Rated Hokage

273 Chapter 272, transplanting reincarnated eyes

Hyuga clan land.

Three children and one adult sat in a small study room. The adult seemed to be teaching the children, but among the three children, except for the blue-and-white-haired child who was listening carefully, the other two They are all in a trance.

Adults also have a pair of white eyes, and they belong to the Hinata family.

"Master Ningci, if you don't listen carefully to the class, I will tell Lord Lingli about your performance in class."

Ning Ci curled his lips and said: "Mr. Qinghui, what you said is too boring, why don't you tell us something interesting, respect me, give up others, don't you think so?"

The orange-haired boy didn't speak, but Scheeren spoke up: "I think it's quite interesting."

Hyuga Qinghui said calmly: "Sheren can listen to it, but can't you, Master Ningci?"

Ning Ci said, "Sheren just doesn't want to hurt you, it's really boring."

Hinata Kiyoki is the first teacher that his family found for him. In addition to teaching some literacy, he will also teach some family history, etiquette and other things, but these courses are not Neji's favorite, but unfortunately he dare not Disobedience to my mother's will.

And the younger siblings at home are very envious of him being able to attend classes. Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata are too young to arrange for him.

Qinghui said indifferently: "Master Ningci can talk to Master Lingli to change your teacher."

Ning Ci pursed his lips, feeling that his teacher was boring.

After finally getting through the course, Neji breathed a sigh of relief, walked out of the study and said to Shigego and Tonero, "I don't want to take this kind of class. I want to go to the ninja school, but it will take two years to go."

Scheeren asked, "Isn't there also a ninja school?"

Neji said: "It's different. The ninja school teaches you how to be a ninja, and it can make you very powerful."

Sheren was surprised: "So what if you become powerful?"

Ning Ci looked forward to it: "If you become more powerful, you will be able to become the crown guard."

Sheren said again: "Teacher Qinghui also said that you can't be the crown guard. You are the son of Lord Hokage, and you will be the one protected by the crown guard in the future."

"I don't care what others say. Of course I have the final say on my future. I want to be like Brother Itachi."

Sheren was a little puzzled, looked at Ning Ci and didn't ask any more questions.

Chongwu was taciturn, just stood beside him silently.

Ning Ci asked them again: "What do you two want to do in the future?"

Chong Wu said, "I don't know."

Sheren suddenly thought of his father. Before his death, his father kept telling himself that his mission in life was to fulfill the fate of the ancestors of Hamura, but he didn't even know what the fate was. Before he died, he asked himself to listen to Hokage.

He looked at Neji and blinked his eyes: "Ningji, don't you want to be Hokage?"

Ning Ci sat on the steps of the corridor, put one hand on the cover and held his chin, looked at the white clouds in the sky and said, "I don't really think about it."


"Because my father is always busy and doesn't have time to spend with my mothers, I don't want to be so busy in the future, I want to spend more time with my mother in the future."

"Aren't you afraid of Aunt Lingli?"

Ning Ci tilted his head: "It's really scary when she gets angry, but I also want to be with her."

After speaking, he thought of something again, and asked Sheren: "You haven't said what you want to do in the future?"

Sheren thought about it seriously: "I...don't know either."

"If you don't know, you can be the crown guard with me in the future."

"Who will the crown guard protect in the future?"

"I don't know, let him alone, it doesn't matter if he doesn't protect, why does the crown guard have to protect people?"

The two chatted without any scruples there, and Chongwu seemed to be unable to speak, and sat quietly at the side the whole time. Fortunately, Ning Ci had long been used to his appearance, and Sheren also understood these days. # The ninja's work efficiency is very high, but within two or three days, the rebels in the entire country have basically stabilized.

Of course, it is only temporarily stable, and it is also a troublesome issue for their subsequent placement.

The capital city was also completely taken over by Konoha, and the rebels did not toss it too hard. After protecting the officials, they asked ninjas to help them run the city.

Not only that, the ninjas also acted as a link between major cities and the capital during such a special period, and continued to allow the capital to play the role of the core of a country.

Without the name, the Kingdom of Fire can still turn around, but the situation is not optimistic.

Of course, doing so also caused rumors to spread everywhere, and there were rumors that Hokage wanted to take the name instead.

There are still many people who think that a ninja is just a daimyo and a tool of the country. If he really takes the position, it is equivalent to giving a head start to thousands of ninjas in this world-you can use force to get what you want everything.

This is not a good thing, of course, he doesn't care about it at all now, he will have his own means of suppression in the future.

He is now very busy with many things every day, but fortunately, he has given good news over there.

The cloning experiment is going well, and the mass production of Baiyan has already started.

The same goes for Tenseiken.

Institute of Biotechnology.

"How about Hokage-sama, are you still used to it?"

The true sight looks at everything around, feeling the brand new vision brought by the brand new eyes.

It is slightly different from the full perspective of Baiyan in the past in memory, as if overlooking everything around him from a God's perspective, and can take everything into his sight in detail, and easily penetrate various obstacles, as if opening It's the same as a plug-in.

Really adapting to these eyes, Dou's cloning experiment successfully developed a serum containing Sheren Chakra, which is Otsutsuki Chakra.

Immediately after the injection, he reacted with the cloned Nichisei's supercilious eyes, and the exact same thing happened as that Nichisei fused Tenseigan.

It seems that the white eyes have been fused into the body, thus self-awakening a brand new eye.


The outside looks like a vast sea, and the inside looks like a white hole!

A pair of eyes seems to contain the endless mysteries of the world, which cannot be unraveled by a single person in a lifetime.

Chakra, which really drives himself, covered his whole body with green flames instantly. He spread out his palm, and the chakra quickly condensed and fused in his palm, and then a pitch-black sphere slowly appeared.

The sphere didn't reveal any Chakra breath, but it gave off an extremely dangerous feeling.

"How much serum do you have?"


"This experimental research can be suspended, and the mass production of Baiyan doesn't need to be stopped. You can also put all your thoughts on the artificial human pillar force."

Hearing the words thoughtfully, Dou nodded and said, "This subordinate understands."

Zhen Zhen looked at the black sphere suspended in front of him, and said slowly: "Complete it as soon as possible, there are many things, I can't wait."


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