Rated Hokage

Chapter 272 271, Tsunade's Last Day (Part 2)

"Welcome... Master Tsunade?!"

The shop owner was quite surprised when he saw the person coming, and then hurried up to greet him.

Tsunade looked around the store, picked up an aromatherapy bottle and sniffed it. The smell was a bit strong, which was a type she didn't like. She picked up another one, which was fruity and fresher.

"Is Tsunade-sama here to get the aromatherapy prepared for Hokage-sama?" the shop owner asked respectfully.

Tsunade sniffed for a moment, then frowned and looked at this person.

"I want to buy it myself, can't I?"

The shop owner quickly said: "Of course, I heard that Tsunade-sama works next to Hokage-sama, so I thought..."

Only then did Tsunade realize that the fact that he was Hokage's assistant seemed to have spread in the village.

She's a celebrity too, so it's no surprise that this happened.

But this result made Tsunade extremely annoyed, she didn't want others to tie herself to Hokage.

It's meaningless to have a fit with a shop owner. Tsunade suppressed his emotions and smelled several scents in the shop, slowly feeling that his nose was about to fail.

The shop owner also recommended several to her, but none of them were what she wanted. What she liked was the smell on Hokage's bed.

But just now she was annoyed because she was regarded as working for Hokage...

Why should I be angry with myself, Tsunade persuaded himself in his heart, coughed lightly and asked: "Samui told me that the aromatherapy you provided to Hokage-sama is specially made."

"Please wait a moment." The store owner immediately went back to the counter after hearing this, and then took out a more delicate bottle.

Tsunade opened the lid, and the familiar smell diffused instantly, which lifted her spirits, and the aftertaste of the aftertaste made her immerse herself in it.

Taking a long breath, Tsunade said cheekily again: "Samui said...you can give me some."

The shop owner smiled and said, "It's only natural."

He took out an exquisite gift box and handed it over with both hands.

Tsunade couldn't help but smile: "Thank you."

The shop owner said with a smile: "The small shop has always been favored by Master Hokage, this trivial matter is completely insignificant, Master Tsunade can come to the small shop at any time."

After getting what he wanted, Tsunade's mood suddenly became much happier. Thinking about it carefully, today is already a happy day.

Immediately, he bought a few more bottles of wine and went to Sarutobi's house.

Lake Biwa was a little surprised by Tsunade's arrival. Tsunade smiled and said that he had just bought some good things and would give some to you old man.

"This fragrance smells very special and very comfortable."

"The boss said it can calm the nerves and help sleep, so it can be placed in the bedroom."

Lake Biwa smiled and said, "I'll buy some later."

Tsunade said, "This is not for sale, it's just for Hokage."

Lake Biwa slightly raised his eyebrows: "Really?"

Tsunade remembered that the person in front of him was also Mrs. Hokage, and said, "If you go, the boss will definitely sell it to you."

At noon, Lake Biwa cooked a few more dishes, and the two women ate together and opened wine.

"Is Asma not home?"

"It's time to go on a mission. The upper ninjas in the village have all gone out to suppress the domestic rebellion, and the middle ninjas are also busy."

Tsunade suddenly said: "The capital fell before, and the members of the royal family seem to have all died."

Lake Biwa took a sip of his wine and pondered, "You've been by Hokage's side all along, shouldn't you know this kind of thing better than me?"

The country of fire rebelled everywhere, and Konoha remained indifferent to it until the royal family was wiped out before sending ninjas to clean up the mess. The heart of Naruto was clearly revealed.

But if you understand it, you understand it, Konoha right now is the world of Shino Hinata alone, and no one can stop it.

Tsunade said thoughtfully, "He wants to become a daimyo."

Lake Biwa shook his head: "I think a daimyo position should not be enough for him."

Tsunade smirked: "Yes, that guy is greedy."

After drinking a few bottles of wine, his body felt a lot warmer, and Tsunade's chatterbox also opened up, and he vomited bitterness in front of Lake Biwa, talking about all kinds of bad things about Hokage today.

Lake Biwa just looked at her with a faint smile: "Since you hate him so much, it's really rare that you can endure to stay by his side all the time."

Tsunade said, "It's not for muting."

Lake Biwa said: "Even if you didn't pay back the money back then, Hokage would definitely wipe your ass for you. No matter what, your grandfather is the first generation of Hokage. He can't really let you go to jail."

Tsunade tilted his head, looking like he was having a headache: "Why didn't you say it earlier."

But Lake Piwa said: "It's only natural to pay off debts. Do you want me to teach you to renege on your debts? This incident is also a lesson for you."

Tsunade sighed heavily: "I will never gamble again."

But such words are not convincing to Biwako.

She thought about it: "You will continue to live in the village in the future, restrain your temper, and make more friends. The village is expanding, and a large number of foreign residents will be introduced at that time. They say you are Tsunade Hime, and the princess is also Be like a princess."

Tsunade only found it troublesome, and said perfunctorily, "I see."

Lake Biwa said: "If you don't take my word for it and leave, if something happens in the future, you will still beg that Hokage you hate so much."

Tsunade said, "Isn't there still you?"

Lake Biwa said: "I am an old woman with the name of the widow of the Third Hokage. What can I do? Honestly waiting for death is the most important thing I should do."


Most of Tsunade's familiar peers have families, and the children are not young.

As for some of the juniors, she was unwilling to lower her status.

She thought of Orochimaru, and thought of Jiraiya, this was someone she could really call a friend.

Finally, I suddenly thought of Mabui.

With a long sigh, Tsunade scratched his hair irritably, picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"Let it be," she said.

After lunch, Tsunade also drank a lot, and fell asleep directly at Lake Biwa. When she woke up, it was already dark, and she left Sarutobi's house dragging her top-heavy body.

The Sun Tower in the distance is shining with a warm luster, and the lights of the Hokage Building have not been extinguished.

Tsunade stopped for some reason and looked there quietly.

"What are you looking at?"

A familiar voice suddenly sounded beside him, pulling back Tsunade's thoughts.

I don't know when I stood not far from her.

Tsunade looked in the direction of the Hokage Building again, where the lights were still on, and looked at Zhen again.

"Samui is packing up there."


"When you see me, you don't even want to say hello?" Zhen calmly said.


Tsunade unconsciously tightened his mind, lowered his head and said, "Master Hokage."

Zhen asked, "Why, are you reluctant to take this job?"

When facing Zhen, Tsunade's voice was subconsciously low, and he just looked away and said, "No."

Zhenhu asked again: "What are you holding in your hand?"

Tsunade was holding a gift box containing aromatherapy, subconsciously put it behind his back, and said in embarrassment: "It's nothing."

"You can go back to work at Konoha Hospital."


Tsunade was relieved that he really left, but annoyed at his own reaction.

Obviously the work is over, why are you so afraid of him!


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