Rated Hokage

Chapter 270 269, Tsunade's Last Day (Part 1)

After a brief absence, Tsunade couldn't help asking.

"What did you say?"

"It's very cold, Hokage-sama needs someone to warm his bed before he takes a nap, this is your job now."

Tsunade clenched the broom subconsciously, she instinctively wanted to refuse, and now she was going to climb onto Hokage's bed, even though it wasn't for that kind of thing, Tsunade couldn't accept it.

But when the words of refusal reached his lips, he held back them.

Today is the last day, and it would be too worthless if there are some right and wrong caused by this.

warm bed...

Isn't this something that the maids of the rich and nobles would do?

What the hell did this bastard think of himself as!

But after being angry, she was powerless. She felt that she couldn't refuse, no matter how disgusting and excessive the request was.

She was worried that there would be some unreasonable right and wrong after the rejection. Didn't she experience too many disgusting things these days?

Even when he was resting, he had to kneel to step up for him.

Didn't the dignity disappear long ago when I knelt down for him?

It's just warming the bed, just lie down and warm the bed with your own body temperature, and get up again when he comes to sleep. Today is the last day, and everything is over for Renren.

Tsunade kept persuading himself in his heart, took a deep breath, and responded in a low voice: "I see."

After all, he continued to bow his head and continue his cleaning work.

It was around ten o'clock in the morning when I really came over.

Before that, Samuyi had sorted out the documents to be processed for him, and she had always done a good job as a secretary.

Really started the day's work.

Obito and the architect came here, and Kazuma saw and talked about the detailed plan for the expansion of the village. There is no need to tell Hokage what the house will look like. What you want to talk about is the streets, residential areas, commercial areas, landmark buildings, etc. Items are carefully divided, and houses in different areas have to be built in different styles.

According to what Obito said, the house he can build in one day is limited, and if some details and styles are adjusted according to the requirements of the architect, it will be even less.

The entire expansion project will take a long time, of course, compared with manual construction, it is already much faster.

This made Zhen feel that he was squeezing Obito too much, so he told him that after the expansion was over, he would hold a commendation meeting to solemnly commend Obito's contribution to the village in front of all the villagers.

Obito felt a little embarrassed at this moment, scratched his head and smiled innocently: "There is no need to be so grand... Hehe, I will definitely work hard to complete the task!"

He imagined the scene where Lin looked at him adoringly from below, and Kakashi also said sincerely, "Obito, you are much better than me".

This made him float, as if the thing had happened, the task had been completed, or the architect had dragged him away.

Near noon.

Tsunade went to Samui's house, looked at the strange food in the food box, and asked, "What is this?"

"Dumplings, Master Hokage taught me how to make dumplings. It is the reconciled noodles, cut the skin, wrap the stuffing inside, and then boil it in hot water." Azabui explained with a smile: "Master Hokage wants to eat dumplings at this time of year. This kind of food."

Tsunade looked at it for a long time, and then couldn't help asking: "Is this... delicious?"

Mabui said, "It's not bad, but the taste is not amazing."


At this time, Azabui said again: "By the way, Ms. Tsunade, today is your last day of work, right?"

Tsunade nodded.

Mabuyi turned and went back to the room, and came out with an extra box in his hand.

"Here are some snacks I made. They are a specialty of the Land of Thunder, and they are here for you."

Tsunade was a little flattered, and quickly picked it up with both hands: "This..."

Mabuyi smiled lightly and said, "You probably won't come tomorrow. Although we are all in the village, it's not a big difference, but you said before that the things I make are quite good, so I made some for you."

"If you still want to eat my cooking in the future, you can come to me at any time."

Tsunade held the snack box in his hand, with complicated emotions, he hesitated and said, "Thank you, Mabui... You can also visit my house if you have time."

"Most definitely."

The other party was about the same age as Shizune, but Tsunade didn't have much of an elder's mentality when facing her.

Back at the Hokage Building, Jianzhen was still handling official business there.

Looking at the time on the wall clock, she set the lunch box on the table in the lounge, glanced at the clean and tidy bed, hesitated for a moment and walked over.

He took off his shoes, took off his coat, and lay down on the bed to cover the cup.

It's a bit cold, and that's why her body temperature is needed to warm it up.

The sheets and quilts here are changed frequently, and there is no peculiar smell, but there is a very faint fragrance, the kind that is smoked with something, and it smells good when it lingers in the nose.

Tsunade felt a lot more relaxed lying on the bed, thinking to himself that this guy really knows how to enjoy himself, to have such a room in his work place.

You can rest at any time, and there is such a beautiful secretary serving you personally, even lunch is a special stove.

Thinking about it, Tsunade's whole body relaxed, and she was always careful around Zhenzhen, which made her feel very tired, smelling the good smell on the quilt, she fell asleep unknowingly.

And when Tsunade woke up, he found that he was really sitting on the chair next to him, looking at himself while eating lunch.

She sat up suddenly, the coolness hit her and woke her up instantly, she turned her head to look at the alarm clock, and she actually slept for more than an hour!

"Did you sleep comfortably?" Zhen asked.

Tsunade was embarrassed and a little flustered, she quickly got off the bed, and then knelt down in front of Zhen.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, I didn't mean it, do you want to rest, I've warmed up the bed."

Zhen didn't speak, just pointed to her lips, Tsunade subconsciously touched her lower lip, it was a little wet... She turned her head and looked at the pillow, there was a wet spot on it.

This made her even more embarrassed and flustered.

Others feel the place to sleep, but let myself drool when I sleep...

Zhen asked, "Are you tired?"

Tsunade lowered his head and shook his head: "No!"

Zhen said again: "If you are tired, go to sleep, I am not sleepy today."

Tsunade was a little dumbfounded for a moment, and he couldn't figure out whether the other party was telling the truth or irony.

Seeing that she really finished her lunch, she put down her lunch box and seemed to be going out, but she hesitated and leaned down again.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, I really didn't mean it, please forgive me."

He turned to look at her.

"Is not It Cold?"

After speaking, he walked out of the lounge.

Tsunade realized what he meant, and was immediately flattered, how could he not be cold when he just came out of the bed.

Still kneeling on the ground, wearing only a shirt.

She stood up from the ground and turned her head to look at the bed. The saliva-soaked area on the pillow was a bit conspicuous, and Tsunade felt ashamed and flustered when she saw it.

Hokage really didn't seem to want to blame her.

what to do?

Otherwise, take it home and let Mute wash it.

After all, I got wet myself, so it's only natural...

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