Rated Hokage

268 Chapter 267

It was raining outside, and the rain was splashing from the eaves, and a layer of shallows had accumulated on the ground of the courtyard.

Sitting really in the living room, slowly sipping the tea offered by Xiao Nan, Huo Men stood quietly aside.

The cold wind blew in, and Yahiko who was also sitting slowly narrowed his eyes, looking thoughtful.

"I don't know, what does Hokage-sama mean?"

Xiaonan stood beside Yahiko, and said, "Bailong is our companion, it is impossible to do such a thing."

Zhen just smiled and said: "Whether it is true or not, it will be clear soon."

Yahiko's heart sinks slightly, and he secretly thinks that Hokage is here to question the crime, and he came in person, so I'm afraid it won't be good...

It was raining heavily outside the door, Xiaonan and Yahiko had different thoughts and were both a little anxious.

Not long after, Nagato came with another person.

After entering the living room, Nagato nodded to Yahiko first, and then bowed to Shin to greet him: "Master Hokage."

Zhenzhen's eyes stayed on the white dragon beside Nagato. To be honest, he couldn't see a trace of Orochimaru's characteristics on this person. Even if this person stood in front of him before, he couldn't recognize that the other party was Orochi pill!

This level of camouflage is perfect.

Yahiko pondered and said: "Hakuryu, Hokage-sama has something to ask you."

Nagato couldn't help but feel strange, but Xiaonan pulled him aside at this moment.

Bailong also bowed to Zhen: "I don't know what Hokage-sama wants to ask."

Zhen just stared at Bailong for a few seconds, then suddenly said: "Fire Gate."

Huomen's expression moved slightly, and he immediately realized it, and disappeared into the living room in an instant.

Yahiko showed a surprised expression: "Master Hokage, this..."

Shin just said, "Don't worry, Mr. Yahiko."

Not only a minute later, Huomen came back with a person in his hand, who was also Bailong!

When everyone was surprised, Huomen suddenly slashed at the first Bailong with a knife, and the white dragon instantly turned into a cloud of white smoke and disappeared.

Yahiko's face became ugly.

"Bailong, do you want to escape?"

Bailong was thrown on the ground by the Fire Gate, so he wanted to use the mayfly technique to continue to escape, but found that there was a chakra barrier above the ground, which was obviously guarding against him.

Knowing that there is no hope of escaping, the other party is obviously coming for him.

Yahiko asked angrily: "Bailong, why did you attack Konoha Ninja!"

Hokage suddenly visited Yuyin and told him a series of crimes against Hakuryu, attacking Konoha ninjas, and fighting in the Daming Mansion in the Land of Fire. Yahiko refused to believe it at first.

Nagato was also taken aback, and couldn't help asking: "Bailong, is this true?!"

For a long time, Bailong has excellent ability and strength, and he is deeply trusted by him. Now his status in Yuyin Village can be regarded as the core management.

Bailong breathed a sigh of relief, ignored Yahiko and Nagato, but grinned at Zhen: "I didn't expect to be discovered by you, did Hongdou tell you?"

Looking at the smile on his face, I really felt familiar with him.

Zhen asked: "Did you kill Daiming?"

As soon as these words came out, the three of Yuyin present changed their colors instantly.

Bai Long admitted it, and sneered: "That's right! Could it be that you still care about such things?"

Zhen heard the words expressionless, and just said: "Mr. Yahiko, can you hand over this person to me?"

After Yahiko's expression changed, he squeezed out a smiling face: "It's natural, I didn't expect such a thing to happen, it's because I'm not strict with my orders."

Zhen stared at Bailong, sitting there motionless, Bailong suddenly felt an invisible but powerful force tearing his arms, his hands were uncontrollably behind his back, and the whole person was forced to kneel on the ground, No sound came out of my mouth.

Zhen calmly said: "Mr. Yahiko doesn't need to blame himself. Of course I believe in Mr. Yahiko's ability, but it is inevitable that villains will cause trouble. Konoha and Yuyin are close neighbors and friends, and their relationship will naturally not be affected by such people."

Yahiko smiled and said: "It would be best for Hokage-sama to be considerate, but this white dragon is the sinner who killed the Daimyo of the Fire Country, if it spreads..."

They Yu Ninja killed the daimyo of Fire Nation, even if Hokage can forgive, can the rest of Fire Nation forgive?

"Don't worry, Yuyin is Konoha's friend."

Only then did Yahiko breathe a sigh of relief, but he heard Hokage change the subject again.

"Our Konoha issued two arrest warrants three years ago, Mr. Yahiko, do you still remember?"

Wanted...Three years ago...

Not only Yahiko, Nagato and Konanju who were present thought of something.

Teacher Jiraiya!

"These two are Konoha's repeat offenders. Konoha has been looking for it to no avail. If there is any news from Guicun, I hope I can let you know."

Yahiko could only agree: "Definitely, definitely."

Zhen stood up from his seat: "I'm done with my work, and it's time for me to leave."

Yahiko politely asked for a few words, saying that Ameyin was planning to entertain Lord Hokage well.

"There are still many things in the village waiting for me to deal with."

"Since that's the case, it's not good to delay Hokage-sama."

Zhen took the white dragon, walked out of the living room with Huomen, soared into the sky, flew high into the sky, and disappeared into the rain.

After the three left, Yahiko sat back in his seat with a complex expression.

It took Hokage only half an hour to get here, and they took the person away. Although their people made a mistake, this feeling made Yahiko very uncomfortable.

After all, it was because of their weakness, Yuyin's weakness!

Xiaonan hesitated and said, "Yahiko..."

Yahiko just waved his hands slightly irritatedly: "I'm fine."

He looked at Nagato again, and said, "Nagato, go and investigate Bailong's past life."


Nagato was still shocked by the fact that Hakuryu had killed the Daimyo of the Fire Country. In the end, he had no idea what his trusted subordinate was plotting.

This feeling of being cheated was very uncomfortable, and Nagato felt distraught for a moment, and wandered aimlessly in the street after leaving.

The heavy rain continued, and Nagato finally came to Bailong's residence again, pushed the door open and walked in.

The room is simply furnished and the beds, tables and chairs are neat and clean.

Nagato suddenly noticed a pile of needles in the trash can, picked up one and examined it carefully, but he couldn't understand the name of the medicine.

I also found a small palm-sized scroll on the table.

Holding it in his hand for a while, Nagato unfolded it completely, but at this moment, the entire scroll suddenly shone brightly, as if something rushed out, heading straight for Nagato's front door.

There was no time to dodge at such a short distance, it was as if a gust of wind hit his face, causing his red hair to dance wildly, revealing a pair of eye-catching reincarnation eyes.

He froze in place, motionless. # On Zhen's side, Huomen and Bailong are flying towards Konoha with Huomen and Bailong.

But Bai Long, who had been restrained and unable to move, suddenly felt strange, his whole body trembled slightly, and something seemed to be wriggling under his skin.

Seeing this, Zhen quickly stopped in mid-air, staring closely at Bailong's mutation.

Slowly, Bailong's body was no longer limited to internal wriggling, a large area of ​​skin began to swell, Bailong's face showed pain, and his whole body quickly became bloated.

Looking at this scene, I thought of the tragic state of the corpse after Orochimaru "died".

The Huomen next to him couldn't help but say: "Master Hokage, this..."

With deep eyes, he watched Bailong's body gradually lose its vitality after the mutation.

"Let him escape."

Do you want to survive by disconnecting your tail... Splitting again and again like this, Orochimaru, are you still you now?

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