Rated Hokage

279 Chapter 278, I'm Tired

Hongdou's attitude is very intriguing. The person standing in front of her is not an ordinary person, but a Hokage from the village, so Ayari couldn't help but glance at her in surprise.

And Hongdou didn't seem to hear Ayari's greeting, and looked away, ignoring it.

"Adzuki, it's Hokage-sama." Obito kindly reminded him from the side.

After hearing this, Hongdou took a look and said flatly, "Hokage-sama, hello."

The honorifics used in the words, but the slightest respect could not be heard in the tone.

Lingli slightly raised her eyebrows, and glanced at Zhen beside her from the corner of her eye.

Lin realized something was wrong, so she took the initiative to talk about seeing Itachi and the children just now.

Lingli smiled and said that it was the children who insisted on eating delicious food, so Itachi brought them here.

Lin also smiled and said that the children are very sensible and cute.

After chatting for a few words, Ayori talked to Obito about the expansion of the new city, and praised him for being amazing. This moment made Obito burst with vanity, scratching his head and laughing nonchalantly.

After all, the person who praised him was Mrs. Hokage, and it was in front of Lin.

Later, the two separated, and Ben just met by chance.

"Why didn't you speak just now?"

After leaving with Obito and the others, Ayari asked Zhen.

Zhendao: "Didn't you keep talking, and I have nothing to say."

Lingli glanced at him sideways, and said, "That girl is very powerful, she doesn't even give you face."

Zhen looked calm, pretending not to understand: "You said Hongdou, she has that temperament, we have known each other a long time ago, and you know it too."

Ayari knew all three of them just now, and she also knew that Shindou Hokage had known Hongdou when she was working under Orochimaru before, but Ayari was a little surprised by Hongdou's attitude today.

"Are you not angry when she treats you like this?"

"There's nothing to be angry about. I'm too magnanimous to argue with a girl."


Ayari had a half-smile on her face.

Zhen coughed lightly, and said: "You knew about Orochimaru back then, and she was a student of Oroshemaru, so many things were involved in this, so don't think about it."

Now Lingli believed it, frowned, and said on behalf of Zhenming: "Then you shouldn't treat you like this, no matter what, you are Hokage, and you are good enough to her. Did you damage your dignity?"

Really just said: "I know it."

Ayari immediately started gossiping about the relationship between Lin and Obito.

"It turns out that Obito really likes Lin. When he praised him just now, he has been secretly looking at Lin. He probably wants to show off in front of the person he likes."

I really couldn't help but said happily: "You haven't had much contact with them, have you, why are you so clear?"

Ayari said, "Kushina said it."

Kushina who was on the side was stunned when she heard the mention, she had been distracted.

"Ah... I think I said it before."

Lingli smiled and said, "You also said that the person Lin likes is actually Kakashi."

Zhen Zhen glanced at Jiu Xinnai and laughed: "This is a tradition."

The love triangle is a tradition in Hokage.

"What tradition?"

"It's nothing, I saw Itachi and the others."

Zhen suddenly stretched out his hand and patted Kushina's buttocks calmly. Kushina's body tightened, and he calmed down and took the initiative to hold Zhen's arm. Like Ayari, he leaned close to Zhen's side. The three of them watched It looks very harmonious and loving.

Lingli seems to have noticed it, and glanced at it: "No one is in shape."

Shino reached out and scratched Ayari's buttocks again.

This made Lingli's face a little more rosy in an instant, and she looked around guiltily, afraid that others would notice, and pinched her real arm a few times.

"Hiss—it hurts!"

"It deserves it!"

The three of them saw Itachi and the three children buying something in front of a snack stand from a distance, and each of them was carrying a few bags in their hands, obviously buying a lot.


Seeing Makoto and the others approaching, Naruto and Sasuke trotted across the crowd in an instant.

"I bought takoyaki for my dad."

"I bought it too, Dad will eat mine!"

The two children raised the food in their hands to Zhenzhen, scrambling to be the first.

Seeing this scene, Lingli couldn't help sighing, it's okay for the women in the family to compete for favor, but the children are also competing for favor.

Zhen each took a bite of the two children's food, saw Neji standing next to Itachi looking at him, and beckoned him to come over.

"Did Neji buy anything?"

Ning Ci thought for a while, then took out a fish-shaped cake from the bag.

"Taiyaki, will dad eat it?"

"Thank you Neji." Zhen took it with a smile, and hugged Naruto and Sasuke tightly in his arms.

"Thank you Naruto and Sasuke too."

Ning Ci smiled instantly on his red face when he heard the words.

Naruto and Sasuke sensibly distributed the food to Ayari and Kushina. Kushina watched this scene with a smile, but still couldn't help but said, "Why did you buy so many things? Can you finish eating?"

"Brother Weasel asked me to buy it."

"Brother Weasel is rich!"


Lin and Hongdou here.

After Hokage and the others left, the two girls secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Obito couldn't help but said: "Master Lingli is not only beautiful, but also very gentle and generous."

It's just that no one answered his words.

Obito looked at the two girls and asked straightforwardly, "Adzuki, why do you have such an attitude towards Hokage-sama?"

Hong Dou calmly said: "It's nothing, suddenly I feel bad, I don't want to go shopping anymore."

Lin also said, "Then let's go back."


Seeing the two girls suddenly turn around and leave, Obito froze in place, and after a few seconds hurried to catch up.

"Leaving so early? We haven't finished shopping yet."

"red beans?"

"Lin? Lin?"

"It's so cold, Obitu, you should go home early and rest."

"Hey, it's okay, Lin, don't worry about me, I'm not afraid of the cold!"

At night, Hokage Otaku.

Hinata was a little unhappy because she didn't call her when she went out shopping to eat, and made a lot of noise there.

Naruto and Sasuke said who told you to break things and was punished by Ayari's mother to face the wall.

Hinata got annoyed, and chased Naruto and Sasuke all over the room, and finally pushed the two boys to the ground and beat them.

With these children in the family, there will always be excitement.

In the end, it was Hinata Xia who went out and gave the three children a hard lesson, and then they calmed down.

After dinner and a hot bath, I went to Kushina's room.

After the long entanglement, Kushina lay in his arms panting.

"You're weird today."

"……Have it."

Kushina faced the real chest and snuggled into his arms.

"Did you miss anything after seeing Lin and Obito?"


When Kushina replied, she leaned into Zhen's arms again.

"Recently, I got news that the traitor who has been wanted in the village has news."

"What about the village, tell me what to do."

Kushina just responded in a muffled voice.

"I thought you'd be interested."

"Really, I'm very tired, let me sleep."

Makoto straightened Kushina's body, looked at her flushed cheeks, and thoughtfully brushed away the red hair sticking to her skin.

She kissed her passionately.

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