Rated Hokage

Chapter 290 Chapter 289

On the moon, Hamura Shrine.

The magnificent hall is deserted, and now only a pile of cold buildings remain from the thousand-year civilization.

Standing in front of a huge yellow ball of light, he could feel that this Tenseigan was different from the purple Tenseigan weapon he fused, and the energy contained in it was even more terrifying.

When he came to the moon for the first time, he also came here to see it, but he didn't have such an intuitive feeling at that time. After his eyes were transplanted into Tenseikan, he felt the throbbing from his body when he stood in front of it again.

This yellow reincarnated eye has been cursed, and only people with Hamura blood can approach it, otherwise they will be drained of chakra.

After consulting the ancient books of the Otsutsuki clan, I know that this Tenseiyan has the power to push the moon. I really want to use it for my own use, but I can't find a way for it.

I really feel that I can build a space-time channel, just like the portal between the moon and the earth.

Tenseiken already has the ability to manipulate space, but it's just that it's not yet proficient.

On the earth, there is also this kind of long-distance teleportation technique. Yunyin Village used this ability in the third Ninja World War to build a teleportation array in the territory of the Fire Country, and the energy is continuously sent from outside to outside. The Nation of Fire sent troops.

But this "long distance" is not the distance between the moon and the earth.

This is the distance between two celestial bodies, and there is a large vacuum in the middle, without any natural energy. It is beyond the scope of ordinary manpower to carry out space transmission under such conditions.

Zhen has studied the teleportation array connected to the moon on the earth, and found that it is maintained by a special chakra, which is a mystery that cannot be deciphered for the time being, and can only be attributed to the unique civilization of Otsutsuki.

It will take a long time for Konoha to digest all the civilizations of Otsutsugi on the moon. # Konoha, New Town.

In the box on the second floor of a high-end restaurant, the direction of the Tower of the Sun can be seen through the window.

Nagato and Konan are sitting here eating.

"I've checked it out. That tower is guarded by a special secret department. Because it's located on a cliff, there are no residents around. If you approach it rashly, you will definitely be discovered."

Konan told Nagato about his discovery, but Nagato calmly stared at the tall tower in the distance.

"If you want to get close to it, you need to find another way."


Xiao Nan, who was hungry and eating, raised his head when he heard the sound.

Nagato asked, "What can you feel from that tower?"

Xiaonan thought for a while, and said, "Chakra, that tower seems to be overflowing with chakra all the time, and the amount of chakra is terrifying. The closer you are, the more you can feel this."

After finishing speaking, he paused: "Fortunately, it doesn't give people any pressure, as if something is suppressing it."

It's like standing in front of the coast and feeling the vastness and majesty of the sea.

She is not a perception ninja herself, but she can still have such a feeling, which is enough to show the power of that tower.

Xiaonan couldn't help but think of what Konoha Ninja said earlier that the tower can prevent Xiaoxiao. Maybe this overflowing chakra is intentional, but any ninja can feel this once he comes to the area illuminated by the Tower of the Sun. to the deterrent effect.

Xiaonan noticed that Nagato's expression was a little strange, so he asked, "Did you find anything?"

Nagato was thoughtful: "That tower feels strange to me... like some kind of power from the same source as me."

Xiao Nan was startled: "You mean..."

Nagato said: "I had this feeling when I saw it for the first time. It seems to come from the reincarnation eye on my body."

This feeling is very vague, it's more like a resonance than a connection, the tower seems to be of the same level of power as his pair of reincarnation eyes, so there is a certain reaction when feeling its power.

He didn't have this feeling when he saw Baiyan. Didn't he say that Samsarayan, Baiyan, and Sharingan are the three pupil techniques?

Xiao Nan immediately stopped eating, thought for a while and asked, "What does this mean?"

Nagato pondered for a while, and said, "I need to feel its power more closely."

"How to do?"

Xiao Nan turned his head and looked at the tall tower outside the window.

