Rated Hokage

291 Chapter 290, Slowly Desperate

Tsunade is very anxious now, obviously she is ready to devote herself, but she really doesn't give her this chance.

Every day, I served tea and water in front of Zhenzhen with all my heart, but it was only this kind of work, and I had close contact with him before, so I couldn't go any further.

Could it be that he really wanted to take off his clothes and get into his bed?

But if that's the case, is she still eligible to raise conditions?

What Tsunade originally expected was that as long as she took the initiative to tease and hint, Hokage would attack her impatiently, and she took the opportunity to ask the other party to let him go.

She thinks that Hokage is such a person, this guy has so many women in his family, and such a beautiful female secretary in his office, no one would believe him if he said he was lecherous.

All of this should be logical, but it seems that Zhen has grasped her fate, knowing what she thinks, enjoying her service, but never falling into her trap.

Seeing the time passing day by day, Tsunade knew that if he didn't do something, it would be too late.

It was really late today, and many staff members in the Hokage building had already left work. Samyi was sorting out the completed business affairs next to Hokage, which would be sent to various departments tomorrow morning.

Seeing this, Tsunade didn't dare to disturb his work rashly, for fear of provoking his displeasure.

And at this moment, another person came to the office to report on his work.

"Master Hokage, the execution platform has been completed."

execution stand...

Tsunade was startled when he heard the words, and then suddenly stared at the other party with wide eyes.

Zhen also raised his head, but asked with concern: "Did you just get off work so late?"

The ninja also smiled honestly: "I just finished my work, aren't you also busy, Hokage-sama?"

Zhen chuckled: "Okay, I see, I will go and have a look tomorrow, you should go back early and rest."

"Yes, Hokage-sama, you also pay attention to your body."

After that person left, Tsunade couldn't hold back anymore, and came to Zhen's side.

"Master Hokage."

"It's late, you can go back." Zhen said to her directly.

Tsunade bit his lip, and whispered again: "... Hokage-sama."

Samyi was still sorting out the documents on her own, and suddenly picked up a stack and walked to the lounge.

Tsunade said in a low voice: "Master Hokage... are you going to execute Jiraiya?"

Without raising his head, he said, "Isn't this something that was decided a long time ago?"

This is indeed something that has been decided a long time ago. Zhen had told her a long time ago, and what he told her at the beginning was also that she might make Zhen change her mind.

There are still two days until the execution day, and there is some progress, but it is far from enough!

"Master Hokage, is there no room for relaxation?" She couldn't help asking.

Zhen calmly said: "If you can make Namikaze Minato come to Konoha to surrender, I don't have to kill myself."


How could she fulfill this kind of request, not to mention that she couldn't go out in Konoha now, even if she went out, where would she go to find Minato, and...how could she be able to speak such words.

Just at this moment, Shino stopped writing, as if he had finished his business, when he stood up, Tsunade grabbed his arm in a hurry.

Really glanced sideways.

She said in a pleading tone: "Master Hokage, what should I do so that you can let Ziraiya go?"

"Haven't I already said that?"

Zhen broke free from her palm and walked towards the lounge. When he came out, he was already wearing a cloak, and Samuy was still following behind him.

"Go back as soon as you finish."

"Okay, goodbye Hokage-sama." Samuel said goodbye to Zhen.

Tsunade just watched Zhen walk out of the Naruto room.

Until Samui took her coat over and asked, "Miss Tsunade, are you still going back?"


Tsunade left the Hokage Building in a daze.

The night is bleak and cold, and the waning moon hangs alone.

Tsunade stared blankly at the empty street, not knowing where to go.

Will everyone around her leave her? # There is one day left until execution day.

Before going to the Hokage Building in the morning, I went to the newly built execution platform to have a look, and there was nothing wrong with the location.

The surrounding area is not lively, the execution platform was completed quietly, and there are no curious people watching the excitement for the time being. Occasionally, people passing by will wonder why there is an extra high platform here.

He really met someone who surprised him, and he was also watching the execution platform here.

The other party walked towards him slowly, nodded slightly: "Master Hokage."

Zhen smiled: "Master Biwako, what a coincidence."

Sarutobi Biwa smiled peacefully: "It's a coincidence, I heard that there is something new here, so I came here to take a look."

Zhen said: "It was only built temporarily, and it will be demolished after use."

Lake Biwa smiled and said, "It's really hard work for the workers."

But Zhen said: "Isn't it a good thing for the workers to have something to do, otherwise they can only stay at home."

Seeing that the topic suddenly ran out of scope, Lake Biwa said, "I would like to invite Hokage-sama to the humble house for a talk. I wonder if Hokage-sama has time?"

