Rated Hokage

Chapter 306

Driving a Gundam is the dream of countless men, and this thing is much bigger than a Gundam, the size of an EVA body and a Pacific Rim Mech Warrior.

As the core of energy, the Tailed Beast continuously sends chakra outwards from the man-made Churiki body.

The inner skeleton is built from chakra metal.

Then use the engraved various complex and mysterious techniques to affect this body to achieve the function of nerve tissue.

Finally, the inter-column cells, vortex cells, and white flesh mixed with flesh and blood were subjected to high-intensity training, and finally a flesh and blood outfit harder than steel alloy was produced, embedded in the entire giant's body.

When it was first manufactured, it could have been made into a puppet-like mecha warrior based on the marionette of Otsutsuki on the moon, but Zhen rejected this idea, and instead gave a model that was left inside. A cockpit is issued, and a human being inside performs real-time control commands.

This is just the initial physical posture, and then it will be tested for driving and constantly perfected.

In addition, I really plan to load various weapon systems on it, such as Tenseigan weapons!

The completion of the Brutal Justice heralds that the real plan will enter the next stage.

I was really excited, and I praised Tonogawa a lot, saying that I would give him a promotion and a salary increase.

Tonogawa said with a smile that he is already the head of the Science and Crafts Department, and he doesn't care about money, he just wants to follow Hokage-sama to push the wave of change in the times!

Zhen patted Tonogawa on the shoulder and said, "You are the hero of the new era."

This sentence made Tonogawa very excited: "Thank you Hokage-sama for your affirmation!"

Zhen smiled and said: "You have worked hard during this period, take a good rest and spend time with your wife and children. The driving test can be postponed for a while."

Tonogawa said, "Thank you, Hokage, for your compassion."

Shinori asked about Tonogawa's child again.

"Is your son about to go to school?"

"Preparation for admission is underway."

Zhen smiled and said: "That's about the same age as Neji, maybe the two children will become good friends."

Tonogawa suppressed the surprise in his heart and said, "Panasuke must be one year older than Master Ningci."

"I'll talk to Ning Ci later, we can go to Pianzhu to play."

Hokage's words undoubtedly gave Tonogawa a shot in the arm. No one in the village knew who Hinata Neji was. Wasn't Hokage saying such a thing because he intended to treat his children as Neji's team in the future?

It's impossible for Tonogawa not to be excited.

Coming out of the Institute of Mechanical Science, he was still a little excited, and he couldn't wait to see the Cruel Justice in action.

Zhen didn't go home immediately, but went to Konoha Ninja School.

Principal's office.

Yakushi Nonoyu had just finished dealing with a school matter, and was about to get off work and go back. When he returned to his office, he suddenly saw Hokage sitting in his seat.

"Hokage Dai... man, why are you here?"

He licked his lower lip lightly.

"What do you say?"

Pharmacist No Naoyu locked the office door with his backhand, went to the window and closed the blinds.

"Aren't the students out of school?" Zhen said.

"There are still a few teachers who haven't left yet." Yaoshi Nonaiyu said, and sat on Zhenzhen's lap, leaning against his arms and wrapping his arms around her neck.

He buried his face in her body and took a deep breath.

Nonaiyu pursed his lips and said, "You seem...very angry."

An hour later, Zhen returned to Hokage House.

Lingli came up to meet him, took off his coat for him, and asked, "Why is it so late today?"

Zhen said while taking off his shoes: "I went to Yuyin Village to inspect it, but I came back late."

"Really, wash your hands and prepare to eat..."

When Ayari was about to hang up the coat, she suddenly sensed something was wrong, picked up the real clothes and smelled them in front of her nose.

Zhen pretended to be calm and asked, "What's wrong?"

Ayari said blankly, "Did that secretary of yours change his perfume?"

"What are you talking about, I'm going to wash my hands."

When Zhen went into the bathroom and turned on the faucet to wash his hands, Ayano suddenly walked in and smelled on him without saying a word.

Really helpless: "What are you doing?"

Ayano smiled and said, "It's so fishy, ​​I don't even take a bath."

Zhen stared and said, "You need to be beaten?"

Ayano was not afraid at all, but smiled at him charmingly: "Yes, come to my room at night and teach me a lesson."

Zhen coughed lightly: "To accompany Lingli today."

Ayano asked with a smile: "Why, aren't you afraid that she will make trouble with you again at night?"

What she said was true, she really thought about it carefully, if she slept in the master bedroom tonight, she might be looked down upon by Lingli again.

But seeing the smug expression of the woman in front of him, he stretched out his hand and pinched her face: "Then I'll go to Jiuxinna's room to sleep."

Ayano suddenly became a little unhappy: "Why, I can't satisfy you anymore?"

Shindou: "No reason, I just want to accompany Kushina today."

Ayano looked at him a little angrily.

Zhenyou smiled and said, "You can come to Kushina's room to find me at night."

Ayano immediately snorted: "I don't, do you think I'm the same as...they two!"

Zhen raised his eyebrows and said, "What happened to them two?"

Ayano turned her head and said, "Anyway... I just don't want to be with them."

After she finished speaking, her eyes flickered for a while, then she lowered her head and pursed her lips and said, "If Lingli... I can think about it."

Zhen suddenly curled his lips helplessly and said: "Okay, you might as well not say it."

After washing her hands, Zhen wiped her clothes vigorously and walked out of the bathroom.

For Lingli, the true feelings are obviously much deeper, and the other women in the family can also feel this.

Including Ayano, none of them dared to disobey the true meaning.

On Ayari's side, apart from the fact that there are multiple women, Makoto has almost no objection to Ayari, and will not force her to do anything. It is not an exaggeration to say that Ayari is the mistress of this family. .

What Ayano, Kushina, and Mikoto would not dare to say or do normally, Ayari dared to say and do, and she really respected her enough.

Now Lingli also chooses to turn a blind eye to the true love and affection, and a family can be so harmonious.

During dinner, Lingli ignored Zhen the whole time, and didn't even look at him, and pretended not to notice when Zhen wanted to serve her a bowl of rice.

After bathing and going to bed at night, I really wanted to go back to the master bedroom with Lingli, but after walking back to the room, Lingli closed the door behind her backhand.

The other women were sitting in the living room watching this scene and giggling. Seeing Zhen Zhen glared at him from embarrassment, they quickly got up and went back to their respective rooms.

After looking back and forth between the rooms of Ayano, Kushina and Mikoto, Shinichi didn't know where he was going.

He just came back from Nonaiyu, and he no longer has much desire for it.

If he went to Ayano's room, it would be a toss again.

Thinking of this, I walked into Kushina's room.

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