Rated Hokage

Chapter 266 265, I can sleep wherever I want!

Orochimaru's soul split into many individuals, now is undoubtedly his weakest time, and it is also an excellent time to get rid of Orochimaru.

Is it possible to always keep a hidden danger for yourself?

Facing the begging of red beans, I was really indifferent.

The grievances she said don't really matter, this is between him and Orochimaru.

Seeing Zhen's always cold face, Hong Dou's eyes gradually dimmed.

"If Orochimaru wanted to kill me, would you beg him like this?"

Hongdou stared blankly at Zhen in front of her. What she didn't understand was why the two insisted on being enemies to each other. There was obviously no deep hatred.

"I... will not let Master Orochimaru kill you."


Zhen took the red beans into the sky and galloped towards the village.

Hong Dou followed Zhen Zhen, her eyes silently watching the small things below, she found that she could move when she was high in the sky, she hesitated for a moment and suddenly stretched out her arms to hug him, her face was pressed against his back.

Although flying fast in the cold wind, her body was really warm, and Hong Dou couldn't help but tighten her arms.

She said in a muffled voice: "Master Orochimaru is my teacher, he gave me everything, he is like my father..."

"Really, you are my best friend again, why do you have to be like this, you have given so much to each other, shouldn't you continue to support each other?"

Unmoved at all, he said calmly: "If Orochimaru is willing to kneel in front of me and call me Hokage-sama, I can consider letting him go."


Red Bean fell silent.

Back in the village, Anbu took Hongdou down and put him in a confinement room, waiting for interrogation.

Hong Dou didn't resist, and left obediently with Anbu.

Really just went home.

"Why did you come back so late today?" Ling Li came up and asked.

"I have something to do. I'm so hungry. Is there any food left?"

"I'll keep it for you."

Naruto and Sasuke suddenly ran out of the room at this time, shouting "Dad" and came to Zhen's side, each holding a leg.

"Daddy hug!"

"I hug too!"

Zhen picked up one in each hand, and asked with a smile: "Why are you still not sleeping?"

Sasuke said, "I'm waiting for Dad."

Naruto also immediately said: "I'm waiting for Dad too!"

Sasuke blamed, "Naruto was so sleepy that he was about to fall asleep just now, but I wasn't sleepy, and I've been waiting for Dad to come back."

Naruto said unconvinced: "Nonsense, I'm not sleepy!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Zhen with watery eyes, "Dad, I'm not sleepy."

Really dumbfounded, coaxed the two children for a while, and sent them back to the room.

Naruto Sasuke shared a room with the three brothers Neji, and Neji didn't fall asleep either. He lay quietly on the bed and didn't make a fuss like his two younger brothers.

Sasuke took Zhen's hand: "Dad, don't go, let's go after telling a story."

Naruto also immediately said: "I want to hear the story too!"

"I asked Dad to tell the story first."

"But I already want Dad to tell a story in my heart, and it should be me first."

"You didn't say it first!"

Ning Ci was annoyed by the noise, so he reprimanded his two younger brothers: "Be quiet, you two. Dad will have to work during the day tomorrow and sleep with the mothers at night. He is already very tired, so don't bother him anymore."


What does it mean to sleep with mothers at night? Who taught this kid.

After coaxing Naruto and Sasuke to lie down quietly, they came to Neji's bedside again, seeing him pretending to sleep with his eyes closed, he couldn't help laughing at him, so he tucked the quilt for him, and went out as well.

Ayari brought the still hot food to the dining table.

"Are all of them asleep?"

"I don't know, who do you want to go to tonight, just go into her room and take a look." Ling Li glanced lightly.

Zhen quickly changed the subject: "Do you know what Neji said just now?"


"He said that I have to work during the day and sleep with my mother at night. It's very hard. How does this kid know so much? Who taught him?"

Lingli said angrily: "Do you need someone else to teach you? You are his father. I don't know what you are like in daily life. From now on, the children in the family will become like you, messing around everywhere!"

Zhen coughed dryly and said, "How could that be? I will take the time to educate them in the future."

After finishing speaking, he changed the subject: "Ningji is much more sensible and well-behaved than Naruto and Sasuke."

Lingli said: "After all, he is one year older, but his sensible and well-behaved behavior is just to get your attention and approval. I advise you to treat the children equally, otherwise Neji, Naruto Sasuke If they see that you have a preference for Hinata, they will definitely learn from Hinata, you see how Hinata was spoiled at such a young age, she is completely a crazy girl."

Zhen echoed: "You are right, I will pay attention to it later."

After dinner, I really went to take a hot bath, and did the Chakra exercise as usual, feeling much smoother and more refreshed.

After entering the master bedroom, Lingli asked in surprise, "Why did you come to my place?"


Ling Li rolled her eyes: "Did you forget where you should go tonight?"

Really want to get under the covers: "You have been waiting for me for so long."

But Lingli pushed him away: "I didn't sleep when the children didn't sleep. If you sleep with me tonight, my sister might talk with guns and sticks when she talks tomorrow. You don't have a bad personality like her." Know."

"If she dares to say it, I will teach her a lesson."

Ling Li still refused: "Come on, it's not enough to upset me, hurry to my sister's place."

Hearing this, Zhen Zhen couldn't help kissing her, and said with a smile, "As expected of the mistress of this family."

Lingli said angrily: "Hurry up and get out!"

After leaving the master bedroom, I really remembered my son's words again, he had to work during the day and sleep with his mother at night.

Be more careful with your children in the future.

Having too many women is also an annoyance, he sighed quietly, and entered Ayano's room.

The warm light was on in the room, and Ayano was not asleep yet, she was lying on the bed reading a book, when she saw Zhen came in, she immediately put the book aside, tucked herself into the quilt, and at the same time blinked her bright eyes at him.

Ayano is the same age as Ayari, and she is only in her twenties this year. She is a little younger than Mikoto, but she is the most mature among the women.

Feeling a little hot in my heart, I walked over to the big bed.

Ayano pulled the quilt up to her chin, bit her red lips lightly and said, "I thought you were going to sleep at Ayari's place."

Zhen raised his eyebrows slightly, and lifted the quilt completely.

"I can sleep wherever I want!"

In an instant, spring appeared, and the sudden cold wind made Ayano curl up and twist on the bed.

She said pitifully: "It's cold..."

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