Rated Hokage

282 Chapter 281

The third round of the Chunin Exam was held as scheduled, and Yahiko, the leader of Yuyin Village, also came to Konoha to observe the ceremony as usual, but before entering the venue, he was summoned by Hokage alone.

In the lounge of the Chunin exam venue, Yahiko, Konan, and Nagato are all here.

"I don't know what's the matter, Hokage-sama?"

"Mr. Yahiko, do you still remember what happened three years ago?" Zhen asked without reason.

three years ago?

Yahiko was stunned for a moment, there were too many things that happened three years ago, and many things happened to them Ugakure, but it was Hokage who mentioned it, so it should be about Konoha.

He hesitated and said, "Please tell Hokage-sama clearly."

Zhen said slowly: "Three years ago, our Konoha had two more S-class rebels."

Yahiko's heart skipped a beat.

It's related to Jiraiya-sensei again...

Xiaonan and Nagato on the side couldn't help tightening their minds.

Zhen continued: "And the reason why these two S-rank rebels were able to escape Konoha was because they had an accomplice who assisted them in escaping."

Yahiko asked: "Then this accomplice is..."

Zhen turned his gaze to Xiaonan and Nagato, and suddenly smiled and said: "Miss Xiaonan and Mr. Nagato just met her not long ago."


Yahiko knew about this, it was Konan and Nagato who told him after they came back.

He calmed down and said, "I'm sorry Hokage-sama, Xiaonan and Nagato didn't know Tsunade-sama's identity like this, so they came into contact with him rashly."

Zhen laughed lightly: "Mr. Yahiko, don't get me wrong. I'm not here to inquire about crimes. It's just that the woman is full of lies. I'm afraid that Ms. Xiaonan and Mr. Nagato will be deceived by her."

Xiaonan also said: "Master Hokage, don't worry, Ms. Tsunade said something to us at that time, but we are very clear about our identities and understand what to do and what not to do."

Zhen walked up to Yahiko slowly, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, and said with a smile: "That's good, I know that Jiraiya and the three used to have teacher-student friendship, but now he is Konoha's criminal, want to come Yuyin will also attach great importance to the friendship between our two villages."

Yahiko paused slightly, and said, "It's only natural! Please rest assured, Hokage-sama."

After the chunin exam is over.

While Yuren and the others were on their way back, Yahiko was still a little restless.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Nan asked after realizing it.

Yahiko said: "I have a bad premonition, maybe what Tsunade-sama said is true, Hokage wants to do something to Jiraiya-sensei."

Xiaonan worried: "Will Teacher Zilaiye be in danger?"

"If it's just ordinary Anbe's pursuit, it won't pose any threat to Jiraiya-sensei... But do you remember that Hinata Kamon?"

Yahiko frowned and thought, why did Hokage come to warn them about this kind of thing, because he didn't want them to get involved.

He thought for a long time, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

"I'm going to see Teacher Jiraiya."

"Let's go too!" Xiaonan and Nagato said immediately.

It was about Teacher Zilaiye, and they were equally worried.

Yahiko directly refused: "No, I can only go by myself, you all stay in the village obediently."

Nagato couldn't help asking, "Why?"

"Hokage came here to warn us today, maybe because he suspected that we have a connection with Jiraiya-sensei. If they find out, it will be troublesome."

Nagato said displeased: "This is our own business, and we are all disciples of Master Jiraiya, so Hokage also cares about this?"

Yahiko sighed: "Half of the credit for Yuyin's rapid development in recent years comes from Konoha and Fire Country, and we cannot do without Konoha if we want to continue to develop. Hokage also understands this, naturally he said What is what."

After speaking, he promised Xiaonan and Nagato: "Don't worry, I will definitely come up with a proper way to protect Mr. Jiraiya."

Konan and Nagato just remained silent. # In Bird Country, an izakaya with a not-so-good business.

A figure suddenly sat in front of Jiraiya who was drinking alone.

Seeing this person, Jiraiya grinned, "Long time no see, Yahiko."

"Teacher Ziraiya."

Yahiko sat on the seat and nodded slightly to him.

"Are you all right?"

Jilai also said casually: "Is there any good or bad, it's no different from the previous life."

Yahiko thought about it: "Did Konoha do anything special to you recently?"

"It's the same as before, they keep catching me, but they can't catch me."

Jiraiya put one hand on the wine table and poured Yahiko a glass of wine.

"Don't worry, they won't catch me, and I won't be caught so easily."

As he spoke, he laughed out loud.

"I am Taoist Xiansu, the toad elf of Mount Miaomu, my lord!"

Seeing his master's optimistic appearance, Yahiko showed helplessness.

He asked again: "Aren't you with Mr. Minato?"

Zilai also heard the words and took a sip of his wine: "He has his own business to attend to."

"That's it."

Yahiko pondered for a while, and said: "You should be more careful recently, I feel that Hokage may do something to you, I can arrange a safe place for you."

Zilai also teased: "Why, aren't you afraid that I will hurt you?"

Yahiko showed embarrassment and guilt: "I'm sorry, Mr. Jiraiya."

Zilai also let out a long breath, and smiled again: "There is nothing to apologize for, I know, Yuyin is your dream, I am your teacher, how could I block your way, if that is the case, I would rather Captured back to Konoha."

Hearing Zirai also say this, the guilty expression on Yahiko's face deepened, he was silent for a while, and said: "You should think about what I said carefully."

Ji Lai also said with a smile: "Why are you all suddenly worried about my safety? Could it be that Hinata really came to arrest me in person?"

After saying this, his face suddenly changed, and the hand holding the wine glass suddenly tightened.

Yahiko's expression moved slightly: "Mr. Jiraiya?"

He didn't notice anything wrong, but seeing Zilai also suddenly looked like an enemy made him vigilant.

Jiraiya's eyes flashed, and he stayed on Yahiko for a moment.

"What are you talking about, Yahiko, you seem to be being followed..."

Yahiko's pupils shrank suddenly: "Hokage is here?!"

Ji Lai also put down his wine glass: "No, it's not him, but he is also an acquaintance."

Yahiko looked towards the door of the izakaya suddenly, but saw a person standing there at some point, whose figure was extremely familiar.

His heartbeat slowed down by half a beat, and he looked at Jiraiya again, gritted his teeth.

"Teacher Jiraiya, you should go!"

Jiraiya also looked at Yahiko, but nodded with deep eyes, and put one hand into his bosom.


His whole body turned into a puff of white smoke and disappeared on the seat.

The izakaya was a little quiet, and there were rustling voices from time to time.

Yahiko took a deep breath, collected his thoughts, stood up but suddenly felt a blur in front of his eyes, the person who was originally at the door suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Lord Huomen, what a coincidence."

Explosive update tomorrow

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