The woman in front of me is the widow of the third Hokage. After the death of the third Hokage, she has always been responsible in the village. She is an honest woman, but now she suddenly finds what she wants. can think of.

"Master Biwako invites you, how dare you refuse."

Really agreed, the two chatted all the way, from the execution platform to the Sarutobi residence.

In the living room, Lake Biwa poured tea for Zhen himself, and then took out a booklet and put it on the table.

"Master Hokage."

Seeing the other party's gesture, Zhen picked up the booklet and flipped through it, and then showed surprise in his eyes.

He murmured: "Sarutobi Ryu is taking care of the Sarutobi Clan's affairs now, right?"

Lake Biwa said: "Ryuji is more trusted by everyone, and he agreed to this matter."

This booklet contains some industries and businesses of the Sarutobi clan outside the village. If all of them were exchanged for money, the amount would be huge, more than Konoha's annual income in the past.

This is a great temptation for the patriarch of any big family in Konoha.

But it was really unusual after all, he was just surprised by the ancestral heritage of the Sarutobi family. During the third generation's reign, he was honest and honest on the surface, which may not be the case in the eyes of the family members.

Zhen closed the booklet with a normal expression: "Master Biwako, what do you mean by this?"

Lake Biwa said: "Master Hokage has a kind heart, and he helped the country of fire to rescue the people. My Sarutobi family also wants to do my best for this."

Zhen smiled and said: "I never thought Master Piwa Lake would have such a heart of benevolence and concern for the people."

"I'm also a member of Konoha, so it's good if I can share the worries for Master Hokage."

Lake Biwa smiled, then hesitated again: "About Zilai..."

When talking, the real eyes just looked at Lake Biwa a little embarrassed.

"Is Biwako-sama going to negotiate terms with me?"

"Don't dare, Ziraiya has been watched and grown up by me since he was a child. I hope Master Hokage can understand this feeling."

Zhen said: "I can understand, Dashewan was also grown up by you."


Lake Biwa paused for a moment when he heard the words, but continued: "Master Hokage must kill himself?"

"It's not that I want to kill him, it's that the village can't tolerate him. He violated Konoha's precepts. If I let him go this time, what should I do next time someone makes the same mistake? If I kill the latter , how will the villagers view these managements and laws and regulations of our Konoha?"

Really all the words that are high-sounding and righteous.

Lake Biwa said: "I know that Jiraiya made a mistake, and I'm not asking Hokage-sama to forgive him, but I just hope that the punishment for Jiraiya can be lightened."

"How to alleviate?" Zhen asked.

"If it's not the death penalty, is it life imprisonment? Biwako-sama, I think such a punishment may be worse than death for Jiraiya."

"Could it be... eased?" Biwako asked again.

Zhen heard the words a little funny, and asked: "Why?"

He raised the booklet in his hand.

"Is that all?"

Generally speaking, these things are already exciting bargaining chips, especially for people in high positions.

But if there are many mines guarding the moon, will they be short of money?

But that was all Biwako could come up with, she was a woman after all.

And just when Lake Biwa thought that the negotiations had failed, Zhen suddenly said: "Tsunade, it seems that I often come to your place."

Lake Piwa was stunned for a moment, then said: "Ah, I am an old woman, she is afraid that I will be alone at home, so she often visits me."

What does this mean, why did you suddenly mention Tsunade?

Lake Biwa was thinking about it, and suddenly remembered that Tsunade had been Hokage's assistant for many days in order to pay off the debt.

Could it be...

She thought of a possibility, a possibility that made her feel conflicted.

Lake Biwa raised her eyes to look at Hokage sitting across from her. Just now, she had a fair and strict appearance. She almost really thought that Hokage would only do business.

Shin said: "To beg me to let Ziraiya go, Tsunade took the initiative to work as an assistant for Hokage by my side. I really admire her spirit of sacrificing herself for her friends."


"It's just that good intentions are kind, but when you do a lot of things, you can't get the point. Master Biwako can guide her a few words when you have time."


Zhen got up and said goodbye, Biwako suppressed the disgust in his heart and got up to see him off.

"Hokage-sama, go slowly."

"Master Biwako stay here."

Leaving Sarutobi Takuma, he walked in the direction of the Hokage Building.

Tsunade will be begging for mercy by his side for a while, as long as he really wants to, he can enjoy it at any time.

But what's the point of such a woman who took the initiative to deliver to his door, wishing to be slept with by him, the other party regarded this as a deal, thinking that everything would be fine after one sex.

How could he easily make her happy? He wanted the person closest to Tsunade to give her to him personally. He wanted the other party to understand what he would have to pay to get something from him. He wanted to see this woman in front of her. The appearance of slowly sinking into despair.

That's what makes it interesting.

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