Rated Hokage

286 Chapter 285, Tsunade Hime

It was getting dark quickly and the temperature dropped very low.

The cold wind that hit his face when he really came out of the Hokage Building made him shiver involuntarily, and he wrapped his cloak tightly around his body.

Then I saw Tsunade standing not far away, as if she had been waiting for her, the cold wind was blowing, but she was as motionless as a sculpture.

Really received a report that Tsunade has been standing below, but he was unmoved, even if it is snowing heavily at the moment, so what, who is this stupid woman hoping to impress.

He turned a blind eye and walked towards his own direction.

Seeing this, Tsunade hurriedly followed.

"Master Hokage."

I really didn't pay attention to it, and walked forward on my own.

Seeing this, Tsunade ran up to him in small steps and blocked his way, but due to the excessive range of motion, he saw two huge groups of things shaking and trembling in his sight, so he couldn't help but take a few more glances.

Only then did Zhen stop, frowning and said: "Aren't you finished? How about I put you in prison too?"

Tsunade begged in a low voice: "Master Hokage, I beg you to forgive me."

Zhen only said: "Why?"

There were no pedestrians on this road at night, and no one noticed the two of them standing in the middle of the road. Only the street lights were on around them. Since the Tailed Beast was used to generate electricity, Konoha's street lights were kept on all night.

"You said let me spare him, so I'll spare him, Tsunade, are you Hokage?"

"Hokage-sama, I didn't mean that, I was begging you." Tsunade said in a low voice.

Looking at her lowered eyebrows, Zhenzhen said suddenly: "Is this the attitude you should have when asking for help?"

Tsunade knelt down without hesitation when he heard the words, apparently already prepared for this.

At this time, a passerby walked by the side of the road, looking at the scene of Zhenhe Tsunade with strange eyes, but left in a hurry after seeing that it was Hokage standing there.

"Hokage-sama, please forgive Jiraiya this time."

She knelt down on the ground, her hands pressed against the cold ground, and her forehead rested on the back of her hands.

It was not the first time Tsunade made such a gesture in front of Zhen. When she was an assistant to Zhen, kneeling was commonplace, and she was even used to it at that time.

But this gesture of sincerity to the greatest extent did not bring real pity and soft-heartedness, he directly bypassed Tsunade in front of him, and was about to leave here.

Seeing this, Tsunade quickly stretched out his hands and grabbed Zhen's leg.

"Master Hokage!"

"Let go." Zhen said expressionlessly.

Tsunade pursed his lips, and continued to plead in a low voice: "Master Hokage, please forgive me."

Zhen really broke free from her hands, and Tsunade didn't dare to grab too hard, for fear of provoking the other party's annoyance.

"What if I don't show mercy?"


Tsunade couldn't answer this kind of words, she simply thought about it and responded in a low voice: "I will always beg you."

"Have you been kneeling here all this time?"

Tsunade froze for a moment, not immediately understanding the meaning of this sentence.

Although this is not the main road of Konoha, nor is it the most bustling area, but there are quite a lot of pedestrians on weekdays.

If you want to kneel here forever...

She lowered her head and said, "As long as you can spare Jiraiya's life, I can do anything."

Asking Tsunade to kneel here is a good way to torture people, but it is really impossible to do so. No matter how this woman is the granddaughter of the first Hokage, doing such a thing will only damage Makoto's reputation in the end.

He sneered and said, "You can do whatever you want, but if you make trouble so unreasonably, it will only annoy me more."

After all, he ignored Tsunade and walked directly in the direction of Hokage House.

Tsunade still knelt on the spot, motionless, and called Hokage-sama a few more times, but there was no response.

the next day.

When he really went to the Hokage Building, he passed by that street and didn't see Tsunade, which made him worry a lot.

After arriving at the Hokage room, Samyi came over and said, "Master Hokage, Ms. Tsunade is here, in the lounge."


Really just responded flatly and ignored it.

At noon, Samui reminded Zhensao that Tsunade had been kneeling in it all morning.

"And warmed your bed."

Really surprised: "You asked her to do it?"

Samui shook her head: "She did it herself."

Zhensi asked, "Where's lunch?"

"It's ready, let Mabuyi prepare a copy for her, for fear that she will run out of strength."

"You are considerate."

Zhen walked into the lounge and saw Tsunade knelt beside the bed, looked at Zhen when he heard the door opened, and quickly lowered his head again.

Ignoring her, I really ate lunch on the chair, and then lay down on the bed to take a nap.

The quilt was warm, and there was a special fragrance, which could be smelled from Tsunade's body.

Tsunade, who was kneeling there, couldn't help biting his lips without even looking at himself, and continued to remain silent.

More than an hour passed, and Zhen who was lying there woke up, and looked at Tsunade sleepily from his side.

Seeing this, Tsunade took the initiative to greet: "Master Hokage, you are awake."

He didn't respond, he just looked at her like that.

Tsunade also wondered how Hokage's eyes were different from before, and at the same time showed a more submissive attitude.

She put the shoes on the ground together, as before, intending to wait for Zhen to get up.

Zhen lifted the quilt and sat on the edge of the bed, put his feet down, and Tsunade immediately cupped his hands to put socks on him.

But to her surprise, Zhen moved his legs to avoid her hand.

Tsunade paused, bowed his head and said, "Master Hokage, let me serve you."

The two feet in front of her suddenly lifted one out of her sight, and then Tsunade suddenly felt a heavy weight on top of her head, and instantly understood that the other party had stepped on her head.

"Master Hokage..."

Tsunade didn't dare to move rashly, nor did he dare to attack, but just endured silently.


The person in front of him suddenly said.

Tsunade heard the words and quickly picked up the socks and offered them with both hands, while also bearing the pressure on his head.

The foot on top of her head was soon removed, Tsunade thought he was really putting on socks, but he heard him say it again.

"look up."


She raised her head slowly according to her words, and then something in her field of vision really grew bigger rapidly. It was a real foot, which directly stepped on her face.

Tsunade froze in place for an instant, her eyes widened, the real soles of her feet were tightly pressed against her face, her toes were in front of her eyes, and the heels of her feet pressed against her lips and teeth.

Going around the toes that had grown enormous and blurred in her vision, she noticed the really peaceful face.

This posture was uncomfortable, she didn't dare to move, she just raised her head like this.

Zhen slowly picked up the sock again, the upper part of the sole of the foot was slightly tilted, and she put it inside the sock. The cotton sock brushed over Tsunade's eyebrows and hair, and she watched the sock gradually move Zhen The feet are fully covered, and this layer of fabric is also separated between her face and the real feet.

After putting on the socks, I really put my feet down.

Tsunade only felt that her whole body was trembling and trembling. Facing this huge humiliation, she didn't feel any anger in her heart, but an inexplicable panic instead.

She felt like she was losing something very important and that she would never get it back.

Noticing that Zhen's eyes were on her, Tsunade rolled her throat, took the initiative to pick up the other sock, and offered it with both hands.

At the same time, she raised her face a little bit, and lowered her upper body a little bit, which was a more comfortable position for her to step on her face.

She is inviting.

Ask for a ticket, ask for a ticket

continue tomorrow

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