Rated Hokage

Chapter 283 Chapter 282

Yahiko and Huomen confronted each other, feeling a little nervous. After all, the other party was a top powerhouse who could defeat the golden flash. For ninjas, their own strength was often the right to speak.

"Would Huomen-jun want a drink?"

Yahiko calmly raised his wine glass as a gesture.

Huomen glanced at the wine glass in his hand, and said calmly, "I can't drink yet."

Yahiko smiled and said, "That's a pity."

After all, he took a sip to himself.

Huomen asked directly: "Mr. Yahiko, what about Jiraiya?"

Yahiko pretended to be surprised when he heard the words: "Does Huomen-kun mean Mr. Jiraiya?"

"Mr. Yahiko, are you pretending to be confused?"

Yahiko smiled and said: "Huomen-kun's words are really puzzling. I haven't seen Mr. Jiraiya for a long time, and I also want to know where he is now."

Huomen asked: "Then who is the person sitting here just now?"

Yahiko continued to play dumb: "There was no one sitting here just now, am I drinking alone?"

Huomen couldn't help squinting his eyes, staring at the other party with his white eyes, while Yahiko continued to drink calmly.

"Mr. Yahiko, it is very dangerous to be alone in this foreign country."

Yahiko smiled warmly and said: "What Huomen-kun said is that before I went out, I was also worried about what troubles I would encounter, but after meeting Huomen-jun here, I am not afraid, after all, Huomen-jun defeated the golden flash. "

Huomen laughed suddenly: "It seems that Mr. Yahiko didn't understand what I mean."

Yahiko couldn't help but thumped in his heart, thinking that the other party would never be able to attack him, no matter what, he was also from Yuyin Village...

And just when his thoughts were chaotic, Huomen suddenly stood up.

"It seems that I was dazzled just now. Since there is no trace of Jiraiya, I will take my leave."

At this moment, Yahiko was very surprised, he was already ready to deal with the opponent.

After Huomen saluted, he walked directly towards the door of the izakaya.

"Huomen-kun, go slowly." Yahiko could only say.

Could it be that he let himself go so easily?

The figure of the other party had disappeared at the door, and Yahiko was still sitting there thinking.

When he came, he didn't notice that the other party was following him at all. Although he knew that his strength was also at the level of a jounin, he was still not enough in front of such a strong person.

If I had known earlier, I should have brought Nagato here...

Konoha has really set his sights on Teacher Jiraiya, and he must find a way to get rid of their pursuit completely.

Yahiko sat on his seat and thought for a long time, then picked up the wine glass and drank the last sip, then got up and left here.

However, the moment he walked out of the main entrance of the izakaya, Yahiko suddenly felt a pain in the back of his neck, as if he had suffered some heavy blow, his vision spun and then became pitch black.

I don't know how long it has passed, Yahiko wakes up slowly, still feeling dizzy in the brain, and pain in the back of the neck.

"Yo, wake up."

A malicious voice suddenly sounded next to his ear, Yahiko woke up instantly, opened his eyes and looked around, and found that he was in a dark room, his whole body was chained to a table, and he was also given a sealing spell.

And there were three strange figures standing beside him, all of them had fierce faces, and there were many instruments of torture around them.

Yahiko calmed down: "Where is this?"

One of the men with a fleshy face bared his teeth and said, "This is hell!"

Yahiko had a bad premonition in his heart, what would happen next. # Yuyin Village.

The leader had been away for nearly a week, but he didn't come back, which made Xiaonan and Nagato a little impatient.

But they didn't know where Yahiko had gone, and they didn't have a clue if they wanted to go out to look for it.

Xiaonan called the ninja in charge of interrogation in Yuyin Village to him, and asked him how to contact Jiraiya, but found that this kind of connection is usually one-way.

"What should we do now?" Nagato asked Konan.

"It should be fine. Yahiko may be busy with Jiraiya-sensei's affairs, and it's just not convenient to come back for a while." Xiaonan said this, comforting Nagato and himself.

"Do you want to send someone out to look for it?"

The ninja world is so big, where can I find it...

Xiaonan felt a headache.

"...Go to the surrounding countries to find it. It's better to keep this kind of thing a secret for the time being."

