Rated Hokage

Chapter 269 268, as an assistant, it is right to help Hokage

Nagato shook his head, feeling as if he had a nightmare, in which he was haunted by evil spirits, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

When he came back to his senses, he found that he was still standing where he was, but the scroll in his hand had turned blank for some reason. He clearly remembered that when he opened it, it was full of complicated and mysterious patterns.

After carefully looking at the scroll, he closed it and put it back in its original position.

He rested his forehead lightly with one hand, frowned and thought carefully about what happened just now.

Could it be that he was under an illusion?

It had been too long since he had encountered something that could threaten him, and it seemed that the level of illusion that could make him fall was not low.

Thinking of the purpose of my coming, I searched Bailong's room carefully, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything suspicious.

After leaving Bailong's residence, Nagato arranged several reliable subordinates to investigate Bailong's previous background.

Now Bailong is also in a high position in Yuyin Village, and he is very popular. If the news that he is the murderer who killed the fire country daimyo is spread, it may cause quite a commotion.

What makes Yahiko most afraid is Konoha's side. When Konoha is stronger than Umekage in any aspect and has too many Hokages to arrest people, Yahiko dare not raise any opinions.

Nagato knew this. He felt that he had to take on the responsibility of being the strongest force in Yuyin Village. He had to find a way to become stronger. In the future, even if the people inside Yuyin Village made mistakes, outsiders would not dare to come easily question.

He even threatened him with the matter of Teacher Zilaiye.

After arranging some things, Nagato went to Yahiko's mansion again, and ran into Xiaonan who came out with a sad face.

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Nan sighed: "Teacher Ziraiya...a letter came suddenly, saying that he wanted to come and visit us."

Nagato couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard the words: "Really, Master Jiraiya is coming!"

Jiraiya disappeared for three years. After being wanted by Konoha, he only came to Yuyin to say goodbye to them in a hurry.

They all understand that Jilai also doesn't want to affect the relationship between Konoha and Yuyin because of themselves. Yahiko has also sent people out to search for them in the past three years, but unfortunately they found nothing.

To see Mr. Jiraiya again, in Nagato's view, it is naturally a happy event.

Xiao Nan's face was not happy at all: "Teacher Ziraiya probably thinks that it has been three years, and the limelight has passed..."

Nagato froze for a moment, he understood something.

"Yahiko, you don't want to see Jiraiya-sensei, right?"

"...You heard what Hokage said before he left. Yahiko said that if this matter gets out and Konoha knows, I'm afraid it won't be good."

Nagato silently clenched his fists: "That's it."

Xiaonan could only say: "Yahiko is also thinking about the village."

"Ah, I know." # After Orochimaru escaped by splitting his soul, he really knew that there would be no gain if he returned to Yuyin, so he had to go back to the village with Huomen.

The reason why Zhen is so worried is because the threat that Orochimaru brings to him is too great.

Even Uchiha Madara, Kuroze, and Otsutsuki Kaguya in the original work really don't have much fear in his heart. He is confident that as long as he gives himself time, it will be a matter of time before he surpasses these people.

And now Uchiha Madara is most likely a dead person, and the three tailed beasts are in the hands of Makoto, and Kaguya Otsutsuki can't come out.

But Orochimaru is different, this is a guy who can grow infinitely given him time, and the growth rate may not be slower than himself.

In terms of research and excavation of the human body, no matter whether it is Heliuhu, Dou, or the second generation, it is not as good as Orochimaru. The mechanical science originally envisioned by Maharaja is limited by the current technical level and can only move closer to biological science.

Autumn and winter change seasons, the daytime is very short, and the sky outside darkens early.

Zhen is still sitting at his desk, worrying about a bunch of things.

Samuel came behind her intimately and massaged the acupuncture points on her head.

"What is Hokage-sama worrying about?"

He really leaned back and leaned back, leaning his head on her body.

"A lot of things."

The Kingdom of Fire is a mess right now, and as soon as he sat down, he saw countless official documents waiting for him to deal with.

There seems to be another bottleneck in the research of the two institutes that cannot be broken through for the time being.

Regarding Orochimaru, I didn't limit the means of escaping by splitting his soul. Even if he continued to chase and kill him, he would still be escaped by the opponent, so should he continue to chase and kill him?