"Want...to climb up?"

But how could Konoha's people allow them to go up? At this time, as long as they approached easily at this time, they might be suspected of their purpose. Xiaonan never approached the Tower of Sunrise when investigating information just now, but went to the high places in various locations.

Nagato said: "Just let that tower show its power once."

Another day passed.

Xiaonan went to the village overnight to hire a Langren, let him openly rob a shop in Konoha, then fled according to the prescribed route, and finally was covered by a purple beam of light falling from the sky outside the hotel where Nagato was, and his body He froze in place as if he had been frozen.

In the end, this Ronin was captured by Anbu who came here. The crime of robbery is not fatal, but he will go to jail. Xiaonan has already paid enough.

Afterwards, she came to Nagato: "How is it?"

Nagato's eyes flickered: "That tower can't restrain me!"

Xiao Nan was a little surprised: "Are you sure?"

Even Jiraiya-sensei and Minato couldn't move under the beam of light.

Nagato said calmly: "Well, let's go back."

The two returned to Yuyin Village, and Nagato told Yahiko and Minato what he had discovered.

When Minato heard that he was immune to the shackles of the Tower of the Sun, he couldn't help being secretly surprised, thinking that this is the ability of the Samsara Eye!

Nagato suggested: "On the day of the operation, I can close the Tower of the Sun by myself, and the rest of the people will lose their fighting power if they are irradiated by the light of the tower after they are regarded as enemies by Konoha."

Xiao Nan frowned and said: "Is it too risky for you alone, do you need our assistance in the dark?"

Nagato shook his head: "The whole thing itself is risky. I am enough alone, and it is easy to pretend to be myself. If Konoha holds the handle, it will be more troublesome."

Yahiko could understand what he meant, so he could only say: "Be careful yourself."

In the process of rescuing Teacher Jiraiya, they must always hide in the dark, so as to ensure that Yuyin Village will not be implicated, and even if they fail in the end, they will not make everything worse.

same moment.

In Konoha's interrogation room, Lang Ren, who was imprisoned for robbery, had just finished the memory search of the Yamanaka family.

"Master Huomen, the result has come out." The ninja of the Yamanaka family reported to Huomen.

After listening to his detailed dictation, Huomen pondered for a moment and said: "Put it in the book and send it to Hokage-sama."


Huomen glanced at the delirious prisoner sitting on the interrogation chair, turned around and left.

The control room of the Tower of the Sun.

The enchantment class is mainly responsible here, and in addition to the members of the enchantment class, there are also some Anbu and Hatake Kakashi.

"How did you come?"

Looking at the fire door that pushed the door in, Kakashi said casually.

"Come here to see you." Huomen leaned against the doorway, folded his arms on his chest, and said with a faint smile.

"You are free."

Kakashi walked out of the control room, and came to the corridor outside with the fire door. There is a circle of floor-to-ceiling glass around here, with an excellent view, and he can observe the whole picture of Konoha.

The staff in the control room often lean here to look at the scenery in the lounge.

"That robber is behind Yuyin's tricks."

"Really, what is the purpose?" Kakashi asked with his back leaning against the railing inside the glass.

"I don't know, this person is just a tool, and the information he can get is very limited." Huomen shook his head.

The memory detected by the Yamanaka family ninja is only the scene when Konan of Yuyin Village traded with him.

"I guess it came for the execution day a few days later, and borrowed the power of the robber to explore the tower of the sun."


Kakashi just responded calmly.

The fire door suddenly opened a bay window on the glass wall, and the cold wind from above was blown in instantly.

He stared at Konoha below: "It will be very lively that day, and you might become the target of public criticism."

"It doesn't matter." Kakashi said indifferently: "If it is an enemy, just kill them all."

Huomen glanced at him from the corner of his eye: "I hope so, no one wants what happened last time to happen again."

287 has been released after deletion, you can watch it

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