Rated Hokage

292 Chapter 291, the day before

That day, after Tsunade went back, he found that Lake Biwa was waiting for him at his home, and Shizune was waiting to talk to her. .

"Why did you come here suddenly?" Tsunade couldn't help but chuckled.

"Can't I come?" Lake Biwa said while drinking tea slowly.

"I didn't say that."

Seeing Tsunade take off her thick coat, Lake Biwa scrutinized her professional suit carefully. She also felt that the black silk hip-wrapped skirt was a bit inconsistent with Tsunade, and it was not her own impression at all. The Tsunade in it.

Tsunade also noticed her gaze, and said a little unnaturally: "I'll go change my clothes first."

After saying that, she walked into the bedroom, and a few minutes later, she changed into casual clothes at home and came out, sat beside Lake Biwa and poured herself a cup of tea.

Lake Biwa said to Jingyin: "Jingyin, go prepare dinner first, don't prepare mine, I won't eat here tonight."

Tsunade asked, "Why, there's nothing wrong with eating here."

"Asma is still waiting for me at home."

"He is a big boy, can he still starve himself, he will go to the street to buy something to eat."

"I said something and left."

Tsunade couldn't hold back her, so he didn't try to persuade her anymore.

"Come on, what are you talking about?"

Sitting quietly with a teacup in hand, Biwako said for a while, "The day after tomorrow will be Jiraiya's execution day."

Tsunade was stunned by these words for an instant, and then his expression immediately dropped.

It's like asking, but it's something everyone in the village knows.


"Have you gone to see Ziraiya?"

"See you."

"how is he?"

"What can I do..." Tsunade breathed a sigh of relief, and said slowly: "It's still the same, it's quite free and easy."


The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy, and the two of them sat sideways on the sofa, and they both fell silent. One of them was Ji Lai Ye's mistress, the other was Ji Lai Ye's close friend, and they were very close people.

After being quiet for a long time, Lake Biwa said again: "You are always by Hokage's side now, haven't you?"


Biwako stroked the teacup with his fingers, and stared at the liquid in the cup that reflected distorted light and shadow.

"Any progress?"


Tsunade kept sipping tea, as if she was drinking, a few strands of blond hair fell down on her forehead, and her eyes were also randomly scanning the coffee table.

"Isn't it, the method is wrong." Lake Biwa said suddenly.

Tsunade paused as she drank tea, she seemed to want to look towards Lake Biwa, but she turned her head halfway and then lowered it.

Lake Biwa was also avoiding her sight.

The living room was very quiet, but the kitchen suddenly heard the sound of cooking, the sound of fire on the stove, the sound of hot oil, and the clang of spatulas...

In this quiet or noisy environment, Tsunade asked, "Do you know... what I'm doing?"

Lake Biwa hesitated for a while, then slowly said: "I think you should do something more direct and useful."


Tsunade's hand holding the teacup tightened suddenly, and then slowly loosened. She buried her head deeply, only supported by her upper body.

"You're right...I see."


Lake Biwa gently placed the teacup in his hand on the coffee table, and then slowly stood up.

"I'll go back."

Tsunade didn't respond, and sat there with his head down, motionless, as if he didn't hear it.

Lake Biwa didn't say any more about the last game, he stared at Tsunade for a while, and left with a twinkle in his eyes.

Shizune came out halfway through the meal, and seeing Tsunade alone in the living room, he asked, "Has Biwako-sama left yet?"

Tsunade ignored it, and she lay down on the sofa, facing inside, and fell asleep.

"Master Tsunade?"

Shizune looked hesitant, then took a thick blanket over and covered Tsunade's body. # The day before the execution day.

In the morning, when Tsunade was waiting by Zhen's side, he was a little absent-minded, and accidentally knocked over his cup when delivering tea to Zhen.

It had been a long time since she had made such a mistake, but she knelt down and admitted it deftly.

Zhen was not angry, but calmly wiped his pants soaked by the tea dripping from the table with a paper towel.

"Master Biwako invited me to visit her place yesterday." He said suddenly.

Tsunade was stunned by his unreasonable words, and looked up at him while kneeling there.

"She begged me to let Jiraiya go and offered a valuable chip."

"But I refused."

Tsunade was stunned for a while, then lowered his head without saying a word.

Really told her not to kneel here, delaying her work, Tsunade got up and went to the lounge.

Samyi came back with a stack of documents, looked at the wet documents on the table and asked unexpectedly, "Why are they wet?"

"Tsunade knocked over the cup."

Samyi asked thoughtfully, "What did you do to her?"

Zhen glanced at it: "What do you think?"

Samuel pursed his lips and said with a smile: "It's nothing else, I'll go get some new ones."

At noon, after really having lunch, when I lay down on the bed to take a nap, I found that the bed was actually cold.

Tsunade has been taking the initiative to help him warm the bed for the past few days. Today, I don't know if he forgot or what. He really didn't say anything, but suddenly heard a slight sound of the door being locked.

"I'm sorry Hokage-sama, I forgot to warm your bed."

Tsunade stood behind the door and turned his back to him and said, it was her locked door, and her high heels were still on her feet, making a very clear sound on the wooden floor, walking towards Zhen here step by step, walking While undoing the buttons of the shirt and the zipper of the skirt, one by one fell to the ground.

In the end, she also got into the bed, and her whole body was attached to Zhen's body.

"Is this still cold?"

Zhen looked at her as usual: "What do you want to do?"

Tsunade pursed his lips and said, "It's nothing, I just want to make you warm and comfortable."

But Zhen had a sneer on his face, and asked, "Why, don't you want to get anything from me?"


"Haven't you always regarded this step as your hole card and bargaining chip?"

The body in the quilt moved, and Tsunade said in a low voice, "No, I just want to serve Hokage-sama with all my heart."

Zhen reached out and raised her chin, letting her look directly into his eyes, looking at her with a condescending attitude.

"But the look in your eyes makes me very uninterested."


"Sam Yi." Zhen Zhen's voice suddenly increased by one degree, and then he waved his hand lightly, and the locked door opened instantly.

Not long after, Samui opened the door and walked in. Hearing the sound of approaching footsteps, Tsunade couldn't help curling up.

Samuyi walked slowly to the bed, and looked at the two people above with normal expressions.

"You come and teach her how to look at me."

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