Rated Hokage

Chapter 274 Chapter 273

The true power brought by Tenseikan is very strange in general, it opens the door to a new world and touches a certain threshold.

For example, seeking Taoism jade.

This is a collection of chakras that contain seven attributes, including the power of all things. It can be said that it basically surpasses all ninjutsu. It can destroy almost anything, whether it is the material level or the energy level.

The power of Qiudaoyu has already been shown in the original book, and all the people who own it represent the group of people with the strongest combat power in the Naruto world.

In addition to seeking the jade, there is also the control of power.

Attraction, repulsion.

Just like Tenseigan's Vientiane Tianyin and Shenluo Tianzheng.

I really know what the principles of these two forces are, and how they are produced.

Therefore, I am more curious and concerned about this aspect.

In addition, Tenseikan has many abilities, which also need to be discovered slowly.

These eyes are something that Zhen has always wanted since he came to this world. After all, he is a person who is familiar with the world of Naruto, and he has become a member of the Hyuga clan, so he will inevitably pay attention to it.

But after I really got it at this moment, I really found that my joy was not that strong. It felt like I was slowly conquering a stand-alone game, and suddenly opened the modifier and plug-in.

The pleasure I felt was short-lived, as if it was only for a moment.

But afterwards, I felt that it was too hypocritical for me to have such an idea. Is my current life a game?

The power to dominate the world is what many people dream of. I seem to be a little greedy, and I am trying to find something for myself that I have never obtained and is difficult to obtain.

After returning home, everyone was amazed at how Zhenzhen's eyes had changed color, becoming the same as Sheren's.

It really just said that he got a new kind of power, without explaining too much.

Samui had the same reaction the next day, but it didn't cause too much trouble. As Hokage, a member of the Hyuga clan, it's even more strange that his eyes are black.

Although it's not normal now.

In the blink of an eye, half a month has passed.

Most of the expansion of the village has been completed, and there is a large area of ​​housing complexes in the forest in the north of Konoha, which is the result of bringing soil in the past half month.

Zhen has also been in contact with some businessmen from the outside during this period of time. At first, he didn't need to worry too much about the idea of ​​introducing some businessmen to the new city.

After the news of Konoha's expansion spread, there have been a lot of businessmen who have taken the initiative to visit Hokage in Konoha in the past half a month. I really even think that the commercial location of the new city can be called for public bidding.

But in order not to cause some unnecessary troubles, I gave up this idea and screened these businessmen. Considering the background, reputation, character, wealth and strength of these businessmen, and the type of business, a group of businessmen were finally left. the right person.

The business and economic issues are beginning to emerge, but after the expansion of Konoha, some population will also be introduced.

After careful discussion with the senior officials in the village, it was decided to relocate the entire Adofu Street ten kilometers away. It was already close to Konoha, and the residents had clean backgrounds, so it was convenient to investigate.

Although there are a large number of refugees in the Land of Fire, these people should be placed in those big cities to digest slowly.

Half a month has passed, and the man-made humanoid Churiki over there has finally been completed.

I really looked at the sample, and it was just a round ball the size of a head.

According to Dou, although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, it is completed by intercolumn cells and whirlpool cells integrated into Baijue's body. The main internal chakra meridians are also the same as those of the human body, and the internal organs are also .

I really inexplicably thought of a word, human stick.

Later, I felt horrified. When I first had this idea, I never thought about it.

This artificial renzhuli is just a pile of flesh and blood artificially created by simulating the human body. It does not have life itself, nor does it have the soul needed for life in this world.

It was created to accommodate the Chakra of the Tailed Beast, and it can continuously transport Chakra outward, of course, the transmission can be controlled artificially.

I really felt that the transfer of the tailed beast could be arranged, so I immediately notified the sealing team and Yukito, the method of extracting the tailed beast from Jinchuriki's body without harming the life of Jinchuriki had already been developed by the second Hokage Tomona.

Of course, the strength of the human body will still be affected, and the body may be weak for a period of time, but it is by no means fatal.

The Tailed Beast Transfer Ceremony was really set up outside the village just in case, but even if a Erwei really ran away, he could easily subdue it now, so he didn't want to damage the village.

Samyi was very worried after hearing the news, and Kazuma mentioned it more than once. After all, it has always been the consensus of the ninja world that the tailed beast will die without Jinchuriki.

I really comforted her several times but still did not dispel her worries. In the end, I can only say that even if there is an accident, the wooden man will be able to bring him back after going to hell. The second generation is an example.

And the transfer of the tailed beast went smoothly, and the sealing technique is really quite accomplished, especially in unsealing. It took a very short time for the wooden man to untie the seal of the tailed beast, and the seal of the second tail was released. Chakra was released.

Then it didn't take too much effort to seal it in that ball.

It was just that the wooden man passed out directly, but his life was not in danger, so he was sent to the hospital for recuperation.

After being in a coma for two days before waking up, Samuyi and Mabuyi were terrified.

And Shizhen directly lifted the seals on the three of them, which was regarded as some compensation, and now Zhenzhen was not worried about what they would do again, but such a move made Samuyi and Mabuyi very grateful.

The seals on their bodies have been with them for more than three years, and now they have the feeling of being ninjas again, which makes them not used to it for a while.

I really took the new container that sealed the tailed beast back and tested it carefully. The seal is very strong, and it is also very convenient to transport chakra.

Now that there is an energy core, the only thing missing is the outer shell.

But making the body is the most difficult step in the whole process, and it may not be completed in a year or so.

Zhen also knew that there was no rush, and let Dou continue the process in all aspects.

The transfer of the three tails in Lin's body requires the development of an artificial human Churiki, as well as the future nine tails.

After waiting for the number of cloned white eyes to be sufficient, the fusion of the second reincarnated eye weapon will be carried out.

The war that lasted for thousands of years will come to an end here. In the future, there will be no more Five Great Nations and Five Great Ninja Villages.

How can one Tower of Sunrise be enough, its light really needs to radiate to the entire ninja world!

Wherever the sun shines, do people dare to disobey?

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