Rated Hokage

Chapter 271 270, Tsunade's Last Day (Part 2)

All afternoon, Tsunade was carefully serving Zhen, for fear that something might go wrong again.

Seeing Zhen sitting there engrossed in his official duties made Tsunade feel a little uncomfortable. The other party was also so busy for the sake of the village, and he interrupted his rest time in a day.

She told Samuel that she had accidentally soiled the pillow, and said that she would take it back and wash it, but Samuel had no objection.

At night, most of the staff in the Hokage Building had left.

Seeing Zhen also finished his work, Tsunade stepped forward at this moment, hesitatingly said: "Master Hokage... Today is my last day."

Zhen took a look at her and said, "Well, your debts are settled."

This sentence made Tsunade heave a sigh of relief, and everything ended smoothly.

She added: "That... I will take the pillow home and wash it."

When she left, she went into the lounge and took the pillow away from the bed. The saliva on it had long since dried up, and nothing could be seen.

When she walked out of the Hokage Building, the low temperature made her subconsciously hug the pillow in her arms tightly.

The moon and stars are sparse, and the figures are scattered.

Looking back at the Hokage Building with the lights out, Tsunade felt a little complicated.

What happened these days made her feel unreal that she would do such a thing.

Said it was Hokage's assistant, but in fact it was completely a maid of the other party, but fortunately it was over, after tonight and tomorrow will be another brand new day.

Back home, Shizune wondered why Tsunade came back with a pillow in his arms.

Tsunade said that this was Hokage's resting pillow, and he accidentally soiled it, so he asked Shizune to help clean it.

"Hokage's pillow?"

Shizune looked at Tsunade strangely, the meaning was obvious, how did you dirty Hokage's pillow.

Of course, Tsunade couldn't explain it. If he said that he was dirty because of drooling while sleeping, it would be a bigger misunderstanding.

Immediately glared at Jing Yin, telling her not to ask so many questions.

But this kind of reaction made Jing Yin's gossip more serious.

After dinner, Shizune went to clean the pillow, but it was obvious that she couldn't dry it all night. Tsunade was a little worried. She didn't know any wind ninjutsu, so she found a fan in the room and fanned it vigorously.

"Master Tsunade, what are you doing?"

"Let it dry earlier, you also take a fan and fan it together."


the next day.

Tsunade's face was full of tiredness, and he went to the Hokage Building with a pillow.

She came late today, Hokage had already arrived, and was discussing official business with someone there.

Tsunade didn't disturb them, but went to the lounge with ease, only to find that a new pillow had been put on the bed here, presumably it was replaced by Samui.

She looked at the pillow in her hand, then at the one on the bed, and sat down on the chair slumped.

I'm so stupid, I must have a spare change of clothes, if I knew it, I wouldn't have been tossing so long last night.

Tsunade sighed, looked down at the soft pillow in his hand, put it in his nose and smelled it, it was the smell of his own washing powder, but the wind blowing in the middle of the night was already very weak.

She picked up the pillow on the bed and smelled it again, it was still that nice scent of aromatherapy.

At this time, the door of the lounge opened suddenly.

"What are you doing?"

Startled, Tsunade quickly put down the pillow and stood up.

She was a little embarrassed, and said falteringly: "Ah... well, I think... the scent on the pillow is quite nice, what brand is it, and where did you buy it?"

Samuyi said: "There is an aromatherapy shop on the North Street of the village. The incense maker there will send some every month. Hokage-sama is more concerned about this kind of smell, and he always has it at home. I went to the incense maker to choose it."

Tsunade said, "Oh, I'll take a look when I turn around."

Samuyi said again: "This kind of incense is specially made and is not sold outside. Just mention my name to the incense maker when you go, and he will send you some."

Tsunade was just changing the subject, so he could only nod his head to express his thanks when she saw that she brought it up here.

"Has the pillow been cleaned?"


"It dried overnight." Samuel was slightly surprised.

In such weather, it will take two days to dry normally.

"... Ah." Thinking of the stupid thing he did, the corners of Tsunade's mouth twitched slightly.

Fu said again: "I don't have anything else to do, so I'll leave first."

Staying here always makes her feel like she is still a servant.

Samui said goodbye to her, and Tsunade walked out of the Hokage room.

The person who was talking about business with Hokage had already left, and Shin was the only one sitting in the Hokage room outside.

Zhenzhen, who was concentrating on his work, didn't lift his head. He probably heard the sound and said, "Pour a cup of tea here."


Tsunade's footsteps froze in place for an instant, and she glanced into the lounge, thinking that she closed the door when she left, and Samuy inside probably didn't hear it.

There is only oneself and Zhen in the Hokage room. If he deliberately does not respond, it will seem too indifferent.

The relationship isn't that good at all, it's normal to be cold...

Tsunade was hesitating in his heart, so he spoke again: "Hot tea!"

This sentence made her subconsciously walk to the lounge, and when she got to the door, she cursed herself for why she still listened to him.

In the lounge, Samuel was unpacking the pillow Tsunade brought this morning, seeing Tsunade coming in, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Tsunade also looked at her: "What are you... doing?"

"Go smell it."


Tsunade walked to the tea table and poured a cup of hot water, but after hesitating for a moment, he looked up and drank it himself.

She said, "Master Hokage just said that he wanted some hot tea."

With that said, he poured another glass.

"...I happen to be thirsty too."

Samuel smiled: "Thank you for your hard work."

Tsunade looked at the steaming hot tea in the cup, picked it up with one hand, walked outside, and put it on the desk.

Seeing the truth without raising her head, she finally couldn't help but said: "Next time you call Samuel... speak louder."

In the middle of speaking, Zhen suddenly looked at her, causing Tsunade's voice to lower unconsciously.

"I am leaving."


It was another flat response, the other party seemed to have always only regarded her as a servant, which made Tsunade extremely unhappy, but he didn't dare to attack.

She looked at the tea she poured on the desk, thinking to herself why she didn't boil water for him, scalding the bastard to death!

Walking out of the Hokage Building, it was still morning.

Tsunade found that he suddenly had nothing to do, Shizune could go to play with friends every day, but he didn't have two friends who could talk and chat.

I talked a lot with Samui these days, but it was about work.

Shit job!

She thought of Mabui again, she liked this gentle girl, but she felt that it would be inappropriate to go to the other party's house today.

After much deliberation, Tsunade wandered aimlessly in the street and stopped in front of a shop somehow.

This is an aromatherapy shop, and you can smell the mixed fragrance coming from the street.

Why are you here by yourself...

Thinking of what Samuyi said to himself, he felt that since it was a free gift, why not.

She stepped in.

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