Rated Hokage

Chapter 305 304, The Cruel Justice!

Time flies, and it is another year in a blink of an eye.

The situation in the Land of Fire has completely stabilized. With Konoha's full relief, most of the common people have resumed farming.

In addition, the reformation of ninjas has been officially implemented. All the mercenary forces in the Kingdom of Fire have established establishments, and for some unwilling forces, Konoha naturally has a thousand ways to let them The way to bow your head.

However, a large number of ninjas are still willing to become registered ninjas of the ninja union and become unified beaters. This move has also attracted many outside ninjas. Compatible tasks.

Konoha has also set up some ninja guild branches in major cities in the Land of Fire, responsible for handling matters related to registered ninjas, as well as accepting and issuing tasks. All are controlled by Konoha.

When the ninja union reform was first implemented, it also encountered a lot of problems. The main reason was that these idle ninjas were not willing to obey, and many disputes and conflicts occurred.

For this reason, three jonin were placed in each branch, and related departments were specially set up. Those who became registered ninjas but refused to obey the rules were directly suppressed by force.

Konoha has also issued relevant regulations and laws. In the Land of Fire, you can either register as a registered ninja in the Ninja Union, and Konoha rewards you with food, or you can be a commoner honestly, or leave the Land of Fire and go far away.

The people of the Land of Fire strictly prohibit private employment tasks, and once discovered, they will be severely punished.

The most intuitive advantage of doing this is that the civilian armed forces are directly banned, and the ninja power is firmly controlled by Konoha.

In addition to the ninja reform, Zhen also carried out a large-scale layoff of the country's soldier army, leaving only some soldiers in the city responsible for law and order.

The Nation of Fire is slowly transforming into a complete Ninja Nation.

Many people who originally thought that Hokage was greedy and insufficient, and those who were going to watch Hokage's jokes now realized the feasibility of Hokage's policy, and also realized the seriousness of the matter, because Konoha will only get worse if it goes on like this. grow.

Even Ohnoki in Yanyin Village has this idea, but the national conditions of the five major countries are different from the country of fire. They have never had any rebellion themselves. The daimyo firmly controls the finances and the hearts of the people, and it is impossible to implement anything Ninja transformation thing.

Konoha New City.

Today's Konoha is no longer called Konoha Village. After all, the area is far larger than a village, and it is even considered one of the best cities in the world.

Today's Konoha is more prosperous than it was a year ago. Under the real plan, the expansion area was completely in the style of modern society. After a year of development, nothing has changed except for people's dress. There is nothing wrong with pulling it down here.

In addition to the urban landscape, Konoha has also popularized more household appliances, such as telephones, which are combined with the Yamanaka family's telepathy. The two Sun Towers were used as signal towers, and the original capital city was also the location of the first branch of the Ninja Union of Fire Nation.

Konoha can provide heating, and the air conditioner is really impossible to develop, but it also uses the Tailed Beast Energy Base Station to continuously deliver chakra, and engraves cooling formulas in every household. When the temperature is too high in summer, it can even be adjusted. The temperature of the whole village is much more environmentally friendly than air conditioning.

In some respects, Konoha New City is more advanced than the modern society in the original world.

This also made Konoha's reputation completely established. Among ordinary people, Konoha is a paradise and a place where gods live. Countless people have spent all their wealth to ask for a room in Konoha, and they have moved one after another during this year. Many people came in, and the expansion area was almost full, and Konoha would not refuse these people as long as their family background was clean. With the Tower of the Sun, they would not give anyone a chance to make trouble.

In all respects, everything is going according to the real plan. The Kingdom of Fire has become a thing in the palm of hands, Konoha New City is developing rapidly, and the obstacles encountered are finally resolved smoothly.

Yuyin Village.

Accompanied by Yahiko and Xiaonan, Zhenzhen inspected various places in the village.

Yuyin Village is a place with a strong industrial atmosphere. There are tall tower buildings and huge drainage pipes everywhere. The residential area also has a layered structure. If the villagers live at the bottom, it will be a water city.

"Weather is a big problem," Shin concludes.

"It rains all year round in the Land of Rain, not just in Yuyin Village." Yahiko said from the side.

"Since that's the case, let's change the weather here and make it freely controllable." Zhen said.

After hearing this, Yahiko thought for a while, and said, "We can make the sky rain on its own initiative, but we can't make it clear for the time being..."

Huomen accompanying him said: "There is nothing Hokage-sama can't do."

Zhen asked: "What about the location of the Tower of the Sun?"

Yahiko immediately bowed and said: "There are three locations, waiting for Hokage-sama to make your decision."

Zhen is now going to build the third Tower of the Sun in Yuyin Village.

In order to completely control Yuyin Village, it took a lot of effort.

But Yahiko, the leader of Yuyin Village, declared his surrender, and the discordant figures in Yuyin Village were quickly suppressed.

Konoha sent many people to take over the government affairs of Yuyin Village, but they did not dismiss Yahiko from his position.

Zhen then went to look at the three locations that Yahiko mentioned, and finally chose a location that he thought was the most suitable.

"It's time to prepare for construction." Zhen ordered Yahiko.


Zhen then summoned some of Konoha's people who were in power here at the chief's mansion, checked some government affairs, and sat on a recliner to rest.

Huomen stood sentry at the door with great interest.

At this time, Xiao Nan took the initiative to bring tea and snacks, seeing that Zhen Zhen was resting with his eyes closed, he moved lightly so as not to disturb him.

However, just as he put the things on the table, when he looked up, he suddenly saw Hokage's eyes staring at him.

Xiao Nan couldn't help but tighten his heart, and said with a smile: "Master Hokage, please drink tea."

As he spoke, he took the initiative to offer the tea, and took it calmly, and then looked at Xiao Nan's back.

His temperament is not as cold as in the original book, but it is also very flavorful.

When Xiaonan left, she could also feel the sight from behind, which made her very uncomfortable.

In the afternoon, Zhen returned to Konoha with Huomen, and Tonogawa was waiting for him at the door of the Hokage room.

"Master Hokage!"

The look of excitement on his face.

I couldn't help laughing and said, "What's wrong?"

"Do you have time now, please go to the research institute with me immediately!"

I really couldn't help raising my eyebrows slightly, and said immediately: "Go!"

In the open field, which is as big as a stadium, there are huge mechanical instruments everywhere, many vehicles on the ground are driven by people, and countless staff are busy back and forth.

But the real eyes were focused on the giant figure standing in the center of the field. This was a human-like armor in appearance, with sharp edges and corners in every place, shining like a metal blade, but in fact that layer Armor is flesh and blood that has been tempered to strength and is harder than steel!

On the chest is a sunken energy ball that glows red. The whole body is extremely burly and powerful, giving people a great visual impact and shock!

It is 100 meters high and weighs 2,000 tons!

Qiu Taoist's secret technique is not so great, the tail beast is like a toy in front of him!

If it wasn't for the outer layer of enchantment to prevent outsiders from seeing the inside, otherwise, if this thing appeared in front of the world, it would definitely cause an uproar!

"Artwork..." I couldn't help muttering to myself.

"It was officially completed at 11:45 this morning. All parts have been assembled, but the color has not yet been painted." Tonogawa said.

I couldn't help grinning: "Not bad, very good! Very good! Very good!"

He said three times in a row that he was very good, and his heart was throbbing at the moment.

"Master Hokage!"

At this moment, Tonogawa bowed deeply again.

"Please give it a name!"

Standing on the high platform, Zhen Zhen stared at the giant figure covering the sky and the sun, his face became calm.

"Brutal Justice!"

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