Rated Hokage

Chapter 280 Chapter 279

Yuyin Village.

Xiaonan walked into Yahiko's office, and saw that Yahiko seemed to be XZing something in a panic.

"What are you looking at?" She walked over.

"Cough, it's nothing, it's just some reports, so what... Didn't Konoha send people to buy a lot of food, and we, Yuyin, were in charge of trading with them at that time."

"Then what are you hiding?"

"Did I hide it?"

Xiao Nan said suspiciously: "It can't be a confession letter from some girl."

Yahiko suddenly showed embarrassment: "What are you talking about, how is it possible!"

Xiao Nan stretched out his hand: "Then take it out and let me have a look. I can also look at financial matters."

But Yahiko talked about him from left to right: "There's nothing to see here. By the way, Xiaonan, this Chunin exam..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Nan looked at him expressionlessly.

Knowing that he couldn't hide, Yahiko slowly took out the letter from under the table, hesitated for a moment and sighed: "It's... a letter from Teacher Jiraiya."

Xiao Nan was startled when he heard the words, took a look at the letter and said, "Have you...have you been in touch with Teacher Zilaiye?"

Yahiko said: "That's right, but it's been a long time since we contacted each other."

Konoha is looking for Jiraiya, and Hokage personally warned them not long ago.

The content of the letter was very simple, Jiraiya didn't intend to come to Ameyin anymore, so Yahiko and the others could rest assured.

Xiaonan recalled the letter from Jiraiya earlier, and immediately asked, frowning: "Did you say something to Teacher Jiraiya?"


Yahiko was just silent.

Teacher Jiraiya had sent them a letter before, saying that he wanted to visit them in Yuyin Village.

Was rejected by him.

After questioning, Xiaonan could understand Yahiko's difficulties again, and thought about it: "Is there no way to let Konoha remove the wanted arrest of Mr. Jiraiya?"

Yahiko was helpless: "How is this possible, have you forgotten what Teacher Jiraiya did?"

Xiaonan couldn't help but said, "But Teacher Jiraiya was also Konoha Sannin before."

Yahiko remained silent.

Konoha Sannin...does he still have such an honorable reputation?

"Don't tell Nagato about this."


"There is always a way, Xiao Nan, believe me, I will definitely protect Teacher Zilaiye!" # Naruto indoor.

He really looked at the report sent by Anbe, which was about Jiraiya's traces, and there was a new novel "Intimate Heaven" by Jiraiya on his desk.

"Yang Zhiguo, you can run."

"Send someone to arrest?" Anbu asked.

"Forget it, if you go there, you won't be able to catch them back. They all have time-space ninjutsu that can escape."

Zhen threw the report in his hand on the table.

"Notice, this kind of unhealthy reading material will be banned from publication in the Land of Fire in the future, please see each one."


"By the way, send this to Tsunade."

Jiraiya and Namikaze Minato have received information on their whereabouts many times, but even sending Huomen to arrest them has failed.

If you want to capture them, you must have means that can limit time and space ninjutsu, but Minato himself is a master of sealing techniques, and ordinary sealing barriers will not work at all.

Herein lies the trouble.

Zhen also can only put aside his attention to them for the time being, just treat them as two fugitive mice, and they have not done anything harmful to Konoha so far.

The Anbu left within half an hour, and Tsunade came on his own initiative.

Now she continues to return to her post in the hospital. She is the director of a department, but she is usually very lazy and teaches her subordinates to do all the work. However, her status among medical ninjas is unusual after all, and she basically does not dare to be dissatisfied with her. of.

"Is something wrong?" Truly asked.

Tsunade came in a hurry, but suddenly calmed down after entering the Hokage room.

"Jiraiya...is this news?"


"Then what are you going to do?"

"What can we do with rebellion? Take him back to the village, or execute him on the spot."

Tsunade tightened his mind: "I think, can we be more tolerant of Jiraiya's crimes? After all, he has made a lot of contributions to the village and was once a hero of the village."

Zhen just glanced at him plainly and said, "If he is willing to submit obediently and return to the village, he doesn't have to be condemned to death."

"I mean……"

Zhen directly interrupted her: "The village has already made a decision about Ziraiya. If you have nothing else to do, you can leave."

Tsunade was choked back, looked at Zhen sitting there and went about his business by himself, and finally left powerlessly.

Jiraiya is very strong, and Minato is still around, so he can't be killed easily...

Tsunade comforted himself like this.

But Hokage has seven champion guards under him, and it is well known in the ninja world that Hyuga Homon defeated Minato.

She can't get out of the village now, and she can't get in touch with Zilai, and there is no way to summon her.

She returned home distraught.

"Master Tsunade? Why did you come back so early?"

Only then did Tsunade realize that he should go to the hospital to continue working, but he didn't bother to go anymore.

She said a little irritably: "It's nothing, I suddenly want to come back."

"Master Tsunade, it's not okay to always treat work like this. Others will have opinions."

Tsunade lay on the sofa, still thinking about Jiraiya in his mind.

Hokage gave himself such a book, what did he want to tell himself?

Shizune came out at this time, wearing a forehead protector and a ninja vest, the style was slightly different, and there was an extra red bandage between the sleeves.

Tsunade was surprised: "Why are you dressed like this, are you going on a mission?"

Jing Yin said, "No, these are volunteer clothes."

Tsunade didn't understand what that meant.

"The new Chunin Exam is about to begin. Hokage-sama said that the scale of this Chunin Exam will be larger than before, and there will be more guests from outside, and a lot of staff will be needed at that time."

It is the first time since the expansion of Konoha to show its style to outsiders, so it is natural to create some new things.

After Tsunade heard that it was the Chunin exam, he was no longer interested. There is nothing to watch when a group of children fight, but after lying on the sofa for a while, he suddenly sat up again. .



"The Chunin Exam...Will Yuyin Village participate?"

Jing Yin nodded slowly after hearing the words: "Yes, Yuyin Village has a very close relationship with our Konoha now, and will send people to participate in every session."

However, Tsunade's mouth kept chanting: "Yuyin Village... Yuyin Village..."

Aren't the three students from Jiraiya now high-ranking members of Yuyin Village?

It is impossible to turn a blind eye to Zilai, maybe I can contact Zilai through them.

After getting the method, Tsunade's mood suddenly became much smoother.

"Mute, when does the Chunin exam start?"

"The first essay test is over, Tsunade-sama, why don't you even know about this kind of thing?"

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