Rated Hokage

265 Chapter 264, Red Bean's Begging

At Konoha's main gate in the early morning, a special visitor arrived. This was a soldier on horseback who came from the capital, and said that he had something urgent to report to Hokage.

Originally, the few rebels in the Land of Fire did not have much success, but for some reason, they suddenly approached the capital of the Land of Fire with consecutive victories and victories!

General Oda was caught off guard by this situation. The conquered cities were heavily guarded. Even an elite army would take at least half a month to attack the city. Those rebels composed of refugees and mobs should not have this ability at all. right.

The only explanation is that there are powerful ninjas among these rebels!

As for the war involving ninjas, ordinary people have no resistance at all, so they can only turn to Konoha for help.

After listening to the words of the summoned soldier, he just asked people to take the soldier down to rest.

Then I went back home to catch up on a return sleep.

In the winter season, the temperature drops quickly, and I really don't want to get out of bed in the morning.

There is no air conditioning or heating in this world.

It is true that you can adjust the temperature around you through vibration, but that requires your own chakra and energy to be consumed all the time.

He was thinking about whether he could add the ability to adjust the temperature to the Tower of the Sun, so that the leaves could be kept at a suitable temperature all year round. It seemed that he could try it.

But now he really doesn't have the time to study, he still has a lot of things to focus on every day.

The progress of the two research institutes of mechanical science and biological science, the expansion plan of the village, the commercial introduction plan of Konoha Future New City, various affairs of the village...

In addition, there are some things that are already in sight, things that I really plan to carry out in the future, such as the collection of all ninja forces in the entire Fire Kingdom.

As soon as I got busy, I felt that time passed quickly, and it was evening before I knew it.

Firegate is back.

"Master Hokage, the capital has fallen, and the rebels have already occupied it."

"The action is quite fast." Zhen put down the pen in his hand, he just went to mourn the daimyo yesterday.

"Where are the royal family members and those generals and ministers?"

Huomen replied: "All members of the royal family were brutally murdered by the rebels. The generals are all dead, and the ministers and officials who should be alive are still alive."

Zhen nodded slightly, listening to the news that was enough to shake the whole country, his expression was normal.

"Call all the Jnin in the village for a meeting!"

Half an hour later, the largest conference room in the Hokage Building was full of people, including all the on-the-job ninjas in the village.

Kosuke Maruhoshi, the leader of the ninja squad, was the leader, while Kakashi and other crown guards stood on the opposite side.

Everyone was whispering, wondering why Hokage suddenly held a Jōnin meeting.

Knowing that Zhen walked in with the fire door, the meeting room fell silent.

Sitting on the main seat, Zhen glanced across everyone present.

"Did you all hear the news of Daiming's death?"

Many people nodded upon hearing the sound, and Kosuke Maruhoshi replied, "I just heard about it not long ago."

Zhen said again: "Just today, the rebel army captured the capital and killed countless members of the royal family and ministers and officials."

The news shocked everyone in the meeting room.

The capital has fallen...the capital of the Land of Fire...

Why does this kind of thing sound so absurd! That was the capital of their country of fire, and it was captured by a group of rebels composed of ordinary people!

"I got news that among these rebels there are powerful ninjas assisting in the dark, that's why they were able to capture the capital so quickly."

Someone couldn't help asking: "What kind of ninja?"

"I don't know yet." Zhen shook his head slowly and said: "I have always pitied the rebels because they had no choice but to rebel because they couldn't eat and survive, but under the current situation, they can no longer be allowed to continue to cause chaos and harm the country. "

"From now on, Konoha Village will do its best to save the Nation of Fire!"

Countering the rebellion does not mean killing all the rebels as His Highness Zhi said. If this is really the case, the Kingdom of Fire will not be far from subjugation.

It is very easy to suppress the rebels everywhere. The power of ninjas can directly make ordinary people lose the will to resist. But after the rebel leaders are dealt with, these large numbers of people who have turned from rebels into refugees have to be resettled.

The politics of all major cities in the Land of Fire are basically in a state of paralysis, but it's not just a simple mess.

It would be too embarrassing for a group of ninjas to take over a country in such a state.

Really divide the overall counter-insurgency plan into several steps.

Take over the capital, restore the operation of major cities, suppress and accept all rebels.

These things must be carried out at the same time. The Kingdom of Fire is already dilapidated, but no matter how dilapidated it is, the body must be supported by Konoha.

Various difficulties will be encountered during the period, the most important thing is to let the common people see the hope of living as soon as possible and survive this winter.

On the roof of the Hokage Building.

True eyes looked in the direction outside the village, Konoha had already started cutting down the surrounding forest because of the expansion.

Expanding from a village the size of a small town to a city requires a large area of ​​land, much larger than Konoha itself.

Might be a little hard work...

I really think so.

As night fell, Zhen Zhen, who was about to go home to rest, suddenly sensed something, and suddenly he soared into the sky and flew away from the village.

He flew extremely fast in the sky, and Chakra condensed a barrier in front of him to resist the cold wind, and he was thousands of miles away in a short time.

This is an uninhabited wilderness. A figure on the ground is walking slowly, and he doesn't know where he is going.

Standing really high above the sky, the person below seemed to have sensed something, and quickly looked up at Zhen.

But after seeing the truth, he wanted to escape quickly like a mouse seeing a cat.

"Where else do you want to go?"

It really appeared in front of Hongdou out of thin air.

"You... why are you here?" Hong Dou looked a little scared and guilty, and turned his head to look elsewhere.

Just lightly raised his hand, Hongdou suddenly felt that his limbs were bound, and the chakra all over his body had turned into a pool of stagnant water, unable to move anymore.

"What are you doing!" She struggled hard, but it was useless.

"Where's Orochimaru?" Zhen asked.

Hongdou glanced aside, and snorted coldly: "Shouldn't you call him an adult? If you become Hokage, you will lose the respect you should have."

Seeing that her mouth was stiff, he said lightly: "It's okay if you don't want to say it, the standard of the torture department in the village is still quite high, there is always a way to make you speak."

Hongdou panicked when she heard the words, and struggled violently again: "Makoto Hinata, you bastard! Pervert! Let me go!"

Zhen took two steps closer to her, just a short distance away, stretched out his hand to tightly clamp her chin, and looked at her coldly.

"Do you think I'm flirting with you, tell me where Orochimaru is!"

Hong Dou was a little distracted, she felt a panic, not because she was really saying that she was going to be punished, but because of her attitude, she felt panic.

She has always been able to be willful and savage in front of Zhen, and the other party will tolerate her. She has never been polite to Zhen, but after Dashewan left, she always regarded him as a close person.

Now she finds that the relationship between the two is drifting away.

The chin was tightly clamped by the opponent, Hongdou could only stare at the real face, and said with trembling eyes: "Master Orochimaru has died once, even if he is really guilty, all grievances should have been settled long ago, really... ...please let him go."

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