They wanted to keep it secret, but the news of the leader's disappearance had already spread in Yuyin Village, and many ninjas came to ask where the leader went.

Yahiko's prestige in Yuyin Village is very high, and a large part of the people are his followers. Knowing that Yahiko has disappeared quickly aroused the excitement of the crowd.

Xiaonan and Nagato had to come forward to appease everyone's emotions and control the situation. Fortunately, Nagato was there, who was regarded as the savior of the ninja world in Yuyin Village, and his words were very important.

It is a lie that Chief Yahiko is just practicing a certain kind of ninjutsu and it is not convenient for him to come out temporarily.

But it can only maintain a short-term calm. If Yahiko never comes back, the truth of the matter will inevitably be revealed.

Konan thought about asking Konoha for help, but thought that Yahiko's trip was to meet Jiraiya, so he had to give up.

In the blink of an eye, another three days have passed. No matter how Nagato and Konan blocked the news, the disappearance of the leader of Yuyin Village is still spreading in the ninja world.

Konoha, Hokage Building.

An Anbu suddenly sent a note to Zhen, saying that a ninja hovered over Konoha's main gate for a long time, and tied the note on its paw after it landed.

There is only one simple sentence on the note.

"If you let him go, I will surrender myself."

Dare to negotiate terms with yourself?

Zhen sneered, casually threw the note into the trash can beside him, and continued with his work.

The next day, Konoha sent a team of envoys to Yuyin Village, representing the meaning of Hokage, saying that he was willing to help Yuyin Village to find Yahiko together, and notices to find Yahiko, the leader of Yuyin Village, had been posted all over the country of fire. , And let some small countries around do the same.

Now it was confirmed that the leader of Yuyin Village was missing.

Xiaonan and Nagato didn't want to do this at first, it would only throw Yuyin Village into chaos, but Konoha didn't care about their intentions at all.

Konoha's actions made them wonder if Konoha was playing tricks in the dark.

Jilai also came to Yuyin Village quietly at this time, and met Xiaonan and Nagato.

"Mr. Jiraiya! You are fine!"

The two were pleasantly surprised when they saw Jilai.

Jiraiya sighed, "I'm fine, but Yahiko is now in Hokage's hands."

Afterwards, when he met Yahiko, he told the story of Hinata Himono following him.

Yahiko has disappeared since then, so he must have been taken away by Hinata Homon, and Jiraiya thought that Konoha would take into account Yahiko's identity, and no matter how close Ameyon and Konoha are, he still wanted to make a mistake.

"Sure enough, it's them!" Nagato was furious and charged the case.

"I'll go to Konoha now and rescue Yahiko!"

Xiao Nan hurriedly stopped him: "Don't be impulsive! Nagato, do you want to destroy our hard work for so long!"

"What about Yahiko?!"

Jiraiya said, "I'm here to find a way to save Yahiko."

Konan and Nagato fell silent.

Jiraiya pondered for a while, and said: "Hokage is doing this now because he wants me to show up. Only if I surrender to Konoha, can they release Yahiko."


Both Xiaonan and Nagato were shocked.

Zilai also comforted him: "Don't worry, this is the only way."

Nagato's expression changed, blue and white intersected, and he said: "We announced the fact that Konoha has captured Yahiko! Konoha's fault was the first to let the world see their ugly faces!"

Jilai also shook his head and said: "We have no evidence, and this is to fight Konoha. Putting Yuyin on the opposite side of Konoha is not a good thing for Yuyin Village."

"Then you can't let Mr. Jiraiya send you to die!"

Jiraiya also smiled in a low voice: "The whole thing started because of me. Although I am Konoha's traitor now, Hokage may not kill me, and I will have a way to escape when the time comes."

Escaping from Konoha, forcibly using force to break out of the encirclement is definitely not feasible, just a tower of the sun is enough to suppress him, the only way is time and space ninjutsu.

Miaomushan's reverse psychic technique, he used this method to escape last time, he doesn't know if the other party will do anything to prevent it this time, but he can only hope for it.

There is little hope, and Jiraiya himself is also prepared to be unable to escape.

It's just that he didn't tell Xiaonan and Nagato about this situation.

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