Rated Hokage

285 Chapter 284, Tsunade's determination

Konoha S-class Ninja Jiraiya has also been successfully captured. As soon as the news spread, Tsunade came to the door on his own initiative.

When Zhen came to the Huoying room, he found that she was already waiting here, and he didn't know when she came.

"Is there a problem?"

"Hokage-sama, how is Jiraiya doing now?" Tsunade also asked straight to the point.

"Not dead yet."

"Then what are you going to do with him?"

Zhen heard the words and glanced at her: "It's none of your business."

"Master Hokage!"

Tsunade seemed a little anxious, and his voice couldn't help raising his voice, but it quickly fell down again.

"Master Hokage, Jiraiya shouldn't deserve to die, right?"

"Not enough to die? You convicted him?" Zhen calmly said.

"He let Namikaze Minato go, and injured so many Anbu, do you need me to list Namikaze Minato's crimes for you?"

Tsunade said impatiently: "I know that Jiraai has done some wrong things, but he has made so many contributions to the village before, at least the merits and demerits can be offset..."

"What contribution?" Zhen interrupted her.

"Cultivate a rebellious student?"

After all, I really didn't bother to continue talking nonsense with her, but said: "Tsunade, you previously had private contact with Nagato and Xiaonan of Yuyin Village, and I haven't pursued what the plot was, so don't ask for trouble now. "

But his words didn't dissuade Tsunade, and he still begged there: "Master Hokage, please think about it carefully, because Jiraiya also sacrificed his life to protect the village."

Zhen Hearing paused for a moment, looked at Tsunade and said, "Okay, then I will allow him a week before executing him, and you will be allowed to visit him once during this time."

Tsunade was instantly struck by lightning, and he froze in place.

execute... die...

She savored the meaning of the word carefully in her mind, and her pupils continued to dilate.

Really called Anbu, and directly drove Tsunade out of the Hokage Building. # Konoha Prison.

Tsunade walked all the way in, and finally came to the solitary cell where Jiraiya was imprisoned.


Ji Lai also was pleasantly surprised when he saw the people who came to see him.

"Silai also..."

There was no joy on Tsunade's face, she stood outside the cell, her eyes fixed on her friend.

"Long time no see, Tsunade." Jiraiya had a relaxed smile on his face.

Tsunade was silent there for a long time, and asked, "Why did you come back?"


"Why do you want to come back? Isn't it good to just stay outside and die outside?"

Jiraiya stared at Tsunade, and grinned again: "Because, there is a reason why I have to come back."

"Because that student of yours?"

"Ah, sort of."

"He has returned to Yuyin Village."

Jilai was also taken aback, and then relaxed completely, leaning against the wall.

"That's it... that's good."

He was extremely satisfied when he was able to hear this news in prison. He didn't know why Hokage let Yahiko go, but he also felt that it was worthwhile for him to do all this.

He looked at Tsunade's sad face, and his mind moved slightly: "Did Hokage tell me the result of my treatment?"

"...A week later, you will be executed."

Jiraiya was not surprised when he heard the words, he thought to himself, "This is trying to use the news of my public execution to lure Minato to come."

Fu sighed softly again: "I hope Minato won't be fooled."

Tsunade couldn't help clenching his fists: "What an idiot... I'm dying, and I only have your students on my mind?"

Jiraiya also looked at Tsunade, and suddenly smiled and said, "It's not all."

Tsunade took a few deep breaths and asked in a low voice, "Is there any way to save you now?"

Jiraiya shook his head slowly, and said, "As long as I'm still inside Konoha, there should be nothing I can do. I've been given a special spell, and the reverse psychic spell won't work this time either."

That tower was too powerful, the last time he rescued the water gate, he personally felt the terrifying power that made him defenseless!

As long as there is the Tower of the Sun, there is no possibility of a breakthrough by force.

"Can I unlock the spell on your body?" Tsunade asked again.

Jiraiya just shook his head, Tsunade's sealing skills were average, and even he found the techniques on him extremely tricky.

And doing so will only hurt Tsunade himself.

"Tsunade, don't worry about it."

Jiraiya chuckled again, leaning his head against the wall.

"It's just death, are we still afraid of death?"

Both of them have felt the departure of people around them too many times, and now when it's their turn, Zilai doesn't have much fear.

"However, looking back on my life, I feel like a failure."

"Teacher, friend, student... I didn't protect them well, and I will die as a traitor in the end. There should be no one who failed more than me."

He smiled self-deprecatingly.

"Besides, I haven't caught up with the woman I love..."

Tsunade turned his face aside: "Idiot, why are you talking about such things at this time."

Jilai also let out a long sigh of relief, and looked at the ceiling of the cell again.

"There is no chance to talk about it later."

He smiled again: "Tsunade, you are the only one left in the end, don't feel too lonely..."


Ji Lai also murmured: "It's cruel."

One of them was inside the cell, the other was outside the cell, separated by a layer of iron railings, and they talked for a long time like this.

It is inevitable to talk about the past again. For a person who can no longer see the future, all he can talk about is the past.

But bringing up the past matter at this time seemed extraordinarily sad, Zilai also suddenly said that if only God could give him another chance, it would be great if he had a chance to do it all over again, and he would definitely handle everything well.

He has always felt that the reason for the current result is that he did not help Sarutobi-sensei to deal with the matter between Minato and Orochimaru.

The day when Sarutobi-sensei, Orochimaru, and Minato fought on the shadow rock, it has been haunting Jiraiya's heart like a nightmare to this day. Those are the most important people in his life, but on that day they insisted on Take each other's lives.

"Everything is due to cause and effect, so what if it happens again, Sarutobi-sensei and Orochimaru were destined to be incompatible with each other at that time, and it is the best result to die together." Tsunade said with downcast eyes.


Tsunade stayed in the prison for a long time, and finally the management staff told her that the time was up, so she had to leave there.

When she turned around and looked back, she saw that Jilai was also watching her leave, and showed him a big smile.

Tsunade's expression was in a daze, and for a moment she thought of the time when she first met Jiraiya when she was a child, when Orochimaru was there, and Sarutobi-sensei...

An unspeakable sadness piled up in her chest, making her breathless.

It was already afternoon when she walked out of the prison, and the sun's rays were dim, but she was dizzy, and she stood there for a long time before she recovered.

Jiraiya, you won't die...

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