"If there is no good solution for a while, don't think about it for now."

"If you don't think about things, you won't solve them."

After enjoying Samuyi's service for a while, I really calmed down a lot.

"Master Hokage."


"Miss Tsunade's work is almost over."

Zhen Wenyan slowly opened his eyes: "Really, when?"

"Tomorrow is the last day."

"It's over and it's over."

Really close your eyes again.

During these days, Tsunade has become more and more comfortable with the work of Assistant Hokage, and he has not resisted so much when facing the real requirements, and has become more careful and meticulous, for fear that something will happen when this is about to end trouble.

This woman has been able to endure until now, but she is afraid that she has been looking forward to this day. If any other accidents happen to her, it may cause rebellion and strong resistance.

From my point of view, it is meaningless to force regardless, as long as you are always by your side, there are always opportunities.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Shin didn't go back to the Hokage Mansion immediately, but went to the clan land and called some elders of the Hyuga Clan to hold a meeting.

The meeting didn't have any substantive content. It was just a condolence to these people, like an ordinary chat between families.

Of course, with Zhen's current status, these elders will inevitably tremble when facing Zhen.

What I really want is that in the future, the status and status will be further improved, and it is impossible to worry about everything like Hokage, the head of the village.

Power must always be delegated, and most of the power must be released, while part of the power must be collected.

He needs someone available around him.

Of course, it is impossible for the Hyuga family to control everything, which will only wear down the self-motivation of other families. If Hyuga's status is high enough, the corresponding power should be less.

The rest of the big clans also want him to walk around in advance.

Uchiha is now presided over by Uchiha eight generations of family affairs, and he really intends to support Itachi as the next patriarch, which is justified.

That day in the future will come soon, but he is not really excited, which is still far from his goal. # next morning.

Tsunade got up early, washed and dressed neatly.

Today is the last day, thinking that as long as we survive this last day, we will be completely liberated, so I can't help being excited.

In a good mood, she stood in front of the fitting mirror and posed a few poses, admiring her graceful figure, thinking that it was normal for Hinata Shin to covet her for being so beautiful.

Thinking of this, she smiled triumphantly.

"Morning, Tsunade-sama, wake up so early."

Shizune came out of the bedroom in her pajamas, and was surprised to see Tsunade in business attire standing in front of the mirror.

"I made breakfast, you wash up and go eat."

Shizune was even more surprised, looked at Tsunade carefully, and said with a smile: "Master Tsunade, you are in a good mood today."

"Have it."

"You seem to like your current job very much."

Tsunade's expression immediately dropped when he heard that.

"Ghosts like it. I'm a little happier because today is the last day."

She picked up the coat on the hanger, wrapped it around her body and left the house.

The air was filled with thick fog, the sight was not clear, and a thin layer of frost formed on the ground.

The temperature outside was very low, Tsunade wrapped his clothes tightly and walked quickly to the Hokage Building.

She came very early today, and Samyi has not arrived yet.

She walked into the lounge and poured herself a cup of hot tea to warm herself up, and then began to clean the Hokage Room.

Not long after, Samui also arrived, and was slightly surprised to see Tsunade cleaning the room.

"Morning, Miss Tsunade, you came very early."

"It just so happened that I got up early."

Samui showed a strange face, and then walked into the lounge and poured himself a cup of hot tea, and sat on Hokage's seat with the teacup in both hands, watching Tsunade clean the room.

"It's winter today." She chatted with him.

"Really, it's not snowing."

"It doesn't count as winter until it snows in the month."

"Miss Tsunade, today is your last day of work, right?"


"It's a pity, I think you have adapted to this job, and Hokage-sama is also very satisfied with you."


For such words, Tsunade didn't want to accept it, she didn't feel pity at all, she hated Zhen to the extreme, the other party asked her to kneel down more than once, and did some things that humiliated her and trampled her the most severely, she has been tolerant until Isn't this the day for now?

Not a pity at all!

Sam Yihu said: "By the way, Ms. Tsunade, I have a new job today."

Tsunade looked over.

"Because it's already winter, so before Hokage-sama takes a nap, you need to warm his bed first."

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