing Tsunade lying there, he was stunned for a while, but Tsunade was relieved to see that it was Samui who came in.

Fortunately, it was Samyi, she had been worried that Qingliangu and the others would barge in and call Hokage.

"Master Hokage." Samui patted Zhen on the shoulder to wake him up.

"Go to bed in the lounge."

Zhenyouyou woke up, stretched her waist, rubbed her arms again, shivering.

"It's getting colder."

Samui said, "Winter is coming soon, and you will definitely be cold if you sleep like this."

Really got up and walked out of the carriage, Samuel glanced at Tsunade who was still lying there, and suddenly felt pity in his heart, but it was only for a moment.

She kicked Tsunade lightly, indicating that she could get up too.

Seeing that Tsunade had already walked out, he also stood up slowly, sat on a chair beside him, and rubbed his numb and sore knee.

But they didn't dare to sit for too long, and quickly got out of the carriage, and entered the Hokage building together.

Zhen Zhen, who had already slept in the carriage for a while, did not continue to take a nap, but sat on the desk and asked Samyi to bring over a map of the Land of Fire.

Muye Village is not considered the center of the Fire Country, but the capital of the Fire Country is the center of the Fire Country, with a high degree of prosperity. It would be a pity if such a place was destroyed.

It was just a pity. I really looked at the map for a long time, and said to Samui: "I plan to expand Muye Village."

After hearing this, Samyi hesitated and said, "But our village's finances are very tight..."

Kakashi went to some wealthy businessmen to prepare some money not long ago, but it was far from enough to support such a large project as the expansion of the village.

But Zhen said: "The money will be available soon..."

Suddenly, he suddenly remembered something, his spirit was shaken, and he called Anbu.

"Come on! Go and call Uchiha Obito!"

Obito's life is still the same as before, performing tasks, practicing hard, and pleasing Lin.

However, he is now a Jounin. Although he was the tail of a crane before, his strength has been greatly improved with the addition of Sharingan and Mu Dun.

During the Jonin assessment, it was similar to that of Kai at the beginning. Theoretical knowledge was a weak point, and he only passed the examination twice.

What happened in the country of birds did not have much impact on him, and the things that the patriarch Fuyue said to him were all forgotten by him.

After being summoned alone, Obito quickly came to the Hokage room with a little excitement, thinking that Hokage had finally recognized his ability. Have any important tasks for yourself.

Zhen pondered and said: "There is indeed a very important task for you, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is an S-rank."

Obito became even more excited when he heard the words, and quickly patted his chest to promise: "Don't worry, Hokage-sama, I will never let you down, I can complete any task perfectly!"

Zhen asked: "How is Mu Dun practicing?"

Obito said: "I have already mastered all the wood escape ninjutsu recorded."

"What about building a house?"

"Huh?" Obito was stunned.

"I mean..." Zhen thought about his words.

"The art of the Lianzhu family and the art of the four-pillar family."

Obito nodded suspiciously: "Although it's rarely used, it's okay."

Zhen showed a satisfied expression: "Obito Uchiha, now the village asks you to perform an S-level mission."

Obito's spirit shook.

Zhen continued: "In three days, you will expand the village together with a few Tudun ninjas and some construction craftsmen."

Obito was a little dumbfounded: "What... what do you mean?"

"The village needs to be expanded, but because of the shortage of funds, your strength is needed. The important task of building the village is entrusted to you."

"...Didn't you say it was an S-level mission?" Obito couldn't help asking.

With a serious face, he said: "Isn't the construction of the village important enough? This is related to the future development of Konoha, and it is a century-old plan!"


Zhen squinted his eyes: "Why, don't you want to?"

"No, I am very willing! Guaranteed to complete the task!"

I was really pleased and said: "Very good, you are indeed the Jonin in the village, because the village is very short of money now, and I will give you 20W at most in terms of remuneration, I hope you can understand, but don't worry, your resume will definitely record S rank task."

Obito: "..."

20W, the remuneration for a B-level task can be 20W taels, and this kind of construction task must have a very long cycle.

The corners of his mouth twitched, showing a not-so-good-looking smile, and after hearing some requests from Zhen, he left the Huoying room.

Muye Yin Village is called a village, but its actual area is far larger than the size of the village, so it is not an exaggeration to call it a small town.

However, it is still too small to be the capital of a country, and Konoha is surrounded by dense forests, which can be completely freed up to build a new city.

in the evening.

In order to welcome Kai's return to the village, a group of peers gathered together.

Although he came back yesterday, because of the red beans, Kai didn't have any thoughts or interest.

"Why didn't Hongdou come, didn't you call her?"

In the barbecue shop, seeing that only the red beans were absent, Asma couldn't help asking.

Yuhihong said: "Hongdou has not been at home these days."

They didn't know anything about Hongdou, including the fact that she was a guardian ninja.

Kai's expression was a little heavy, and Kakashi said, "Adzuki has a special mission and is not in the village."

Xuan Jian nodded and said, "That's it, what a pity."

"The fire door is not there either."

"It's okay, Kai is back too, it's fine if we don't get together again in the future."

Performing missions as a ninja is perfectly normal, everyone didn't care, and chatted and laughed again.

Kakashi secretly patted Kai and gave him a look. After understanding, Kai smiled and joined everyone's chat.

"Obito, why are you listless?" Someone noticed the silent Obito and asked.

With Obito's temperament, it should be the one who speaks the loudest at this time.

Obito rested his chin on both hands, looked at the barbecue on the stove but lost his appetite, and sighed: "It's nothing, just accepted an S-level mission."


"real or fake?"

"With whom?"

Everyone was surprised, and Kakashi couldn't help but look sideways in surprise.

I thought to myself that this kid should not show off when he took an S-level mission, but he didn't care about it on purpose?

Obito became even more irritable, and said, "Master Hokage said that he wanted to expand the village, because I know how to hide... so let me help build houses."


After a brief silence, everyone burst into laughter.

"Build a house, hahaha..."

"What kind of S-rank mission is this?"

"Could it be Hokage-sama coaxing you?"

Kakashi said: "Building a village is very important. Of course, it can be listed as an S-level task, and the importance is higher than ordinary S-level tasks."

Asma laughed and said, "That's what I said, but why is it so funny, hahaha..."

The same is true for the rest of the people, which makes Obito even more embarrassed.

"I think it's great."

Lin, who was sitting between Hong and Jingyin, said suddenly, and Obito looked over immediately after hearing the words.

Lin said solemnly: "Using ninjutsu to build a house has never happened before, and now only Obito can do it. Isn't this a very powerful thing? Ninjas don't have to fight and die. Fighting, Kakashi also said that this is a very important thing for the village, otherwise...why would Hokage-sama list it as an S-rank task?"

Obito looked moved: "Lin, do you think so?"

Lin chuckled and said, "Obito, Hokage-sama thinks you are special and important, so he entrusted you with this mission. Don't let him down."

The rest of the people looked at each other when they heard the words, but Obito was instantly full of fighting spirit. He picked up the chopsticks and stuffed the grilled meat on Kakashi's plate into his mouth, while speaking vaguely.

"Don't worry! I'm the Hokage of the future. It's my job to build a village! I'll definitely finish it perfectly!"

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