Rated Hokage

293 Chapter 292, Execution Day


The cold water rushed on Tsunade's body, and there was a dense sound in the shower.

"Master Tsunade, the clothes are put outside for you."

A muted voice came in.

Tsunade supported the wall with one hand, but the whole body remained motionless under the cold water. The pores of the whole body were stimulated by the cold water to shrink, and the skin became firm and stiff.

Slowly, the water temperature changed from cold to hot, and white high-temperature water vapor filled the entire shower room.

Shizune waited outside for a long time but did not see Tsunade coming out, so he couldn't help but went outside the shower room and asked, "Master Tsunade, are you alright?"

There was only the sound of splashing water inside, Shizune hesitated for a moment, then pushed open the glass door, and found Tsunade sitting on the ground, half leaning against the wall.

"Master Tsunade!"

Shizune was taken aback, and quickly reached out to pay attention to the switch of the shower. Regardless of the splashed clothes, she squatted down and helped Tsunade up.

"Master Tsunade, what's wrong with you?"

But soon, after seeing Tsunade's body clearly, she couldn't help but her pupils dilated slightly.

"Master Tsunade, you..."

"Mute?" Tsunade said weakly.

"I'm so tired, I'm a little... I can't stand up."

"Master Tsunade, are you sick?" Shizune wanted to reach out to check the temperature of Tsunade's forehead, and then remembered how it would be useful after just taking a hot bath, so she quickly took a towel and wrapped it around Tsunade's body, making it easy for her After wiping her, he carried her back to the bedroom.

After carefully examining Tsunade's body, Shizune confirmed her condition.

"You have a fever, I'll get you some medicine."


Putting Tsunade on the bed and covering the cup, Shizune went back to the living room to find the medicine for fever from the medicines that were kept at home, and poured a cup of hot water at the same time.

"Master Tsunade, take the medicine first."

Tsunade was very obedient, and took the medicine obediently under Shizune's care.

Shizune held the glass water glass that Tsunade had drunk, stood in front of the window and hesitated before asking: "Master Tsunade, those red marks on your body..."

Tsunade turned his head inward.

"Mute, I'm tired."

Jing Yin didn't ask any more questions immediately, and said: "Then you can rest first, I will keep dinner in the pot for you, if you wake up at night and feel hungry, you can get up and eat, and call me anytime you need anything."


Shizune walked out of Tsunade's bedroom, closing the door behind her.

Her mood at the moment is far less calm than on the face, she saw very clearly just now, those red marks on Tsunade's body are clearly... obviously beaten by someone, so private parts...

Shizune didn't dare to think about what happened to her own Tsunade-sama.

She was working as an assistant at Hokage, and during this period of time, she was always saddened by Mr. Jiraiya's affairs.

Could it be that Tsunade-sama took the initiative to save Jiraiya...

Shi Jing was taken aback by her sudden thought, and then quickly shook her head, trying to expel this unbearable thought.

But once this idea appeared, it seemed to take root in her mind.

No, Tsunade-sama is not that kind of person... It doesn't have to be that Tsunade-sama took the initiative, she may be forced, coerced...

Jing Yin kept persuading herself in her heart to calm herself down.

Although the result was equally miserable and unbearable, Shizune felt that she was more able to accept that Tsunade-sama was being coerced by others. In her mind, it was impossible for Tsunade-sama to do such a thing on his own initiative. # On the day of execution.

Konoha didn't make any big moves on the surface, everyone was doing their own thing, and it wasn't time yet, but there were ninjas standing guard at the execution platform early.

Nagato changed his appearance and came to Konoha. His current identity is a foreign merchant. When he came in through the gate for inspection, Nagato felt a force sweeping over him.

It belonged to the tower, but nothing happened.

Konoha's guard ninja politely let him go, and gave him a brief introduction about the new city.

After walking into Konoha, Nagato looked up at the tall tower in the distance, wrapped his clothes tightly around his body, and walked towards the bustling street.

He came very early, and the current time is only eight o'clock in the morning.

Nagato turned around in Konoha again, betraying Ninja Jiraiya's public execution is a big event, but it's not worth someone traveling all the way to Konoha to watch.

This was not a grand occasion. He came to the execution platform, and there were some scattered people standing here, because it was far from the time, and the execution time was twelve noon.

Nagato wandered back and forth in various places inside Konoha to familiarize himself with the road conditions here as much as possible, and finally found a nearby restaurant to sit down.

Time passed little by little, and the sun in the sky was slowly moving higher.

Until eleven o'clock, Nagato suddenly heard a shout from the crowd outside. Looking outside, several ninjas were escorting a person along the street towards the execution platform.

Nagato disappeared in place in an instant.

Naruto indoor.

Zhen glanced at the wall clock on the wall and realized that the time was almost up.

Tsunade didn't come today, so it doesn't matter if she comes or not.

There was a knock on the door, and Huomen walked in.

"Master Hokage, the prisoner has already arrived at the scene."


Really standing in front of the French windows, looking out of the window.

Huomen said: "At present, there is no suspicious person entering the village."

But Zhen said: "How can you find someone who is hiding in the dark so easily."

Huomen asked suspiciously: "Could it be that they have a way to avoid detection by the Tower of the Sun?"

There was really no sound, and I stood there quietly.

"Huomen, don't underestimate the enemy."

"The subordinate understands."

"You won Minato last time, but it doesn't mean you can win this time. The enemy came prepared."

Huomen bowed and said: "This subordinate will never disappoint Lord Hokage's great trust!"

After the fire door retreated, Samyi walked over quietly.

"What are you doing with the clothes?"

I really saw her hugging her black cloak, said.

Samui tilted her head: "Aren't you going out?"

"No need." Zhen said.

He was a little curious in his heart, how the enemy would break through his own mountain of swords and flames, and what they had prepared when they came.

But this kind of thing is just a wild guess before it happens.

Zhen turned around and was about to return to the seat in front of the desk when he suddenly heard a sharp scream from outside. The high-pitched and piercing sound directly spread throughout Konoha!

"Master Hokage!" Samui couldn't help but speak.

Zhen looked out of the window again, and saw a giant strange bird hovering in the sky outside, like an eagle or a vulture, with a fierce appearance and extremely fast flying speed.

And the target of that strange bird was actually the Tower of the Sun located on the cliff!

"Here we come." Zhen murmured.

"It really is you."

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